Fuck this boss
i've been grinding to upgrade my vitality and strength for the past 3 hours and this fucking beast two hits you die
this is the worst boss in the entire souls franchise
Fuck this boss
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Thought he had a head/face inside his mouth, had to stare at it for like 10 minutes to see it was a tongue
get better at the game
just dodge jesus christ
after you've parried gas coin there'll barely be any health left for the stupid dog, learn the timing and kill him
this is the first boss user
>souls franchise
bloodborne is not souls
>dark souls
dark souls 1, dark souls 2, dark souls 3
demon's souls, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3
bloodborne, nioh, surge, etc.
You gotta learn how to open him up for viscerals
Don't even bother trying to run away from him, get in there and attack him until he's dead. Don't get stuck on the tombstones.
>at release
>get fucked by this guy constantly
>2 years later try the game again
>kill him first try
I used the ol' gravestone cheese for phase 1, but for phase 2 I just dodged forward diagonally to avoid most of his shit. give it a try
Just cheese him using the graves. Shit, I'm pretty sure they were put there for that reason. Also, if you're going to grind, might as well upgrade your weapon to do more damage as well. I think you can get your weapon +2 before this fight.
literally the scrub filter of the game. If you can‘t wrap your head around Gascoigne, don‘t even bother with the rest of the game.
stop posting this, you will literally never change anyone's behavior
he has a three way attack that is killing me before I can recover to make a dodge
He hits me I go down and 2 sec later he kills me
Looks like another fromsoft garbage boss fight with 3 glitches that 99% of will use because the battle is fucking unfair
Now I understand why glitches are so loved by the BB community
Use the stairs. Soulsborne combat falls apart when stairs are involved.
>You gotta learn how to open him up for viscerals
in the beast form with a weak pistol? yeah sure I'll try that 30 times before I get it right
I tried that many times
But he's basically harder than the rest of the game sans Rom.
Riposte most of the first phase, heal when needed. You can also cheese him with heavy attacks through gravestones.
When he turns into a beast, wait for the transformation to finish, and then use the music box, run behind him and backstab. You can do it twice I think.
>in the beast form with a weak pistol? yeah sure I'll try that 30 times before I get it right
It is entirely possible. The power of your pistol means absolutely nothing, they are all able to parry for a visceral. Gascoigne is specifically designed to make sure you learn this mechanic.
Sounds like you've tried everything, user. IDK, game is probably defective.
Get the music box from his daughter
>mfw I spent my first run being contrarian and trying to play "different" than normal strength / dex and went for Bloodtinge.
>bloodtinge is fucking worthless
I tried and couldn't get a single visceral in his beast form
I'm fucking sad that I may end up using the music box trick in his beast form to go behind and do a visceral because I can't see other way ... or using the glitch but I don't want to do that
is there any video of someone doing without molotov and music box? simply killing him with axe? I can't find any
perhaps that's my only hope
The blunderbuss is better for parrying. Nothing worse than perfectly timing a pistol shot and watching it sail right past the enemy because the lock on is shit and the bullet speed is slow as hell.
The damage of your gat doesn't matter, since you'll be doing huge damage with the resulting visceral attack.
It's a shame. Even a 'good' bloodtinge build is locked to the Chikage, and firearms never become useful as damage dealers.
There's really no shame in using the music box, Gascoigne is bullshit anyway
so I should buy the hunter blunderbuss ?
Its definitely possible. I did it because I had no idea about the music box and am too dumb to switch items on the fly.
Key was finding the right distance so he gets close when attacking but doesn't connect and using gravestones as cover when healing. His wild flurry is kind of bullshit so i just kept distance and rolled in and attacked when he did a leap or single strike move.
Definitely made me drop the game the first 10 times i fought him, but tried again after a few months and eventually whittled him down. Feels really fucking good man.
cannon + bone ash
Holy fuck does the difficulty spike once you get to the depth 3 Pthumeru chalice. Trying to go for the platinum and the blood starved beast in layer 2 is kicking my ass. I summon the NPC hunter for help and he dies in ten seconds, and my +10 Ludwig's with 40 STR/ 25 SKL does shit damage.
nah laurence is the worst
He's way easier to hit with it, yeah
I'm kinda upset that I only discovered the music box trick due to internet because I would never thought he was that girl's father and using the box trick is a good indication I'll never beat the game without a guide :( but anyway that's how it is and so be it
It's what, 1700 echoes? Give it a try, I find it's easier to land parries with it because of the spread.
you use gun parries in the human phase then use the music box in the beast phase for a free backstab
then you have to learn to dodge but he'll be on his last legs anyway
>firearms never become useful as damage dealers
Unless your name is the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst.
you can parry p1 and p2 and p3 is active for seconds if you transition well and have the music box. git gud
Oh boy you are going to fucking love Defiled Hotdog and Amy
I'm kidding you're going to hate them, you might pop a blood vessel
I think the item description for the music box says something like 'love from Viola and Gascoigne'.
