>Venezulean weeaboo makes a game with art inspired by PC98 games he was too young to play
>gets it translated to Japanese
>reviews blast the translation as shit
Damn, roasted.
>Venezulean weeaboo makes a game with art inspired by PC98 games he was too young to play
>gets it translated to Japanese
>reviews blast the translation as shit
Damn, roasted.
I played a little of it in Japanese and they translated "fountain of spirits" in the intro text literally, as in "a fountain of souls", when it was referring to alcohol, so yeah, whoever translated this was a retard.
game is shit anyways
I'm willing to bet that they got the guy to translate for free, but if they paid the bastard that's fucked up.
What the hell.
>gets japanese translation
>no spanish
Oscar ordered a botched the translation because a citizen dared to make something for the international market
What will their next game be?
>PC98 too young to play
Didn't they make PC98 games up to the late 90s?
Do any of these indie devs care about the japanese audience
Nearly every time I see an eleven Let's Playing a western indie game it's using a fan-translation patch
>western makes a game
>Japs bitch and moan for a translation
>Get one for free
>It's not great but it's okay. Perfectly playable
>Japs bitch and moan that it's not completely perfect t even though it's free
Are Japs the PC of nationality? Why are they so god-fucking-awful and impossible to please? Why don't they go play "Imouto Fuckquest #98862 30 year old virgin male edition"?
Sex between siblings is a beautiful thing, don't you talk shit about it.
I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people here who play Japanese games and hate shit translations too, even if they're free
Its literally visual novel about nothing. Art is the only thing going for it and even that is subpar. Your average low budget VNs at least have some kind of romance or shitty drama going on. This dogshit game has nothing
>nips bitching in amazon reviews
>anything new
Pick one.
Here's reviews for MH4G, a game that sold 2.6m in japan.
What did you except from a venezulean SJW retard that made a game for autistic queers from tumblr?
For some it incentivizes them to learn runes. And japs, like the thirdworlders they are, don't even bother learning english
>meme game gets btfo
Im ok with this
>dumb cucked weebs still eat that shit up
>dev is still a millionaire
>jlpt n4 jops sperging out
>t. N2 JOP
>anything, gets ported to english
>its a pretty shit attempt
>highly praised as the proper way to partake of the medium, fucking dubs reee
>english gets ported to jap
>its a pretty shit attempt
>baka gaijin reeee
just play the original senpai :^)
>it's a denyal can't let it go thread
Gas yourself my dude. Getting demodded from an awful Discord server is not that big of a deal.
>Tfw you will die long before it become possible, legal, and socially acceptable to fuck loli sexbots everyday for a nominal fee
Who's that?
>not playing it on superior English language
lol japanese amirite
>Why are they so god-fucking-awful and impossible to please?
so they're just like Sup Forums?
Some salty guy obsessed with this game.
Finding a good English-to-Japanese translator who's willing to work for cheap is not exactly easy user. Especially when you don't know the language yourself and can't actually verify that they're good.
Large companies can just throw money at the problem and solve it that way but VA-11 devs are like four guys from a third world country that last I checked was starving to death.
>Tumblr game
It has
>No fatties
>Sup Forums ripoff site built into it
>Full of Sup Forums culture and jokes
>Lolibot (something Tumblr hates more than anything is lolis)
>Slutshaming, kinkshaming, fatshaming, basically everything that would give a Tumblr whale a heart attack
Also it pretty much glorifies alcoholism which Tumblr would probably find too triggering.
Confirmed for not playing the game, or even reading threads about the game.
Only thing you could possibly find SJW or tumblr in it is that it has more lesbians than straight people, and that's a fetish more than anything.
The Senpai is actually the VN about nothing. VA-11 Hall-A isn't even about nothing.
holy shit
>Be Venezuelan
>Make game
>It's shit
>Starve to death
Such is life in the Bolivarian republic