Okay, I know that this is probably, for a good chunk of Sup Forums, their first and/or favorite horror game...

Okay, I know that this is probably, for a good chunk of Sup Forums, their first and/or favorite horror game ... but realistically - what went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


>it's a salty sh2fag who still can't handle that sh3 is better
Nice try fag, maybe try reddit to have your garbage opinions pandered to.

I actually prefer SH1. Just trying to talk about SH3 because I never really saw what's so genius about it. If you want to be rude please go to another board, this is a nice board. Be nice.

All three are great games.

I love SH3, for me it's almost like 1=2=3, but realistically the things that went wrong are probably the environments, how late you actually get intos Silent Hill, it's basically the same as in SH2 for a while after you get there, too few endings, less catchy songs and... I don't know, these are all I can think of.
But again, I absolutely love SH3 and I prefer some aspects of it to the previous games.

I think it's understated how it's the most action heavy game in the entire series. It has more action (more enemies and more fighting) than Homecoming does.
Way too many enemies in way too narrow/cramped hallways and environments. They obviously wanted to make it far more combat-focused but controls haven't progressed even a slight bit, it's still unresponsive clunk.
I found a lot of locations to be kinda cheesy and more fitting for a western b-movie horror (haunted house?) and overall the game was by far the shortest of them all. I think my first run took me 7 hours barely.

And yes, coming from self-contained deeper story of SH2 it just kinda fell short.

>what went wrong?
It's the 3rd best SH game, simply because 1-2 were so damn good. It is, however, one of the SCARIEST games in the series, and maybe out of all games ever made.

I see people make this kind of statements from time to time nowadays, and I do get where they're coming from, what with that SMG and shit being common weapons in it... but it really isn't that much different from SH1, on which it is heavily based on.
"Stealthing" and blind-running are still as effective tactics as ever. In fact, it feels like SH3 would be aimed for true SH-veterans, and thus it dares to crank up the challenge and enemy count.

Not that I wouldn't address all the other points of your post, but I wanted to focus on
>it's basically the same as in SH2 for a while after you get there
The reason this is the case is that it makes no sense for Team Silent to re-create the entirety of Central Silent from SH1 for one area (which would have been Alchemilla Hospital). It makes perfect sense to reuse Brookhaven/SH2 map because not only do they already have the 'normal' hospital already modeled, but it's also one road with nothing on it that leads straight to Lakeside Amusement park. It serves the story, plus their use of Jacks Inn is a nice touch.
>coming from self-contained deeper story of SH2
Delusional but also objectively false. sh2 is - quite literally - the simplest story in the mainline series.

Let's make this into a SILENT HILL THREAD :



SH2 torrent:

SH2 PC fixes site:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

If you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput & PS4 gamepads natively. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's OK emu-settings for SH1 in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Try the PGXP emulator for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.

-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.

simple isn't bad. complex isn't necessarily better.

True, but claiming that one would have a "deep story" would pretty much indicate that it would be complex. Which isn't quite true in SH2's case; you can play it once without knowing anything about it before hand, and get a huge majority of the details, just like that.

Meanwhile, many of these nu-SH2-fags seem to have this idea that SH1/3 would be nothing but "lol satanic summons the devil and monsters happen because spooki little girl!"

>lol satanic summons the devil and monsters happen because spooki little girl!

But that pretty much sums up those games. Harry had no business in Silent Hill.


>But that pretty much sums up those games.
Yeah, just as well as "James is just a nutcase running on streets, killing people". Both would show severe lack of understanding jack shit about the games and their stories, especially in case of SH1.

>Harry had no business in Silent Hill.
He did: he was taking Cheryl for a vacation there, because she'd asked for it (for obvious reasons).

If you meant that Harry's not the center and "source" of phenomenon in SH1, yes - that is true. Otherwise, the phenomenon, and thus the story of SH1, is very similar to that in SH2. The big difference is the magnitude and scale of the events, together with the subjective differences in the "style" of how it all manifests.

Difference is that one is a popular horror trope, cliche if you will and the other is fresh and original. I'd much rather play as a nutcase.

This is a shitpost, don't fall for it.

>Difference is that one is a popular horror trope, cliche if you will and the other is fresh and original.
You do realize that you're practically stating out loud that you literally don't know anything about either one of the games, and are making a hunch-based choice between two false descriptions ?

SH1 is far from a cliched or trope-following, but I guess people nowadays may interpret it like that, based purely on its superficial details. It's this exact reason why so many reboots and remakes of various games have been outright awful in the end : they SEEM to check some boxes in some sort of mental checklist of features, while the core design, pacing and delivery are totally off the mark when compared to the originals.

