ITT: Masterpieces
ITT: Masterpieces
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Probably the greatest game of this decade.
faggot of the highest caliber
>inb4 underage normalfag taste
No bully pls
The maps in Bloodboorne really aren't good. Everything feels and looks the same and I can't remember any locations that aren't spawn points.
Not with the fucking input lag
There aren't many games that are such adamant contenders for being the best game ever made.
Is THAT why I feel so disconnected when playing this? Would it be better if I plugged my controller in?
>no game will ever be as sweet and enjoyable as cod4 promod
why bother goin on
nah just kill yourself
Inb4 2nd half. Even the 2nd half was more fun than the entirety of bloodborne. Even ds2 was better than bloodborne
now this is shitposting
Why are PC gamers always so salty?
I have a PS4 and have played both DS1 and BB and they're both the same fucking thing, and they're both just okay.
You first OP.
>fox and grapes: the post
bruh the first half alone puts this game above everything else.
some hot shit
nice shitpost.
15 years later still my vidya game waifu.
(Game was excellent too)
"We are the most powerful military force in history of man. Every fight is our fight. Because what happens over here matters over there. We don't get to sit one out.
Learning to use the tools of modern warfare is the difference between the prospering of your people and utter destruction. We can't give you freedom. But we can give you the know how to acquire it.
And that my friends, is worth more, than a whole army base of steel."
Brainlet detected
The perfect Co op experience
>Prey for your life
the fuck did they mean by this
no, but original is
I agree
Demon's Souls is better than every DaS, faggot
and Shadow Tower beats them all
Ultima 4
Ultima 5
Ultima 6
Ultima 7
Ultima 7 Part 2
Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld 2
Ultima Online
Thief - The Dark Project
Thief Gold
Thief II - The Metal Age
>15 years
What the fuck
Where did the time go
nice meme
Super Famicom Wars
Advance Wars
Advance Wars 2
Advance Wars Duel Strike
assassin's creed and crysis are 10 years old now
Project Diva Future Tone and Luka
Actually I thought Bloodborne was kinda forgettable.
I don't remember any of the bosses and the setting was utter crap.
The lovecraft stuff was pretty cool tho. A lot of cool spoopy stuff.
Luka is a lesbian
>the setting was utter crap
top tier bait
Doom II
Final Doom
Doom 64
>a game where jumping is rocket science
Not bait. There was no variation. The whole game was set in what seemed to be the same dark, city street. I was sick of it pretty quickly.
At least other souls games have different areas.
Ogre Battle
Ogre Battle 64
Densetsu no Ogre Battle
Tactics Ogre - Let Us Cling Together
Tactics Ogre - The Knight of Lodis
Too bad they never made a sequel, this world had so much potential.
Ah so you're just blind then. All the city areas have distinct architecture that you would notice if you aren't a dudebro moron and one of them even has giant alien creatures all over it. Then over half the game is outside the city (eg, hemwick, cainhurst, forest, burgerwerth/lecture building, frontier, mensis, DLC areas)
Go back to mario and zelda if you need different bright colours every 5 seconds
I don't know how this is classed as a masterpiece.
> It can be completed comfortably in 3-4 hours
> painfully linear
> pvp laughable
> very few weapons, all of which are pretty much interchangeable
> no story
> no music
> dull environment
> combat akin to games released 20 years ago
> holds you hand every step of the way
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
> blind
This but Aria of Sorrow
>He's here
>The whole game was set in what seemed to be the same dark, city street
I haven't played the game and just shitposting, maybe also a pconly nigger or switch nigger
Stop with this pasta autistic fags
Who likes this commie shit?
Castlevania III
Super Castlevania IV
Dracula X - Rondo of Blood
jesus christ
It's actually Cloud__ffvii (2 underscores)
Thats just retarded
Best in the series, easily. Just because you need some piss filter applied to tell you you're in a different area doesn't mean anyone else does.
Not pasta.
A true reflection of my actual playing and platinuming the game in 10 days, having gone in blind and never having played a Souls game before.
