What are the real criticisms of this game

what are the real criticisms of this game

i bought it for the ass but 2b isn't even the main character
shit game

nowdays it is being too toxic, and now video gaming is a mental disorder

ive never played it but i still hate it and i will never stop shitposting about it because other people like it

none, people hate it becuse they don't know anything about yoko taro and though it's going to be a platinum game like bayonetta.
Not actualy criticism but it has waifufags and they're annoying

The shmup/hacking sequences are boring

Still unoptimized and despite it greatly surpassing platinum’s expectations and saving them from financial troubles they still haven’t put out a single patch for anything

if natori had worked on it it would have been easily a 9.5/10

Nines never gets naked

Sponge enemies are boring when they have the same two attack patterns

Like you have to look up 2B's skirt to beat the game, like it made me uncomfortable in my 8 hours of play time, which is really a lot of time to invest in a game.

Not enough trap porn of 9s


The real problem is that on normal you are a tank who cant be killed but on hard 50% of things one shots you and the other half kills you in two hits
and there is nothing in between

I can't take 9S seriously because he looks like a 10 year old faggot.

Not enough ass.

A legitimate criticism could be that the game difficulty is unbalanced. Either it's too easy on normal or way too hard on hard. Also the world is very small but that could be viewed as a good thing. The game shines story wise and the message it sends is really beautiful in my opinion.

You should read the Yoko Taro interview on game informer.

not enough commander porn

real problem with the game was not enough of 6O and the commander.

slap on 30% bonus hp from chips then hard gets closer to fun and playable.

Level scaling is retarded, you don't have to do much side missions at all in route B, but then in C the enemies get a huge level spike, and you end up playing really safe since they can wreck your shit in one hit.

Only correct criticisms so far.

you forgot

>shit gameplay
>shit graphics

There should also be more futa 2B/A2 on 9S porn.

Unbalanced difficulty is the only real criticism of the game. Specifically the way leveling up makes you 1hko everything, especially on Nines with his bullshit ranged damage.

Shit combat
Pretentious plot and dumb weeby dialogues like in some shitty jrpg
Just like in Drakengard 3

>slap on 30% bonus hp from chips
is there a way to get this early?

Way too easy, standing in stark contrast to the impressive visuals of the bosses.

At its core it's just a hack & slash, a fairly barebones one at that. Same goes for the shmup sequences.

Collecting materials in order to upgrade weapons gets tiring quick - there's no real incentive to upgrade any new weapons you get. Once you tried out each type you've seen them all.

Chips are unbalanced, some are entirely pointless whilst some straight up break the game. Upgrading is also semi-cryptic and for the most part unecessary because the game is already too easy.

Hard mode, etc. reeks of artificial difficulty rather than making the encounters any more challenging.

Game world is small and many areas feel empty
Lack of enemy variety
Way more weapons than is justified by the gameplay

Graphics that looks like a PS2 game thanks to simplistic models
Runs like total shit on PeyCee
Combat is hurt by the RPG elements, your damage and the damage you taken is perceive by your stats rather than your skill like most Plat games
Some of the plot messages seems to be waay on the nose

Characters were developed outside of the fucking game and to anyone who doesn't read Taro's plays they feel severely underdeveloped through the course of the game.

Also Adam and Eve were criminally underused.

You can't fuck 9S.

Also the gameplay was kinda shallow. the difficulties were not balanced.

The game had some really strange difficulty spikes. I've traveled here from the future to say this because I didn't figure out how to fully upgrade my weapons before route C and went in about 20 levels lower than everything in it to boot and every single enemy took me about a year to kill.

>its a platinum game
You dont need to say antyhing else.


Melodramatic pretty much all the time. 9S isn't fun to play. A2 exists just so 9S can vent. 2D sections aren't engaging. A lot of the game is basically on rails. Hacking wasn't fun at all. Chips don't do anything interesting except for shockwaves. Limited movepool. Pod attacks are slow. 9S sucks.

atleast im teller than 9s

That's not an achievement

shit pc port


you can't fuck 9s

Difficulty balance is fucked, bad. HP recovery chips are busted OP, overleveling makes you way too powerful (giving you more DPS as you level was retarded), SHMUP sections are braindead and extremely boring (kaiju boss is the worst offendwr), too severe jumps on difficulty which just does the typical dmg sponge technique, ect. There's a solid combat system there, it just never felt remotely balanced.

Apart from that, I think every other aspect of the game is an 7.5 at worst, 9.5 at best, with that difficulty balance being a 4. I adore the game otherwise, except maybe not getting enough playtime in the 3rd act as A2 and 9S not having enough sword combat depth to justify having is playtime be over half the game.

I have quite a few bones to pick with it even though I really liked it.
>All dialogue stops whenever 9S starts hacking which completely robs several moments of any tension
>For a Platinum game, the combat was surprisingly basic. Because there was no rating system or other incentive to be stylish in fights, you could just mash whatever is the most effective to win. A ranking system wouldn't really fit this game but they could at least make it so enemies give you more money/exp if you kill them in stylish ways.
>A2's powered up mode is more trouble than it's actually worth.
>2B's final moments don't seem very thought out at all. Limping though a world as big as the one in Automata is a stupid idea. It really sours the scene that followed it because you go through such a pain in the ass walk across the map just to watch your character die.
>The DLC is fun but a lot of people probably didn't bother with it because they deleted their save when the game was over the first time.
That's about all I got. It still stands among the best of the best in a damn good year for games. It's definitely easier to list what you like about the game than what you dislike.

Not enough A2

There's no option to make 2B sit on 9S and have him hack into her asshole with his tongue.

That face is so ugly you don't even need to see the entire thing.