Can't wait to have to do it all with half a health bar. Can't fucking wait.
Cheesed him on my second attempt once I realised two things:
1) He almost always fires a shot right after doing his blink dodge, so just roll pre-emptively and follow up with a slash
2) He has no comeback to a transformed Ludwig's jumping R2. Works almost every time, then roll away, regen stamina, and do it again.
Hotdog can and will one-shot and the fight takes like 15 fucking minutes without making a single mistake. You're going to love it.
>yeah sure I'll try that 30 times before I get it right
That's kind of the point of this boss, user. You really need to learn when to shoot. Practice on the giants by the central Yharnam lamp.
I don't know man bloodborne won't be easy to me without a guide and internet so basically there won't be any fun for me
I got very far in other souls without guide but this is too much there are too many details every single boss there is an easy way to kill but it's almost impossible to discover without internet
I usually just overwhelm the bugger with HMLS dodge-detrick and Ludwig's Rifle.
>start playing weeb souls
>this shit tight
>get to the first boss, captain steel balls
>continues to kick my ass for an hour
>finally learn there is a summoning system
>beat him first try with help
>get to the next region boss
>get ass handed again
>oh boy time to summon
>get rekt 2-3 more times even with help
>go to summon again
>dude you don't have any more summoning items lmao
Making summoning depend on a limited item is my only gripe with this game. Having to work for the items by beating revenants sounds good on paper but it's really just waste of my time.
God please be bait
>Tfw BL4'd him and OP's a scrub
There are a few 'rules' for parrying you can learn that recur frequently.
Human-sized enemies can generally be parried with your firearm, including hostile Hunters.
Big, slow, troll-like enemies can also generally be parried with your firearm, often very easily.
Huge bosses usually can't be parried with your firearm, but you can still sometimes open them up for a visceral attack by focusing damage on their head (listen for the parry sound effect, they'll drop their head to the ground for a moment and you can let rip with a visceral).
Other than that, hit and run. Be patient. Bait out attacks and observe them. Does the boss do a three strike combo, followed by a short rest? Dodge the combo then dash in as he's resting for a strike. You can learn all this stuff without a guide if you're observant.
You should play the game yourself instead of letting other people play it for you.
Or just watch it on youtube and save $60.
If you can't beat a boss, try it the next day when you're calm. Gascoigne is hard, especially for first timers.
Most "regular" sized bosses have at least one or two attacks with really easy telegraphs for parry;
Gascoigne's first form's is when he drags his axe along the ground.
Second form's is when he does the wind up for the spin attack.
Third form's is when he does the pounce attack, it's right after he hugs the ground before jumping.
Gascoign is literally the get good boss, if you can't beat him without cheesing him, you are going to have a terrible time with the rest of the game.
I'd still be at the first boss if not for help. Wish there were some npcs that could be called for like in dark souls.
Getting summoned to help players defeat bosses in this game feels so good.
I like being helpful.
Thanks for the help anons
is it better to shoot when he (father beast form boss) does the movement to attack, in the middle of the attack or just before he hits me?
I get a real hard time with this mechanic perhaps I should try all over again with that blunderbuss because I never tried it with that gun so far
You want the bullet to hit him just before he hits you. Your gun has a slight wind up before it fires. You'll have to work out the exact timing yourself.
He's the casual filter. They're only going to get harder.
>Try to parry enemy in bloodborne at point blank
>Shoot straight up into the air
>Try to parry enemy two dashes out of their range
>Consistently hits a target, even if it is small enemy.
How the fuck do you git gud at parrying if it only works by being a turbo scrub?
Not true. The game difficulty dips massively after Gascoigne, it only really picks back up again when this boner arrives.
Try targeting
Blood Starved Beast and Martyr Logarius would like a word with you.
Nigger the first part happens while targeting.
Works for me. Maybe you just suck?
Stop assuming just because you got past a part that you're better than it, and stop playing the game just to beat it and continue. It's not that kind of game and that's a problem many people seem to have with many games in general. Learn the combat system, actually put in some time and focus upon understanding what stances are good for and how quickly you can swap between them, how to Ki Pulse and when and what your high mobility, evasive and defensive options allow you to do and what they're each good for. Then you'll have started really playing Nioh.
It's a gun. Why would you assume you have to use it in their face? You git gud at parrying by taking advantage of the range and using it at the safe distances it allows. Also don't be shy on using bullets as you'll always be able to have plenty, even outside of parrying the gun is one of the most effective things for stunning and interrupting which people forget about, and Bone Marrow Ash is something I always wish I'd used more of because of how extremely handy it can be.
Bloodstarved Bitch is fucking easy.
Why doesn't the game refill your other consumables when it refills your blood vials and bullets? Sucks to have to go back to the dream to manually restock my antidotes and molotovs after dying to blood starved beast for the tenth time.