Dude I am not trying to argue in a retarded manner here, I like SH1 by far the most in the series. Well, I technically like SH4's premise the most but as a game it's an utter failure. But yes, SH1 had the best execution and is overall my favorite, again. But everything about is a deja vu, not only today but was like that even back in the day.

>little girl
>strange town
>real side characters who act oblivious and weird to everything

Can't make sandwich out of soup dude. Quality is there, plot is good, but it's just not even slightly original.

didn't they even admit it they were going for the kinda cliche american horror vibe?
(it's also probably my favourite in the series)

Stale pasta, fuck off already retard.

>Quality is there, plot is good, but it's just not even slightly original.
See, this is exactly the "not seeing the forest through the trees" problem. There's that list of ELEMENTS that SEEM to be what you described, but only on the surface.

The actual role of those elements, and execution of those roles, is what makes the plot of SH1 (and up) quite unique, distinct and interesting. However, since SH1 especially does not spell every detail out loud for you, even requiring multiple playthroughs to get the full picture + meaning of some specifics, many people just draw rough conclusions of their own. Conclusions that seem to be now rooted in our modern sub-culture, filled with American B-movie horror cliches and tropes.

Meanwhile, SH2 gets a lot of praise even from people who've seemingly never been into vidya, or even played said game. Why ? Because there's much more readily available "research material" everywhere on the internet about it.
Reasons for this are quite simple if you think about it: SH2 plays less like a typical horror game, but more like a mystery, or like the "Making Of" film puts it: " a sad love story". Its story is simple, kinda relate-able, and has few shock-factor elements to throw some curve-balls at you, so people don't need to dig deeper into the story's details, and instead love to cut open its themes and symbolism. Meanwhile, because SH1 SEEMS to "only play typical tropes", while actually having an actually deeper story, with a lot of background details, some which would require knowledge of even real-world religious lores and world history, people are less keen to analyze it in the same manner.

tl;dr: SH2 is easy to get and thus toy around with, SH1 is deeper and more complex and thus requires "more autism" to understand.

Make your own one then, faggot. That shit has helped tons of people in past few years!

This. Honestly, they're all pretty great games and Team Silent will forever go down in history as one of the greats.

You are trying way too hard to rationalize your opinions. No need for that really.
Also I really don't think there is anything complicated to understand about SH1's story. You are trying to make it as if it's some sort of Shakespearean tale.

Really makes me wonder how come there wasn't an indie movement that tried to go for the ps1 FMV look for visual art style.

you must be biggest faggot on this site right now

>mfw David Lynch will never direct a Silent Hill movie/tv show

>Also I really don't think there is anything complicated to understand about SH1's story.
There's A LOT to not understand in SH1's story, as evident by these threads alone. Hell, the first few years, I myself took most of it in as mere "random creepy shit made just to spooky me".

>You are trying to make it as if it's some sort of Shakespearean tale.
No, and I have no idea how you came to that conclusion.
All I'm saying that there is tons more to the actual story and lore of SH1 than meets the eye. Or rather, what people THINK it to be about, simply because it has two rough details you may find in other horror stories: "a cult", and "a little girl".

I am also saying that people put SH2 on a bit too high pedestal.

>Really makes me wonder how come there wasn't an indie movement that tried to go for the ps1 FMV look for visual art style.
Same reason why 2D fake 8-bit still is a thing:
You can create that "style" in a few moments in fucking MS Paint + make the game in a GameMaker, while any sort of true 3D requires a lot more work, way more understanding of higher tier game development, and most likely also demands more MONEY as well.

There's been a few indie games simulating the PS1 in-game graphics in the past couple years. "Banned Memories" and "Vaccine" are practically poorman's SH and RE clones.

Oh my fuck that'd be worse than Kojima directing something. The pretentiousness would probably collapse televisions into miniature black holes.

Lynch isn't pretentious fug off

then I guess his movies just accidentally got that way

Couldn't be any worse than Silent Hill Revelation.

>atmosphere and intricate plots that require analyzing are pretentious
pleb. How the fuck do you have such an opinion and be a fan of silent hill

SHR3D is just a bad movie. It's not trying to convey some crazy message using convoluted audiovisual analogy. If Lynch was in charge of a Silent Hill movie he'd probably make a non-chronologically ordered movie about several unrelated people going about their normal everyday business in a regular city, and every scene of some extremely stretched allegory of a particular detail in a single subject's psyche as in reality they're actually being presented their own traumas when visiting Silent Hill but actually Silent Hill itself is never shown at all. After freeze-framing every frame of the movie in 20 rewatches the viewer might be able to connect the dots of the disconnected scenes into a singular message and nobody still has any idea who the main character actually is and which of the people or events in the depictions of an ordinary world were supposed to represent the monsters in the haunted town.

stop being retarded, you can have a 'simple' story and it can still be 'deep' as well.

