This is the worst thread in the world containing the worst...

This is the worst thread in the world containing the worst, wrongest and most stupid statements man can make about video games. The absolute worst opinion will be awarded with the least intelligent comment of all time reward which is worth over 9000 internets. You want it, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

skyrim is a masterpiece. fallout 3 and 4 are the best in the series.

Gone Home is the best game ever.

I wish every game had loot crates in it and that you could only pay real money for them.

Sup Forums is a great board full of sexually active, mature intellectuals making sound arguments.

Briannu Wu was a godsend to the videogame industry.

Sup Forums is a great source for information because everyone tells it like it is.

I like overwatch more than team fortress 2.

Polygon was right to give PUBG a 10/10.

hard to do when Sup Forums is filled with this shit all the time.

Lara Croft is not attractive.

I like video games cause they are fun

This thread is a great idea. Good job OP!

botw is the best game ever made

This is the best thread in the world.

I'm happy with my life

Zinnia is the best written character in the Pokemon series, Gamefreak should use characters like her and Lillie more in future games.

I have a girlfriend and I am straight.

>was not

I really enjoy the Call of Duty series for its consistency and its accessibility - it is the best modern Shmup. Paying a monthly fee for multiplayer access is definitely worth it.

video games are art

gamergate was a good thing

Mods should stop putting rimworld threads to /vg/
t. Dwarf fortress fag

Witcher 1 and 2 both have better gameplay than 3 and are better as a result.

I like video games

traps are not gay

This board is great for discussions, both game-related and rooted in real life. It is not at all a dumpsterfire filled with pathetic losers envious of even the tiniest glimpse of success and even more pathetic pseudo-losers, thinking being angry and broody makes them cool. I'm not at all past my due here and not at all flustered about it, making and crashing various threads daily out of frustration.

I am a well adjusted member of society and I do not dress like a girl nor do I post pictures of myself dressed like a girl on the internet for strangers.

Dwarf fortress is a game and not just an overly autistic go-on-your-own-adventure novel for people who only read books full of numbers.

All of the current consoles are equally better than PC, but special props to the XBox One since it has Kinect, something PC users cannot pirate onto their computers.

At least you started with one of the most overrated hosts tv shows have to offer. I laughed when that c*ck got fired.


You dont need gameplay to make a good game. Infact there are alot of games have to much gameplay (eg. boss battles) which makes them feel too gamey.

Video games should have never been invented

wait what happened

Dwarf fortress ui is the perfect game ui

You can't sound less intelligent even if you tried.

The dumb shit I've read ITT isn't really worse than the dumb shit I've stumbled across here over the years.

There is nothing wrong with Lootboxes. So what if some benevolent companies which make the best, most fun games around today want to rack in a few bucks? They gotta eat too you know.

But that's an actually good opinion.

Since nobody cares about some wonky animations i declare Mass Effect Andromeda the best game in the series

Lootboxes are fine when it's just cosmetics.

Honestly they're fine even when they give a significant advantage over others online. Video games are a service, and I'm paying good money to recieve the BEST service out there, namely having better stuff than others early.

Brink was a good game

>which is worth over 9000 internets

the playstation 3 is a video games machine

This is the worst thread on Sup Forums, after all.

Video games are not fun.

AC Unity was the best in the series and i love how they introduced microtransactions in there.

Mega Man X6 and X7 are good games.

you're not too old but too jaded
you've experienced it all already, 25+ anons
it's like a girl that's ridden a 1000 cocks, the 1001 won't be anything special

all we have left is dragon chasing, replaying Quake 2/3 with our old LAN buddies for about 1-2 hours per week because our lives are hectic and busy

fpbp. this is probably the second shittiest opinion in all human history, just after the first shittier opinion that is deciding not to gas jews, that's a hard one to top

AC:Origins is worse. there's more non-whites (see: shitskins, niggers etc) in it and your forced to listen to a nigger voice the entire game. might as well be in purgatory waiting at the gates of Hel


SJW's are good for gaming, as is forced diversity regardless of how horribly it effects outcome of the final game product. Because of this, and because of my warped leftist reality, hitler was right and certain races and sets of ideas need to be exterminated to bring about purity.

The ps3 did, as does the ps4, have a lot of games and is not actually a movie machine. Sony also did not ever steal any ideas from other hardware manufacturers, nor is it forcing harmful ideology through its games and game studios.

