Worst company ever

Worst company ever

Other urls found in this thread:


Pic unrelated?

> there are kids on this board who think this
> there are kids here who think ninty is worse than konami, capcom, ea, ubisoft, the big rigs studio

sorry you can't afford one

>a significant portion of this website's population has a year of birth that starts with a 2

>company so bad their old CEO cut his own paycheck in order to not fire anyone during rough times;
>company so bad they were one of the last ones to embrace DLC;
>company so bad that they are the last ones to have paid online, still making users pay less than on other consoles;
>company so bad that they focus on gameplay first;

I can go on user because if you think Nintendo is worse than Activision or EA you are retarded.

Who hurt you, user?

The N64 days are already over, grandpa.

Can't wait for another thread with Sony's logo and the exact same text, all for some sort of social experiment

I love threads like these. really exposes the people with a cock stuck in their mouths.


T. Soyboy

so you can't refute what he said?

>debate me

It's like you don't even know that your cheeks are bloated from all that cock

Worse than EA? No way.

Stop looking for a Nintendo hate circle jerk thread faggot. If it wasn't for Nintendo, Sony would have completely sold out and be even more anti consumer then it already is.

Worst bait ever

>haha I'm a troll!!


Most Toxic fan base


Worst Company


That's EA

>laugh at people who love gobbling cocks

>b-but sony

>company so bad that they focus on gameplay first
Doesn't count when they do this with only the same gameplay every time for 20+ years.

Keep crying

>this board is in such a state that if someone questions somebody else, the literal first thing they do is throw an insult at them

I would say that you should go back to riddit, but even the babies in that hugbox have better debating skills than the tribalistic monkeys in this shithole.

>same gameplay every time

>he's pretending he isn't the cancer that came in with the gaymer gators from reddit




bloodborne vs skyrim Zelda Edition
yakuza 0 vs bing bing wahoo
EDF, dissidia, DBF, weeb RPGs vs lgbtoon 2

Sup Forums - nintendo forums. baka

>gaymer gators
You mean the thing that started on Sup Forums and the mass banning that took place all over /this shithole?

>thread about the switch being the best selling console in the U.S and Japan is made
>this thread comes up right after