>Souls games are goo-
Souls games are goo-
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I don't see anything wrong. He was punished for playing like trash
> doesn't lock on
> exposes his back to the enemy
>its this thread again
DSP goes to turn and run, in the exact frame that happened he was backstabbed by the knight.
Can't stand the idiot.
Even the TIHYDPs have to be heavily edited before they are not annoying.
people defending this piece of shit series should be gassed, they just love eating shit
Why don't you go suck DSP's micropeen, faggot.
git gud
>Dude this is bugged or something! The fucking controller won't let me attack properly!! Woooooooww...
>Waited out of range of enemy attacks, pokes when enemy finishes.
DS1 fanboys are the worst.
*backstabs you*
*clips through the ground because the game wasn't tested properly before being shat out*
>whiffs first attack
>immediately turns around exposing his back instead of shielding or locking on and walking backwards or to the side.
People who don't understand how to play a game then complain about it are the worst.
I really hate people who don't understand something as simple as mechanics
If you flick your character to turn one way exposing your rear hitbox to something that wants to kill you, you shouldn't be surprised when you get shanked.
This this this.
Anyone trying to run their mouth either lacks the sense of sight or hasn't actually played the fucking game. It was literally just poor timing on his part that he chose to turn around at that moment. Had he locked on the scenario would have played out entirely different.
what happened in the webm
did the balder catch him like 2frames after he 180'ed and exposed his back?
Except he was just sort of swinging wildly at the enemy and just managed to get a lucky hit. Even more embarrassing IIRC that particular enemy has his back to you because he's busy praising the sun. You can literally just walk up behind him and backstab him to take out at least half his health
yes this series has a really ugly backstabbing mechanic, if you ever catch a frame of someone with their back turned against you you get an instant kill, it's kinda like the call of duty knife mechanics but even worse
>turns around in the middle of combat
>gets stabbed in the back
>wow wha happuh
What a piece of shit game
Enemies stab you in the back when you turn your back to them?
Fucking worst mechanic ever
>turn around
>get backstabbed
i get that he turned around
but the animation is still misleading
someone start a shared youtube stream and lets watch some classic DSP, preferably his MGS3 fuck ups
>>turns around in the middle of combat
It looks more like the game span him around for a cheap shot (like some enemies hitting you through walls or giving you damage even when they didn't hit you) than him turning around somehow in the middle of attacking. Unless he plays with one of those shoddy DInput pads with shonky gimbals.
Dark Souls is kind of infamous for being an untested piece of shit, dude
The PvP is buggy, the PvE is pretty tight all around some design elements notwithstanding
This. I just want to shoot the shit on how awful he is and somehow feel better about my own shoddy circumstances at the moment.
tfw started playing let it die a week ago and it's the best shit i've played in a long time
he literally showed his back to the enemy
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Miyazaki is the greatest game dev ever, only DaS2 has shitty hitboxes!!!1 Delet This NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm currently watching the nfs payback one and god fucking dammit .... this guy is nonstop complaining, bitching about everything and blaming everyone else but himself when he sucks at the game (the game glitched, rubberbanding (his new favourite word), the game cheated, fuck the devs etc etc)
>PvE is pretty tight all around
Uh, yeah, sure.
>riposting on any non-flat surface risks you falling through the floor and dying
>AI can hit you through walls but you can't
>the above may be intentional because the AI often can't even find its way through doors or around obstacles
>some bosses can accidentally kill themselves
>most enemies in the game can accidentally kill themselves
>nothing can hit you if you just circlestrafe
>hilarious aggro rubberbanding
>ranged enemies being oblivious to walls but still zeroing in on you through them
>enemies are basically blind to one another and will completely ignore other entities in combat, getting themselves stuck or trying to run through another enemy
Pretty tight all around. Except everywhere.
Only thing I've thought was truly awful of him lately is abusing a glitch in Mario Odyssey because he couldn't hack the later stages.
People give him money to do this.
I wish it was less grindy tho.
Dude hates any single ounce of challenge, as soon as there is one, he starts bitching
Mate I like dark souls and enjoyed it but you literally cannot defend this
i fucking love these glitchy souls webms
You can see him turn his back for a split second
>playing unlocked
He absolutely and clearly turned around manually. I don't think you've ever played Dark Souls.
Watch it again, he turns around himself and shows the baller knight his back before the attack locks in. The game didn't spin him round.
lol, have you even played the fucking game
>Less than five minutes in
>Makes an "Alt-Left" crack and turns off the music so he can make sure he keeps his youtube bucks
What a fucking chode.
