What's the average IQ of a mercy player?

What's the average IQ of a mercy player?

Don't know, don't care. Just came here to tell you you are a stupid fuck.

Cock hungry sluts

Mercy main spotted.

t. Mercy roastie


3 fiddy


As low as any other OW player.

That's like asking average IQ of womyn.

Dis is not deh weh, bruddah
duh kommanda will not be please
also, muhcee a shit

>tfw to intelijent to play tank or damage

>mfw those nerfs

Overwatch players' IQ caps at 85.

Idk, what's the average IQ of a bimbo slut like me?

75 IQ like any overwatch player

Real intellectuals play Diablo 3.

>diablo 3
>not diablo 2

>mercy players

Diablo 2 is for God's chosen.

can't imagine it being any lower than your average overwatch player

>Diablo 3
Try Brood War

me love competitive overwatch

why the overwatch hate people?
the game's legitimatly really good and the developers are putting in so much effort into the game.
competative is also alot of fun once you go out of bronze lol, people only hate it probably because they are either too poor to buy it or they suck at gaming.
characters are interesting and fun to listen to and also plays very uniqely compared to shitty badily made games like call of duty and halo, i don't understand why you hate it, is it only 1 person hating it?

You'll get some serious replies.

>wah people hate me favorite gaem!!

Muh update every 4 months kys retard

Sorry famalam but Junknigger is the character only dumbfucks play.

Forced e-sports and meta killed the game for me like it did with LoL. When you start banning people for not playing the right characters, you've done something wrong.

My iq is 200


It's not hate, it's just facts. It has been proven that Overwatch only attracts people of lower-average to extreme low intelligence. Blizzard's own medical team acknowledged this some time ago.

>Cheers love, the nigger killer is here!
How did Blizzard overlook something like this?!

I mostly play Mercy and get called a dumbass often, so prob somewhere around 90

lets get this over with
>competitive overwatch

>the developers are putting in so much effort into the game.

I don't know what's IQ but if like I do a good enough job sometimes I get a nice compliment and stuff.

Is that like a rating or something?


>Gays, into the Irish!
WTF Blizzard really?!

210, trust me, I main cock


the only mercy player I know is really passive IRL and in video games too. If possible, he plays games without killing anybody/anything or always sneak attacks, resets if he gets caught, etc, all on the first playthough. But for overwatch, he only plays mercy, but has stopped recently because he said something about a character being able to one shot her or something like that without using a special skill. I asked which character gives him problems, and he said "the demoman character of this game", so I think he is talking about one the Australian character that isn't fat.

>forced e-sports
The philosophy of constantly giving balance patches may give temporary interest, but it kills longevity and too much can kill the competitive framework of the game. Just identifying difficulties and buff/nerfing things everytime to please casuals denies the stability to adapt, form creative techniques, metas, and strategies naturally.
Fighting games usually only get balance patches between versions or a year. SC2 pretty much died off, compared to SC1 that still has a playerbase 2 decades later.

Overwatch players are dumber than the average I gotta admit but the people dissing OW as a game are just bandwaggoning retards who aren't any smarter.

You should beat him up.

Balance patches are fine as long as you leave room for creativity.

As soon as you lock people into "you should only play X in Y position / situation", you've fucked up.


>Break em up, rape em down
Seriously Blizzard?

So can I finally play Lucio now without feeling gimped or what?


I agree that balance patches are fine. I guess I forgot to put emphasis on constant patches. That is an attempt to control how the game is played instead of leaving room for individual creativity and meaningful branching options.

i would but he is still stronger than me because of all the fat, and I am a DYEL skeleton trying to gain muscle for the past 2 years. Oh also, for his IQ, he is really smart and stuff while I am the one shitposting on Sup Forums and not even playing video games anymore

Fargo :c

Overwatch at least requires some usage of the keyboard and right mouse button.

It stems from TF2fags being butthurt that someone finally made a game to fill the hole left by their rotting corpse of a game.

you can probably count it on one hand to be quite desu with you

Battlemercy was fun tho

>he plays on PC
Disgusting. PS4 is where it's at cunt

people have been giving me bulli since I just res the first dead guy I see. how do you prioritize who to res?

>baiting this hard
cmon now.

>this character can get countered very easily
>it did high damage at close range
>can close the distance if an enemy is further away
>but if you fail you leave yourself open to get killed
>this character is to OP
>gets nerfed
>and again
>character has two lives
>can move in and out of combat with easy
>can delete all projectiles
>doesn't have to reload
>gets buffed
>character is there since launch
>nothing has changed for her

>everything i don't like is bait

>be deluded dunning-Kruger damage player
>run out in a stupid position
>get btfo
>this is the healer's fault

I learned a new way to shitpost today

>do your job as a DPS/tank
>expect nothing because it's your job to do a X-man ultimate to clear a point
>do your job as a healer
>expect to be thanked for literally pressing 2 buttons without being actually useful

Why are healtards so fucking much attention whores ? It's exactly like the retards playing supports in LoL, they expect to be rewarded for doing the base minimum of their role, on the sole purpose that "no but really no one wants to do my job, so it's the least desirable". If you're a heal/support main, you literally shouldn't expect any kind of compliment for doing your job. And you should expect to get trashed if you don't do your job properly.


It's because no one wanna play healer. You thank them for doing a job no one wants

>character has two lives
>can move in and out of combat with easy
>can delete all projectiles
>doesn't have to reload
Playing her is the only way I can have fun in OW.

why do I always see mercy mains fully commit to their shift in bad places just to die
how come they dont cancel it early

Dva has been hit with nerfs multiple times mostly because of mcshitter tears.

No. As I said, if you're a "main" of either of those roles, you really shouldn't expect thanks. You should somewhat expect that only if you do some kind of actual sacrifice.

For instance playing medic in TF2 was extremely fun, so really, I didn't give a shit that no one thanked me, I like playing medic. I did give a shit when people thanked me for picking engineer and doing almost jack shit because thanks to me there's a teleporter and a dispenser.

Depends on how often they play her
>Mercy Healslut One Trick
Abysmal, better off without him
>Not a one trick, but will jump at the opportunity
Better, but still not good for the team
>Will never EVER play Mervy because of the Healslut Meme
A pretty stupid fuck, better off without them
>Will play her about half the time, depending on their mood
The point where they officially become 'Alright'
>Will play her if the team needs a secondary healer, otherwise will play something else
The best Mercy players.