>the game switches genres half way through the game
The game switches genres half way through the game
>game doesn't bend at least four genres
Like Breath of the Wild where it changes from an action/adventure to a fucking waste of time pile of garbage
>game sticks to a single genre the entire time
>game apes multiple genres
>all of them half-assedly
Fucking Dragon Commander
>games second half of the story is in early alpha and thus 98% gone
>third person perspective
>forced to play through a level with a different character
>in first person perspective
>game suddenly has a 15 minute long section that's in another genre
brutal legend was a such a disappointment.
>game about learning fractions
>you doesn't learn anything at all about fractions
Came to post this.
Everything about that game was amazing, except the gameplay.
I suffered through the first world map (not the tutorial), but when it switched to a second, even bigger one, I just said fuck it and turned on Cheat Engine.
Do someone remember call of heaven? Played it when I was a kid and it was also creepy as hell
>game starts off as a great third person hack&slash
>PRANK'D it's actually a shitty tower defence
Nani the fuck were they thinking?
>i have no mouth and i must scream
>game changes genre every 8 seconds or so
>random stealth section with half-assed mechanics
>game changes genre in the final boss fight
>Brutal Legend
I sleep
real shit