He turned around, there's nothing wrong with this except that it happens unnaturally fast
Looks more like an animation glitch than anything else.
Then again, I guess half the animations in Dark Souls look tacky.
Took me a moment, good bait. Where's Morrowind_Combat.webm now
>what the fuck!!
>this is bullshit
>ack ack ack ack
>hoo hoo hoo hoo
>broken shitty game
>daily reminder that this is an "educated" american
Yes, and I've been backstabbed by enemies in all kinds of bizarre conditions, like from the other side of a wall and while going down in the Firelink elevator, except the enemy was still up in the chapel.
He turned around. When you're not locked on to an enemy that's what happens when you hit backward.
Fuck off retard
>Not coming back from being parried and riposted
look closely, he tries to roll away at the end and got backstabbed 1 frame into the animation
Shut the fuck up you stupid clueless faggot
Had he not touched his controller after the success strike he would have been swung at by the enemy
Turning around instantly exposed to him to a critical strike
he... didn't expose his back though?
he didn't turn around on his own, the game turned him around to back stab him.
And that is a reasonable mechanic, how?
I may be American but even I know where the UNITED FUCKING KINGDOM is.
He definitely did. He's not locked on. You turn around very fast with a controller when you're not locked on.
>Being stabbed in the back when exposing your back to an enemy attack is a non reasonable mechanic
Gas yourself retard
it clearly looks like he tried to hit twice and back off but he wasnt even locked on, so when he tried to back off bad timing made him instantly get backstabbed
>Oh he turned around so it was his fault
>not the fact that turning around teleports you forward.
>facing the enemy
>suddenly teleported behind
>gets stabbed
Yeah totally
fucking loser
>it's ok when souls does it
For one frame? Even DaS2, the supposed "worst" game in the series, has a more reasonable backstab mechanic.
>Actually heard the WOOOOW
It's okay when souls does what? Punishes you for being a stupid cunt that doesn't know the controls or mechanics?
Yes it is?
Gas yourself inept spastic
What's your complaint?
He literally jabbed twice then turned around to move away like a retard, and got backstabbed for it
Working as intended
autism speaks
Yes shit for brains, for one frame
>Turns back
>Gets backstabbed
People arguing against this are mentally stunted
>has a more reasonable backstab mechanic
>It's okay when souls does what?
Cancels an enemy's recovery animation and locks the player's movement because the player turned their character around for a single-digit amount of frames.
It's clearly lore, you idiot.
Strawmanning continues
It's clearly the player getting stabbed in the back after turning his back to an aggro enemy that is about to swing at him
Playing Let It Die on release was magical.
How does it not?
>allows players to get in critical damage on unwary opponents
>allows a skilled player to dodge out of it if they're fast enough
>doesn't punish the players for triggering microscopic animation quirks
Man 4 years later and Sup Forums is still SEETHING.
>literal DSP tier shitposting
Need more desperate bait so I can laugh at these fags
The Balder Knight was still reeling when the backstab animation got triggered. The game very clearly either cancelled its stun state, or the stun state was never programmed to sync up with the animation in the first place.
Either way, From fucked up.
he turned around on his own. you can instantly 180 in dark souls and he did
he basically poked a little bit and immediately tried to run
>tries to put greece in like estonia
also euros before your ever open your mouth, correctly label all 50 states
>still reeling
you can factually pause the video and factually see that he factually returns to the same frame as before he got hit. please stop trying to lie to support your incorrect argument.
there's a reason that souls games were considered hard when they came out, tight tolerances on controls is one reason. enemy can take advantage of your mistakes.
I'm American and I can't do that. But I don't travel much from my grandma's attic.
Half the states are square-shaped. Fuck off.
States are what regions are for european country. Guess you dont know every region of france either huh? Truth is individual states of USA are irrelevant but a single state in EU no matter how small can fuck shit up bigtime.
>correctly label all 50 states
Amerimutt thinks the rest of the world gives a shit about their regions
I've never seen that in my life, thats what you get for playing on pc with a 60fps patch that literally breaks the game
>allows players to get in critical damage on unwary opponents
Yes that's the point of backstabs Not sure why you bothered to explain this
>allows a skilled player to dodge out of it if they're fast enough
Backstab canceling in DS1 took more skill
>doesn't punish the players for triggering microscopic animation quirks
Forcing players to learn how the game works isn't a bad thing
That fucker has a lemon and plays on consoles.
I prefer DaS3's method of letting you dodge backstabs and leaving the enemy stuck impotently doing the animation.
I don't know what I expected coming into DS thread.
kek, I didn't even realise enemies could backstab you until I saw this. Get fucking gud
this sux dood