Microsoft actually helped gaming with its forceful marketing, paid online structure, support of DLC (which in turn made it popular), and cheap break-easy fisherprice tier products including its extremely well made controllers and console hardware which NEVER broke.

Nintendo was also a modern marvel for how it brought in millions of non gamers into a industry that wasn't ready for them. The influx of money which resulted over casualization of the industry to cater to these nongamers, who have no basis or standard on which to judge the quality of videogames as they have no history in gaming, was good for the industry and long time gamers as a whole.

Also Nintendo's gimmicks are not at all harmful to their own IP's and hasn't resulted in the oversimplification and loss of direction of them to the point where they're not even the same titles/series anymore.

EA makes brilliant games, with little to no serversids issues and good progression.

Disney taking over Star Wars, killing Lucas Arts and giving the license to EA has given us the best Star Wars games in history

Fire Emblem Awakening is better than Fates
Resident Evil 6 is legitimately great
I love Nero and DMC4 is my favorite even though I'd say 3 is better
MGS4 is my favorite, and I never played mgs1.
Overwatch is pretty good when you aint playing with absolute aidsmasters
Swimming in MH3U was fun and I hope it comes back
Uncharted series is really solid for the exception of 4
God of War was always shit so I dont mind a new one being changed up as much
Spider Man 2 is worse than Web of Shadows. People who cling to moonswinging as and all be all means are fucking autistic
Furi is the best game of 2016

I actually play video games

Sup Forums is a good board.

Lootboxes are anti-consumer

I bought an Intel CPU.

Paper Mario TTYD was shit with too many "muh special" Toad OCs which looks PM 64 look good in comparison.
EA makes good games and if you say otherwise you're a shit.
Waluigi is a meme character at best and doesn't deserve his own game.
The Wii U was the most innovative console ever made.

Shin Megami Tensei is overrated, Persona is overrated as well

I am Anthony Burch.

Ugandan Knuckles is a quality meme.

you tried

You will always win the game

My shame will forever be etched upon the archives of Sup Forums.

Halo is an amazing game that revolutionized the FPS genre.

It's not that hard to make a post, you retard

I don't play video games to forget how miserable my life is

Why is Logan a grill and what's with all the Knuckles?

but thats true

>This is the worst thread in the world containing the worst, wrongest and most stupid statements man can make about video games.
>but thats true

I did the math, this checks out.

I liked Sonic Forces.

Guild Wars 2 is an inexcusably aborrhent game but femcharr make it worth it.

Suicide is Painless was a way funnier video. I wonder if that's the same guy or some redditor just completely ripped that guy off.

Senran Kagura is one of the better new IPs of this generation.

I happen to agree; sadly it didn't spread like Ugandan knuckles, but maybe that's for the best.

Games Journalism is an accurate and relevant part of the industry
Telltale and David Cage make amazing stories
The industry is booming with innovation and provides an excellent deal for the consumer

I agree with Jason Schreier's assessment of Sorceress' character design.

I have a lot of fun playing video games

>mfw everyone reads that text on the pic in jeremy's voice in their head because they're such great comedians we all know them.

Traps aren't gay.

Dark souls is so hard

Part 4 was the best


Dark souls 2 is the worst game made in the universe, nothing will compete on how bad it is. ADAPTATION? WHAT THE FUCK? Ammright, dark souls 3 is so much better, you can roll all you want and don't get punished for it because your I frames are long as terry crews cock, oh the estus? Make that a insta-win button because you dont get punished for rolling away and healing. Man, you can't even move while drinking estus in dark souls 2, like WHAT THE FUCK? How am I supposed to win bossfights if I keep getting hit and can't run away healing? Why is dark souls 2 so hard, I hate it so much.

Console Wars are the most fun part of posting on video games forums

Anybody I don't like is a shill. Anybody that says they like a game is a shill. Anybody that makes a thread about a popular and/or upcoming game is a shill. Anybody talking about games is a shill...

Nvidia did the industry a favor with their treatment of Physx

Sonic has always been shit

Only wrong opinions user, please try again

Bideo gaem is for fun

mobile gaming is superior to other forms of gaming

I don't actually play video games.

Consoles are superior to PC on nearly every level.

Harvest Moon has always been shit, everybody knows the patrician choice is Animal Crossing

Kefka could beat Demifiend

This calls for further investigation, user.