Dragon Ball Fighter Z thread

Who's getting the PC version? It's $10 bucks cheaper here:


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Gamebillet has a much better deal than that, plus 5% using DBFighterz code

if it's anything like MVC, won't be touching it... especially if it lacks a 1v1 mode

Congrats, you're not the target audience. Seriously though, people need to learn that some things are not for them

I'll wait till it's out.
I've been burn by pre-ordering before and it's even worse when you do it at a keyseller site since you can't even refund the game.

MvC is great. Fuck off.

SS Gokhan is looking good.


I don't mind the cover.

But I like fighting games, so this should cater to everyone who likes the genre


>I got the season pass edition for $30 thanks to pubg crates

Thanks friend who gifted me pubg. Never played it after I sold the gamescom crates

any downside if I buy it now(could it get any cheaper)? Has anyone had problems with cdkeys(I bought from them and was ok but just to be sure)?

Too may times i have been fucked by overpriced games even with stea refunds. Gonna pirate, play some and decide if i want to pay fuckton for simple fighting game

Frieza should get his other forms as a skin.

it's 60 euro on steam so this is a good deal if you're hype as I am for the game. Thanks for the info.

That's not how it works.

It could work though since the story behind FighterZ is that everyone's power levels are being equalized by some spooky voodoo magic to have them on an even playing field.

I'm not sure if I should play on PC for muh grafix and all the other mechanical quirks, or PS4 for the more active player base.

it can't work because of how ArcSys handles character creation and animation. making a new skin for an existing character would mean creating that character pretty much from scratch.

I'm getting it on PC using a key site, and then I'll be getting it on console if the PC player-base ever gets too small. By that time, I'd be able to find a used copy or something and save some cash.

if you plan on going to tournies then ps4
if not then go pc


What's the difference between the multiple versions?

It not only can't work because of the way arcsys makes the characters, but each form of Freeza has very different heights and dimensions and his 2nd form fights very differently from the rest

So did Bardock know who Black was?

I will be getting PC first and then getting it on PS4 later when it goes on sale.

>if you plan on going to tournies then ps4
what? you just use a PS4 controller on PC. It's not like you'll literally carry your console to tournaments.

PS4 version for me

also, isnt this game coming out this month? what gives?


PC version should be fine. Since the format is 1v1, you won't need to have an extremely large player base to find games like how a team-based game relies on that. For both versions, lobbies will help keep games going and sales will bring in new players. Plus, you would have the added benefit of not worrying about PS Plus whenever you feel like hopping on for a game, though don't let me deter you from the PS4 version if you feel more comfortable there.

PC and PS4 have different input lag, it's usually 0-1 on PC and 3-4 on PS4 and that's a huge difference when it comes to fighters. if you want to play offline at tournies and you're training on the PC version, you'll be dropping a lot of combos because it feels laggier

and I'm pretty sure Microsoft is gonna try and sweep this game up for themselves when it comes to the tourney scene since they've been doing all the promotion stuff anyways

People say this because tournaments are usually held on PS4 consoles, and it's said that consoles have higher input delay than PCs, so it could throw you off going in to tournaments coming from PC.

everyones getting the pc version
i really wish they would use pc in tournaments so can get big sponsors like video card manufacturers and stuff like that


another day
another dbfz console war autism thread

Why would anyone want to play an inferior version?

ps4 has more players

>non-physical editions

what do you get out of physical editions?
do you enjoy having to change discs every time

It's the same reasoning ads people who prefer regular books over eBooks.
>flipping the page is more immersive and just FEELS different!

whats the point when you have to pay a monthly fee to play online? its not like you actually save money in the end

no i get the books people more
like flipping the pages is something you actually do while reading
with videogames the box is just there on a shelf

And with newer consoles, you put in the disc and it just installs the game and you play it digitally anyway.

oh so you don't even have the benefit of not using hdd space
so it's literally just for the sake of having a box on a shelf

You don't have to pay for PS+ if you're smart. I've had a PS4 since launch and I've never payed for plus to play online.

you don't even notice the installation because they are installed as you play. Meanwhile when it's digital you have to wait for the download and wait for the install.

