Intel Meltdown: Fortnite fucked: More online games coming?

The damage is only being realized.

just glad i stuck with a i5 2500k for so long, i'll have a legitimate reason to upgrade when the newest gen rolls around

you do realize that sandy is affected too?

everything that was released since 90 or 95 is affected you retard so its pretty much everything

can I get a quick rundown on this?

I wonder what will happen with fps games or mmorpgs. I feel like with this delay between calls, online games will be fucked.

Feels good to be a singleplayer-only player.
Literally the only games with online component i've ever played are souls games and they are p2p.

you guys can't read

same here


amd fanboys blowing shit out of proportion

Hardware level vulnerability, pretty easy patch for amd and arm but intel fix is gunna be shit

Just patched my system and I took before and after screenshots of five different perspectives at the tri point between Surumar, Azsuna and Val.

Before average FPS was 104.6.
After average FPS was 109.

Nothing I have shows a performance decrease, and I got up to 9 fps increase on one of the shots.

Settings are set to 10 across the board with environment detail set to 7.
Advanced settings MSAA 8x/8x. Multisample Alpha Enabled. CMAA. Bilinear. DX11. 100% render scale.
7700k @ 5.1ghz.

A 30% decrease would have me at an average FPS of 73.22. This is clearly not the case. I'm sure You will update his first post accordingly /s

must just be you i have the patch and my cpu utilization is pretty much the same as it was before when i play fortnite

To explain it as simple as possible (and hopefully right):
To speed up execution a cpu executes commands out of order. This can be used by programs to gain access to protected memory (where you are normally not allowed any access to).

Afaik this creates more security problems for databases and VMs. A software fix is reported to decrease perfomance by up to 30%.
Wouldnt be to worried if you all you do is game though.

how dumb are you? he is saying he will buy the new CPU that does not have this problem..

decrease in performance by up 30% is pretty much only for servers and data centers you wont notice a difference if all you do is play vidya and shitpost here

the heavy impact is on the servers not the clients you absolute mong
that's what's depicted in the OP picture
have you been following this story at all

You niggers realise that it will take years until you can get a new intel that isn't affected, right? Just how deep is that intel jew dick down your throat?

hope hes willing to wait years and his cpu doesnt die by then

its good that you are using your noggin user but your picture isn't complete either.

the ride doesn't end.

>Intel has been an arm of Mossad since the 80s. This was known since 95 because they put it there (just like IME which is a known intentional backdoor) and the only reason they released it is because they baked a much better flaw into the next design and need everyone to swap CPUs

I have i7 2600k and same thing here. It is still working nice to this day. But yeah, I guess when ACTUAL next gen comes out I will upgrade.

I actually wouldnt be surprised if this were true

Google discovered 3 security flaws, 2 for Intel, 1 for Intel and AMD. The one for both is negligible, one of them for Intel isn't a particular bother and the last one for Intel is so major that it affects everything Intel in the past decade at least and requires an update that can tank CPU performance by up to 30%.

So was the Meltdown flaw discovered by Google or what? Because in that case why make the issue public?

>tfw to have security you need to start your own CPU company and never hire anyone who is known associates of jews

They don't make issue like this public until the fix is ready usually.

It was discovered back in July.

This user gets it right. Meltdown was released because there is even more sophisticated backdoor in next-gen Intel chips now

They discovered it 6 months ago and told Intel and AMD at the time. I've no idea why it took so long to come out but Intel's CEO sold most of his stock last month so there was clearly some plan to drag it out.

Well I havent used Windows Update for 4 years so who cares? And no I dont think that I am a target on Russian hacker list.

>why make the issue public
Because Intel didn't do jack shit about it.
Because Intel lied about how severe it was.
Because Intel's CEO sold all the Intel stock he could when the issue was not public.

Hire chinks, they steal your stuff to make their own company or give it to their government
Hire pajeets, steal your stuff to sell on the black market or sell it to chinks
Hire yuro/americans, will not steal your shit but will add backdoors and other shit in your stuff
Hire eastern yuros, just steal your shit

>Because Intel's CEO sold all the Intel stock he could when the issue was not public.

"oh no"

dont patch then but youre still going to be vulnerable if thats a risk you want to take then go for it

Just like I've been vulnerable to everything else for the past 4 years I know. If you just visit trusted links and dont click on shady ads you're safe I swear you.

He receives and sells shares every year. The minimum stake he can hold is already $10M in one company, so diversifying the remainder makes sense. What I find funny about the "muh insider trading" narrative is that no one has bothered to look up what time of year he usually dumps his stock.

If he buys back now then he's made 2.5% profit.

Any user here upgraded from w7 to w10? Did everything go smoothly?
I want to install the patch for Meltdown but my w7 has "unsupported hardware" so basically Windows told me to fuck off and upgrade to w10

Buy AMD.

He would have received information on the issue months ago, when the price was closer to $35 than $45.

w7 patch is separate, coming out in like a week or so. lots of people and enterprises are still on w7 and this is pretty big; they're not ignoring it.

>coming out in like a week or so
nigga its been out for like 3 days already

the hit will not affect anything that spends most of its time in userspace
which means games and even emulators are virtually unaffected
now online games, that's another question

Isn't that literally insider trading? Why is he not in jail?

good thing i dont run a server

>Afaik this creates more security problems for databases and VMs.
This creates more security problems for every application. This exploit can be used to access secret keys and unencrypted passwords.
Very oversimplified: The fix is to make the "protected memory" (kernel space) completely unaccessible. This means every time the operating system has to access kernel space, the processor has to do a so-called context switch, which takes extra time. Databases and VMs are use cases in which you have to switch to kernel space particularly often, so the fix hits their performance extra hard.