Why would a game have enemies that only one person can interact with? or is that a glitch?
it's an NPC
summons and invaders can't interact with host world's NPCs because everyone would grief and kill them
I've seen original thread with this Cloud_ffvii dumb nigger, just stop this shit
He was proven wrong with this fucking webm and others, so just fuck off already
Here's your last (you)
>Shit combat, bosses, balance, weapons, enemies, music has midi samples, etc.
>Only thing it does that still holds up is the world design, which turns to shit halfway through.
Nope. It has the second worst gameplay in the series.
He was level 80 at that point, in an area balanced for level 30-40 characters. It shows his profound lack of skill and reliance on summons - an in-built easy mode designed for low skill players like him
You ignored all of my valid points about the game as you have no comeback to them.
> original thread
Which original thread, newfag
> Cloud_ffvii
As mentioned, it's Cloud__ffvii and these are my trophies.
> and others
There is only one webm, don't make things up to try and fit in
Nigga', we saw how good you were:
Fucking kek.
Context is key.
If you don't know the context, I'd encourage you to lurk more.
>Be in old Yharnam.
>Get killed by basic dreg repeatedly.
>Level 147.
>"This game is easy, I platted it in 10 days!"
>Not pasta
You are on standby with every mention of BB.
I always just sent that dude to the clinic and picked up the rune later.
I platinumed your favourite ever game in 10 days, and I was bored for every second of it.
I've done things in vidya that you will never do.
the context is:
>grinded to level 180 by the end of the game
>had 2 summons to play the entire game for you
>still cheated and savescummed for endings, proving that you did not go in blind
Shadow of Yahrnam is a bullshit fight and whoever designed it deserves to get shot.
You platinumed Guilty Gear AC+R? Okay, play me then. Or Vampire Savior, of GGRev+, or BB, or Mahvel.
>blind playthrough
>knew to back up his save to get all three endings
But this didn't happen.
This did:
> have 2 weeks off work
> get a new game to play
> Bloodborne lauded as PURE KINO MASTARPEACE
> play game
> realise it's woeful
> express my opinion on the game
> have 1000 screeching millennials cry GIT GUB XD NO CASHUALZ IN BBORNE NUB
> proceed to platinum game in 10 days
> initially accused of photoshopping my image
> refer players to my profile where they can see the trophies and the time stamps for themselves
> at this point something strange happens.jpg
> Sup Forums turns
> Sup Forums changed
> Bloodborne isn't hard
> it never was hard
> it was all a big joke
> it's actually really easy!
And that, my little newfriend, is how I destroyed the legacy of your favourite game of all time.
Nothing you can say can change that.
I was about to buy Bloodborne but seeing that it's such an inherently easy game that you can platinum in 10 days... I think I'll pass. Its legacy has been destroyed
Didn't summon for help with any bosses, unlike all of you did.
Went in blind, at the end of the game realised how close I was to platinum so checked requirements for hidden trophies; that's not following a guide to complete the game, and no different to what all of you people do to get through any game because it's all you've ever known.
Damn, Bloodborne livin in your head rent free.
*blocks your path*
>This is the face of 10days autist
I'm waiting. Pick your game. You're on PS4, pick one. You're good at my favorite game, right?
Look again, dummy.
I didn't get the 3 endings in one go. At the point of me checking what hidden trophies were left at the end of the game (as seen here)
Id already eaten the cords so had to do NG+ to get the 3rd, which I did so in about 3-4 hours.
Don't make things up when the evidence is right there plainly for all to see otherwise. You'll look like a dummy, dummy.
you sound like a 12 year old who thinks they have the world figured out
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier.
I was in the number 1 squad out of 180,000 worldwide and widely regarded as one of the best players in the game; the best in many people's opinion.
I'm 31 - probably older than every single person in this thread.
i don't even get this reference.
Waiting for you to post one op
Actually just got my first perfect today senpai
>Why is there not Black rock shooter skin?