Lose game

>lose game
>group with same people you lost with
Why is this fucking allowed?

Because nobody else plays the game

muh 60 mil players

The only way to get better is to learn.
Learn what?
That you should play a better game.

>lose game
>group with same people you lost with
>you win
This has only happened once also stop playing overwatch

post porn no one cares about this shitty shooter for retards and women

Competitive free for all when? It's literally the only mode I play in OW

>lose game
>team trash talk you
>group with same people you lost with is now on the enemy team
>proceed to demolish them

Best feeling desu

>call team faggots and rage quit
>search for another game
>same match
>they all make fun of me

This has happened to me aswell kek


this guy knows the only reason you go into overwatch threads


what's with those fucked up feet

> lose match
> blame team
> requeue
> get matched against the people you lost with
> get shit on

>2d brown girls are hot
>3d brown girls are shit
Why is our god so unfair?

Muh Dick


Adding women at the end was redundant

>3d brown girls are shit
Ugly ones, maybe.
You got hot girls of all colors, just gotta apply yourself.

Get some friends, cuck

>Those feet

Someone skipped the human proportions class desu.


>join a match
>Hanzo, widowmaker, roadhog, and McCree are instantly picked
>leave and re-queue
>new match
>Pharah, widowmaker, hanzo, soldier 76, junkrat on defense
You know for a casual game nobody knows how to pick a fucking functioning team comp.

>muh meta comp
This is how I know you're in gold.

>play game alone
>disappointed by the results
You have nobody to blame but yourself.

>Play shitty team-based, skill-averse, composition-based skinnerboxes, like DOTA, LoL, Overwatch, TF2.
>Complain about other players instead of playing skill-based fightans.

>muh lopsided garbage comp is fine who needs healers fuck the meta xD
I haven't played the last couple of comp seasons but the last time I tried it I got into masters. I stopped playing it after I stopped giving a shit about golden weapons.

Now that some gooooood fanart nigga

>doesn't play competitive
>expects a decent team composition
Are you retarded?

Garbage comp where every player has 300h on their respective heroes >>>>>>> muh meta comp where everyone doesnt know what the fuck they're doing and only filling the roles because some retard like OP bullied them into it.

>Win game
>Get matched against the people you won with

nah the hottest girls i've known were all 3d brown (non-negro, though one was half black/white)

I live in the NY-NJ area

>everyone doesnt know what the fuck they're doing
The characters have two abilities, and ult, and two weapons at most how fucking bad are you people at video games?
You should be able to competently play a bare minimum of at least half the roster.

t. bronzie

I'm sorry you're too fucking stupid to learn how to play 13 heros
You'd probably kill yourself if you tried a game of dota.