That's WoW

Basic every server-like workload is fucked.

i'm not talking about your fps in online games, i'm talking about server load

The most interesting thing I've heard about the case for Virtual Machines is that this exploit is so severe that Pajeet with his fake tech support scheme and request for remote access could break out of the VM environment and access your real computer operating system with a simple code execution.

>vidya locked into the x86 meme
Should Valve "encourage" games to use a common language?

Because he properly filled the paperwork for it and he probably consulted with his lawyers before doing so.

ARM is designed by britbongs and built by either chinks or gooks

What? Like Java? Or maybe C#?

Platform independent code already exists, user.

>literally no vidya reaches 100% CPU utilization
>literally no vidya reaches 100% CPU utilization even after Meltdown

So basically nothing changed? Nothing is capped, so FPS is not affected.

Basically, yes. AMD fanboys are screaming about this while a spectre fix is MIA.

Is w10 really that bad?

Idk man I already found a patch, Sup Forums told me about it, thing is I am cockblocked mi microsoft due to the unsupported hardware thing, so I can't install it.
Not a good reason for the unsopported thing either, apparently they just wanted to force some people to go to w10

If you look at the CEO's stock history, he has always been selling every last stock he has except the minimum required to maintain his position as CEO. He just never had that many before.

My understanding is that the timing is considered an issue. He scheduled an irreversible stock trade in advance specifically to avoid insider trading accusations but they kept a lid on the security issue for so long that the fact that it was a scheduled trade is irrelevant. He knew a stock price crash was coming and made sure he sold his stock before that happened.

>Ryzen master race

AMDrones are getting desperate.


sure, if you're running decryption 24/7

if you're gaming on software platforms that are 5+ years old (almost everything released in 2017) it won't do shit.

>Intelfags this mad that AMD won

>processors still shit
>still no threat to Intel
What did you win exactly?


Unless you're working with I/O, Virtualization, VM the impact post patch should be negligible. I've seen reports of up to 70% increased workload on httpd + php, shit is fucked for people running servers.

sauce is Okamishonen wa Kyo mo Uso o Kasaneru if anyone wants their heart to melt

I haven't noticed any performance decrease whatsoever for now.

So, are we in class action territory or no?

>unsupported hardware
Isn't there a patch that disables the CPU check Windows Update performs?

>I've seen reports of up to 70% increased workload on httpd + php

That sounds bad but then you realize they are probably talking about 3% CPU load jumping to 5% CPU load. That doesn't necessarily mean 50% CPU load becomes 85% CPU load.

Ask your lawyer.

>tfw my ryzen meme purchase pays off unironically

>tfw my ryzen meme purchase isn't affected by spectre

We need a new CPU that respects our freedom in the name of G-D.


You're right, but it also says I will have to update the DLL after every update, what the fuck does that even mean?

Don't post LaPhos ever again


Yeah. Imagine owning a server center and having your electrical bills jump by 2%.

The new Battlefront 2 reaches 100% CPU utilization for 5-6 minutes for me on the first few minutes after the new map loads on my i5 3470, causing freezes and stutter till it passes, I dread to see what it will be like after the patch.

>Dwarf Fortress
I am fucked...

Of course he was right. God told him to make an OS and probably filled his head with the required knowledge to do so. God's never wrong.

Doesn't I/O affect games when it comes to auto saving and auto loading? Seems like that would be an issue since you are reading and writing to the HDD.

Or maybe they just optimized the game better, CPU usage is a good thing, how about you show framerate compassion between pre and post patch you pajeet shill

waaahh russian ransomeware on 4chin!
waaah neu neutrality
waaaah intel is finished lmaoooo!!!

its the fucking drama of the week

>apple patched it in december meaning that is internally known for that long at least
>shit starts to fall on november
What a coincidence.jpg

>Anything can get into your protected memory
>Servers will have huge performance drops in some cases
>This effects every CPU made since the 90s
"Drama of the week"

could you be any more brainlet

general CPU utilization has nothing to do with the issue at hand
for offline vidya literally nothing changes
nothing changes for anything mostly staying in userspace
shit changes for servers load, and it's the main issue here

Then it doesn't matter.

>same processor
>was thinking of upgrading a couple months back
Glad I dodged that bullet.

What Sup Forums never seems to realize is that people suck equally, they just piss you off in different ways.

>for offline vidya nothing changes
What about if you use mods extensively, is there additional I/O from that? In singleplayer.

that probably depends on the game and the way it was modded
have any skyrimfags commented about it?

Nothing apart from the usual performance and loading time penalties of running a fuckhuge stack of mods.

Why are you ignoring the fact that regardless of performance hits there is still a very real possibility that anyone can gangrape your computer and steal your files and passwords?

I have a 4790k and I'm running Windows 7. Should I be concerned about this CPU gimping meme?

i have 4790k and i'm on win8
with security update there's literally no performance degradation in anything i've tried in last 3 days

can't wait until my big bro steps in and slaps the shit out of intel for fraud


will they do this before or after they allow your sister to be raped by a gang of muslims?