The story was pretty meh in retrospective

good game, could be better
nobody care about the plot

this unironically

pc port was kinda bad
textures are really dated for the most part
environments were boring for the most part

9S's self-destruction reveals too little compared to 2B.

>Graphics that looks like a PS2 game thanks to simplistic models
you fucking what mate?

isnt 9s' depiction a little too young for you to lust over

Females asses offend me


based gehe

He is a fictional non-human person so no.

I want 2b to sit her super-massive ass on my face right now.


The environment models looks like a PS2 desu. I think we got used to the AAA level of environments rich with details so looking at Nier environments that lacks those details feels like a PS2 game.

The character models looks fine but everything else feels on low quality, make sense since Taro's team is in charge of those.


fuck me please


he's like 16 years old physically

You haven't played a PS2 game.

Gameplay is boring

You're right. A PS2 game has more graphical details than Nier Automata.

Except for Shadow of the Colossus, which quite similar.

It has some lazy graphical polish but this game couldn't even run on a PS3 let alone a PS2.

Is he a sexbot?

Not a single PS2 game has as good of graphics as Nier does.

not enough breasts

Hey, let's see those PS2 games.

>The environment models looks like a PS2 desu.
If you were talking about Nier 1 you'd have an argument, not Nier 2.

Sure, but them models tho

KH2. Nier doesnt look good in any way. Kaine looks like shit. 'Muh puhpuh' nier looks like shit. Environments are shit. The only decent one is maybe the sand city but thats because how plain everything looks there.

Since when is KH2 an open world that can render things like fields of grass?

Why is he so perfect?

He's talking about Nier 2 you knucklehead. Nobody denies that Nier 1 looks like a PS2 game.

Yeah they've got a lot more polygons than any PS2 game.

I guess you're right. I just shocked by how simple the environments are despite artistically interesting.

Combat is too shallow and repetitive for how long the game is.
Overworld is a joke for 2017 standards along with horrendous the rendering is.

>Combat is too shallow and repetitive for how long the game is.
But it's an RPG.

Granted but if that's the case then it should have more mechanics and hand them out in moderation along the way to keep things from getting stale, P5 did it pretty well, every new palace they added something to the combat.
There's a reason platinum games are usually short.

I've played all the previous Taro games somewhat close to their initial release and I hated this game.
I just don't get the love it has gotten, it tries to do so much of what the previous games did and it does it poorly.
The only parts of the game that managed to illicit an emotional response were the parts involving previously established NieR characters.
2B and 9S just felt like really shitty Light Novel characters, on the whole the game felt like one of those emotionaly manipulative seinin manga what all the death and rape to try and get you to sympathise with the characters.
A2 and Jackass were the only good characters (yes pascal was shit too)
Weapon stories and their evolutions felt like a downgrade from Drakengard 3.
Worst of all was the combat, not because it was bad/mediocre but because it was a missed opportunity, instead of building on the 3D bullet hell elements and the genre bending they decided to develop the combat instead.
All the genre switching felt so shallow.
Automata felt like watching M Night going from unbreakable to the village.

>9S' moveset removes the heavy attack and replaces it with a hack that does less DPS than a heavy attack would

>RPGs are supposed to have shit combat

>shitty shmups
>shit checkpoints
>crippled sections
>shitboxes galore
>everything and its grandmother is resistant to hitstun
>only five weapon types with small move sets
>minimum timer on some boss fights
>unskippable dialogue before/during some boss fights
>failing to pick up your body is permanent chip loss
>is either joke easy or bad joke hard because Taro doesn't know how to balance healing in an action game
>melee becomes fairly pointless later on
>Route B is a waste of time
>only way to delevel and experience the earlier chapters again in Chapter Select without everything exploding from a finger poke is locked behind DLC
>level layout is designed around gimping you out of upgrades
>doesn't make use of the enemy variety it has

the ending is actually horrible (ending E) where basically it's a huge deus ex machina for fighting the credits in lieu of an actual ending.

i hated how much people loved and 'teared' up at the ending or talking about how deep it is for such a shitty copout of a story.

This is a Taro game made by Platinum though. Platinum gave it polish. Go and play Drakengard 3 if you want to see what the alternative is.

The point was that you shouldn't have high expectations for good combat going into an RPG.

>The point was that you shouldn't have high expectations for good combat going into an RPG.
There are RPGs and Action RPGs with good combat (couple of the FF games, KH2FM, Souls). Taro has no excuse.

>failing to pick up your body is permanent chip loss
Have you tried picking up your body? This isn't a controversial or new feature. You've got a number of valid points so I don't see why you'd need to inflate your list with this.

i love the game but
>720p upscaled
c'mon guys
i can't get the FAR mod/fix working

It's 900p and that issue only affects fullscreen mode, so play in windowed mode.

>Have you tried picking up your body?
Yes, I know picking up your body isn't hard to execute or anything, I'm talking about when you're on Very Hard and get tapped by something on the way to your body or during a boss fight. One hit and all the shit you spent time farming is gone.

2B and 9S were specifically designed to make me bisexual and I don't like it.

My two major complaints are:

>too much 9s I wanted to play as 2b
>soundtrack was no where near as good as Nier


Yeah great, a couple of exceptions to the expectation that gameplay takes a backseat in RPGs. Nier: Automata doesn't have shit combat anyway. It's perfectly serviceable. Hell, even Nier 1's combat wasn't shit either. Completely average, but it worked and the dark verses were cooler than Automata's equivalents. I'm not saying what we got couldn't have been better, but the bar doesn't exist for Taro games so the fact that it plays better than Drakengard 1 is a cause for celebration and should be analysed no further than that.

Shitty PC port

>the fact that it plays better than Drakengard 1 is a cause for celebration and should be analysed no further than that.
No. That's retarded.