Just cheese a boss with living weapon if youre having trouble Gaylord. Provided you dont swing like a fucking lunatic and get knocked out of it early, living weapon will take a huge chunk of health out of a lot of bosses
I disagree. He's pretty average and some of the bosses later are absolutely soul crushing to beat. Like Logarius.
Because you "aim" at their head.
If you're specifically talking about the beastly humanoid that use long poles for weapons, they twist their body when they attack, and so their head moves during the attack animation.
So if you're super close to them, their head will actually matrix dodge your bullet. Stand a little further away.
ROm was easy, just run and attack then roll, repeat
Don’t worry about the spiders
This is my biggest gripe with the game by far. I would actually bother using consumables like molotovs and bone marrow ash if I didn't have to constantly keep manually restocking my inventory.
At least Dark Souls 3 fixed this.
Go to the easiest Chalice dungeon with a BSB in it, the lamp will be much closer to that one. He's a very good practice because you don't forget your muscle inputs by traveling through a map filled with other shit. It's pretty much just the boss.
He only has like 3-5 patterns, where as Amelia has like 20-30.
whenever i think of someone clueless about videogames pretending to be an fucking expert, i just picture these kinds of posts. Nothing is an accurate stereotype of cluelessness as this.
Spiral towards him instead of running straight at him and you'll dodge everything in his first phase.
Parry and visceral his second phase.
no no get really angry and try it like 100 times then come back to it 3 weeks later and beat him first try. that always works for me in souls games
The worst boss in the souls franchise is The One Reborn, it isnt fun, it isnt hard, it has no good gimmicks, it visually looks like shit, the camera is horrible during the fight, and it is easily stunlocked. Easily the worst boss ever.
>Parrying in Fromsoftware games using a system similar to blood borne parrying is high risk high reward.
>It easily becomes a low risk, with extremely high reward on anything remotely humanoid.
I know I'm retarded, but when you're pretty set for the rest of the game when you get health on visceral attack rune.
op here
One thing I noticed is that the first hours of gaming after dying a lot I became more aggressive playing and didn't suffer many hits but now I'm trying the old way of doing one enemy slowly and thinking before and I'm getting more hits. Every time I die with the beast form father I go back to the bridge and do go back to the clinic so I can kill more enemies and get echoes to upgrade. I never died in the process but I do get a lot more hits now
I'm thinking about it and it may be due to the fact you can't play bloodborne for more than 3~4 hours. Your brain gets tired and you start to think too much. At least that's how I realized the past two days of playing it. Perhaps I should only play the game for 3 hours and not trying to play the game after a long day of work
I think I got all blood stones in the area and I have no way to upgrade my weapons other than go proceed to kill Gascoigne
Git fuckin gud Scrubbicus Aurelius
Ebriates with his stupid fucking charge attack that you can't dodge is the real bullshit boss. Amy and Hotdog ain't got shit.
>get musicbox
>get pistol
>use headstones to your advantage
>fire enough synapses to learn to parry
it's not hard user
You can dodge it though. You just side dodge twice. Why is Sup Forums so bad at video games?
as opposed to Gascoigne?
Never use targeting on it and you can always hug its back leg things and it cant hit you.
Even easier than Gascan.
Check this video
His first parry is in the middle of the attack not just right before he hits you
why can't I stunt him like that? When I fire in the middle of the attack it's almost as if I didn't hit him
>land a parry
>walk up to enemy
>regular attack
He was neat to look at. Giant ayy lmao was boring
>Parry and visceral
No thanks, I play these games like a man.
Parrying and viscerals are the dumbest, most unrealistic things in these games. I never even bothered to learn them.
The only way of staggering I accept is when you are in full AYYY mode, R2 attacks stagger most bosses in one hit. FROM even included an extra animation with a bunch of them where they are struggling and succeeding in pushing your tentacles away from themselves in disgust. They are super OP and I absolutely love that stuff..
cant you just fight him thru the staircase on the right?
The risk is still there, it can just be diminished by using proper movement and spacing. They made it much too powerful as they always tend to do but it's nice to at least have the parry mechanic be relevant in most fights instead of only work against a small handful of enemies and not be worth the risk most of the time against them anyway.
That boss is more about the lore than anything. It was a complete failure in lore too
>it has no good gimmicks
You'd be surprised how many people took a few attempts to realise to take out the bitches in the balconies.
Kosm > Kos
>Not the celestial emissary
If it weren't for the health bar at the bottom of the screen I wouldn't have realised he was a boss. Killed him first try, I don't think he even fired a single arcane attack at me.
visceral attacks
hunter's axe
How come nearly everyone uses either a strength, skill or quality build when almost all the bosses have elemental weaknesses?
The only boss I didn't beat without a summon in the game. Fuck this cunt.
Because the some of them that don't, will really be impossible if you aren't competent with at least some physical damage.
has anyone here beat bloodborne without a printed guide (official book) or internet help?
quit being bad
and get gud