And with digital, you can get the game ASAP instead of going out for midnight release or waiting for a delivery.

PS4 here. I would pick it up on PC if it had cross-play but unfortunately it doesn't. PS4 will likely have the larger player base so that's where I'm heading.


It will have a good one player mode, r-right?

Luckily for PC gamers, theres the added PC part for the downloading downtime. And thats ignoring the "What you dont have 45MB/s faggot?" argument

it has multiple 1 player modes

>what do you get out of physical editions?
A nice case to display with other physical media. And only fatties have a problem with changing disks.

was never the collectionist type, don't really see the value in it
but a lot of people seem to like it so whatever

Having your mother pay for your PS+ because you can't or refuse to get a job isn't smart.


How is 21 going to play compared to the other characters?

I hope she stays in android form and just steals abilities from the other villains, and uses a level 3 to turn majin for one move before going back to normal.

Who would win?

>Having your mother pay for your PS+
That's still paying for plus, I said that you don't have to pay for it at all in order to get it.

i really hope they put a ton of effort into her and give her ultra unique gameplay. would be a shame if they just made her a "boss who has everyone elses powers" character.

She's going to be the token weird Arcsys character that none of the DBZ fans buying this game will play. Having the OC be the standout character in terms of playstyle or execution makes sense since none of the games largest install base will go for her, they want the new shiny Gokus and Super characters that are strongerer than everyone else.

I fucking hate nu-DB.

Spill it out or shut up then

Wow, rude. I'm not telling you.

t. pedro

There isn't a way. He's pretending that there is so he sounds cool. Like how kids would say Luigi was in Mario 64, just ignore the tard.

Maybe he does that shit where you sign up on a new account and get free ps+ for like 2 weeks and then makes a new account.

you sound like a 12 year old too though


You said "I've had a PS4 since launch and I've never payed for plus to play online". Your mother paying for it would still make that statement true.

>be furfag
>or be mexican

Doesn't that only apply to new consoles though? Pretty sure it's just 2 days otherwise.

Sounds like DI except the one move thing.
I can dig that.

I have no idea.


Says the blanco gohan loving fuck.

gohan blanco isn't real

Sure thing pablo.

How many characters have an install in the game already ?

Why is Sup Forums so desperate to get people to buy this on PC?

no i'm not

>the spooky voodoo magic is player skill

So far it's just frieza. Goku turns ss3 but only for 1 attack and gohan goes ss for 1 too.

>being a whiny little baby

>i really hope they put a ton of effort into her and give her ultra unique gameplay. would be a shame if they just made her a "boss who has everyone elses powers" character.
If this happens I would've rather had Super Buu. Super Buu could've had a fun absorption mechanic.

Frieza turns Golden.
Gohan has potential unlock.

because sony blocks crossplay and its hurting fighting games. fuck them.

I'm the same as you user but the reasons why I chose PC this time:

>Can play online whenever I want without having to swap discs
>Possibly able to mod in songs
>Sup Forums tournaments easier to handle on PC
>The boxart honestly doesn't look good and that's the main reason I buy physical in the first place.

Though I really prefer to play on the big screen with a comfy couch/bed instead of a desk

fighting games are shit on "the big screen"

Gohan's isn't technically an install though, right? his is permanent and he doesn't even change his form

A true god

wait, does this game not have a 1v1 mode?

I was more hyped for this game before. The whole "gotta go fast" philosophy they adopted for literally every single promotion video pissed me off more than anything else.

It's like everyone doing a video about this game were acting as if there was a guy hidden from the camera holding a gun to their head and if they didn't finish it ASAP the trigger would be pulled.

No, it's built around being a 3v3

Until Toppo assrapes him

what the fuck
fucking dropped

I'm playing on PC because I don't have a PS4, and I'll probably won't play on release because I'm poor as fuck right now and can't afford to buy a 40$ game.
Where could I safely torrent the game until I can buy it without regretting ?

Threat of murder aside that's basically what happened, they were rushed and not given much time at all to check out the characters