Hmmm interesting take. Still I wouldn't mind him taking a stab at it considering Team Silent took a major influence from him. In very much the same way I wouldn't have mind taking a look at what George Romero could've done with Resident Evil.

SH1's final boss is literally Baphomet

>what went wrong?
nothing for this one.

perfect waifu

I have to admit that the only thing I've seen that I know to by by Lynch is Mulholland Drive, which apparently is supposed to depict the expectations and reality of a young Hollywood starlet wanting to and failing to make it in the industry, and those two opposing forces racing towards each other, one from the beginning of the movie towards the end, the other vice versa. It is the most pretentious thing I've ever seen that decided to avoid anything else by Lynch in the future.

>what went wrong

>If Lynch was in charge of a Silent Hill movie
He would nail it and make the whole movie like that one scene in Mulholland Drive, where you get exactly told what is going to happen in a minute and your heart will still skip a few beats when it actually happens.

I'm talking about this one here:

And it's even in plain day light.

That's his best film so if you didn't like it you won't like anything else by him

Came in here hoping this would be posted, thanks. Are there any issues running them under W10?
Helpful info is never stale, shut the fuck up dude.

Yeah, the only good scene in the movie in my opinion. And it's brilliant in the context of my criticism because it's that strange intersection point in the middle of the film where the two halves are supposed to meet from opposite directions.
The only other thing that I like about the movie is how it's directed like a nightmare, but even that just adds to the confusion in a negative way. Nothing ever leads to the next thing because in a dream you always end up in the middle of something with no idea where you came from. I wish a better movie used nightmare logic in an effetive way.

You probably haven't tried to understand what is actually happening in the movie.

Pro-Tip: pic related

>directed like a nightmare
>in a dream
Watch it again and try to understand it.
Or watch Transfivers 5 instead.

Kojima is pretentious. David Lynch knows exactly what he is doing. He is a master of his art.

Fair enough. If you ever do have a change of heart I'd definitely recommend watching Blue Velvet not because it's a bit more grounded but because Dennis Hopper is one crazy ass motherfucker in that movie.

Been running 2 on W10 Pro for weeks now. No issues.

This post alone sums up why I will never watch it again. I don't want to acknowledge the idea that there's an army of Lynch-ass-kissing pretentious faggots who get off on telling others to try to ascend to their level by attempting to "better understand something" that they themselves pretend to have understood in a particular way when in reality they too just googled it and adopted a pre-formulated meaning so they could feel like they're above the plebs who have not done so.

adding to this:
Follow the sh2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth. Only thing I skipped was the widescreen FMVs installation.

His movies and shows are perfectly enjoyable without knowing the deeper meanings.

You know there are actually people out there, who like movies that are not popcorn shit and where you have to think a bit for yourself. That do not shove crap down your throat.

I also love movies like Let The Right One In, a superb Swedish movie.
You are probably a burger loving the dumbed down and terrible 'murican remake, that actually doesn't make sense at all because the characters are all fucked up, but at least it spells every single shit out for you.

>they too just googled it
Fuck yourself, you shitty millennial moron.
I watched proper movies (including David Lynch movies) way before I was able to access the internet.

Just because you are unable to think for yourself does not mean that everyone else is unable to do so as well.


My first genuine horror game was the original silent hill. I played it when I was 12. and goddamn that shit was fucking scary at the time.

I didn't play silent hill 3 until 2 years ago. It's a better game in every single aspect and all the nostalgia in the world won't blind me to that.

Too much grind for Sexy Saber

>40% game is Heather trying to get home with no plot going on
>all locations are random and not related to Heather or Claudia at all
>feels very rushed towerds the end
>plot is pretty much SH1 rehash

The only thing I don't like about the franchise as a whole besides the western games is the fact that the games are too short.

On one hand its understandable because they are heavily influenced by movies and movies are about an hour and a half long, 2 and a half if they're really pushing it. But at the same time the world of silent hill is so interesting that I wish it could go on for another hour or 2. Plus that's sort of the survival horror standard. Once you know what you're doing they go from 6 hour confusing fetch quests to 2 hour speed running story time. Kind of wish there was a game that had a healthy balance of both even for repeat playthroughs.