What Switch games are you looking forward to this year anons?
What Switch games are you looking forward to this year anons?
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Mothafuckin Travis, mothafuckin Kirby, Mothafuckin' smash. I don't expect Metroid 4, SMT 5 or Pokémon yet this year.
Hopefully Bayo 3 will indeed come out this summer.
Octopath Travelers, SMTV, Kirby and either Pokemon or Metroid.
The switch has games?
Smash. If I don't see squids or I'm gonna riot
We'll get generic ones, though, not Squidols.
Smash, Dong, animal crossing and Metroid
I don't thing we'll get a new one right away. Tropical Dong sold too little. I say a Deluxe edition is a lot more likely.
Cutesy Rehash 56 Manchild Simulator JRPG Anime Jackoff Wahoo
Xenosaga HD Collection.(I'm never going to stop hoping for this.)
Though I'd honestly be happy with more info on Bayo 3 and SMTV.(Probably won't get anything on SMTV for awhile though.)
>HD Collection
We went through this already. I don't want 2. You don't want 2. Nobody ever wanted 2. 2 was a mistake. We need a remake, not just a collection.
It sold over a million on a dead platform. Bayo 2 didn't sell that much, and it's getting a sequel and re-release
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons
mmm. what are the chances smt1&2 get ported?
>Stage is Inkopolis Plaza
>Has random chance to be a Splatfest or not upon loading
It writes itself user. Just rip off the Medievil stage from Battle Royale with the Unfinished Swan elements and the painted-in platforms, and you're there.
Sure, that's pretty much what I said though, rerelease first so it can have a second chance and sell properly and after that a sequel. If they add a new world or something like that, I'll gladly double dip.
Hey it's more than what I'm getting on my PS4.
>MHW since fuck waiting a year
>Maybe BO4?
>KHIII if they don't delay it again until 2019 (they will)
I'd kill for a remake, but I don't think that will ever happen.
Dude, we were doing so well ignoring the obvious shitposters till now.
Honestly I don't trust anyone but Takahashi with that, and I'd rather he not waste his time remaking old games. Perfect Works is back on, no need to dwell on the past.
He's either illiterate or that is a single title and it sounds amazing user.
They did already remake 2 on the DS, though. They only need to reremake it with pretty enough graphics, add 3 and we're set.
>Perfect Works is back on
What's this now?
The trinity
Fire emblem
Metroid prime 4
Chances are about 1000 to one
Fire emblem is a lock
GF working on pokemon with A team during 2015 (while Sun and moon were in development)
Metroid prime 4 is a stretch but rumours link to MP4 being under 2 years since E3.
Xeno rated RPG is my mystery bet
As for order Trifecta
1.Fire Emblem
2.metroid Prime 4
I'm just saying, they don't have to wait for a re-release to sell well to green-light a new entry
Don't worry about it, his latest game is just a fun fantasy boy meets girl story.
I hope you rike it
I actually still have a copy of Xenosaga I & II for the DS.
That's the only thing that would make sense about this weird Xenosaga collection being Switch exclusive rumor.
AC and pokemon, Travis, bayo 3. I would list more but Nintendo likes to take their sweet time to confirm games and release dates.
This one
Wait, you telling me there's more to Xenoblade 2? I haven't played it yet, hell, I don't have a Switch yet, but plan on getting one next month.
>Wii releases
People wants Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Kirby, Metroid
>3ds releases
People wants Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Kirby, Metroid
>WiiU releases
People wants Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Kirby, Metroid
>Switch releases
People wants Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Kirby, Metroid
Get outta before you get spoiled user. Set up some filters so you can go in blind.
Bayo 3 and SMT V
Ive had a blast with P5 and to know Atlus is making fucking SMT in UE4 with that sweet style(resembles Kaneko's). Im fucking ready
I think everybody wants new IP too but it's not like we know what they are
Splatoon says hi.
The only ones I know of coming that I want are Kirby, Yoshi, and Pokemon. Ideally I'd love a Super Mario 64 DS remake for Switch without the touchscreen nonsense and an actual control stick.
Animal Crossing: Seasons & Cultures, Metroid Prime 4 Elements, Okami HD, Travis Strikes Back, Outlast 1 and 2, Earthbound: The Disappearing Island, Overwatch, Captain Rainbow HD, Octopath Traveler, Wolfenstein II, Need for Speed Underground 2: Overloaded Edition, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Grand Theft Auto V are my most hyped. Can't. Wait. 2018 is going to be a great year for the Switch.
>Underground 2
Shit, I would buy it in a heartbeat
>Earthbound: The Disappearing Island
I believe this even less than I do Captain Rainbow HD.
>Grand Theft Auto V
I actually forgot about it. If they really release it it would be cool to play again.
It's one of these games where you can just roam around for no reason and have fun.
Of course I would rather pirate it because I don't want to buy it 3rd time again.
People also ask for the b-tier IPs to get sequels. Custom Robo, Advance Wars, F-Zero, a non-derivative Star Fox, a Kid Icarus akin to Uprising, Punch-Out, Sin & Punishment, even a new Chibi-Robo
for Xeno, Xenosaga is likely a tie over for the MMO
If i was to bet, X2 will be greenlit before XC3 but Xenosaga is likely 2019 or DLC is launched before it.
*Switch sells 50M in Japan*
A Xeno MMO is coming?
>Xenosaga HD Collection
never ever you know it
Octopath Travellers is my number 1
I'd love to see Hyrule Warriors 2
I'd flip my shit with hype for Megaman Legends 3
Octopath Travelers
Hollow Knight
Darkest Dungeon
Nah, this.
Okie dokie let's make a pizza pie together
Go fuck yourself poorfag
>Hollow Knight
>Darkest Dungeon
I wish there would be a way to play these games right fucking now almost free and not for 40 bucks each.
Dark Souls 1-2-3
>got DD with crimson court for 7$ on sale crossplay for vita/ps4
>it would probably cost 30$ on switcg
>30$ on switcg
With dlcs? More like 40-50
Travis Touchdown
Octopath Traveler
Travis Touchdown
Animal Crossing (please)
Fire Emblem
Travis “Downward Fucking Dog” Touchdown
This is from monolith? It screams FE to me, looks interesting
Halfway through the game that girl will end up piloting a mech.
No, she'll be commanding a Golem
nah they'll give him a retarded name like "rockmonsta" or something
Or they'll call the Mechs Golems
Sauce? I've seen that face before
"There is a new generation of gamers out there, LET ME AT LEAST INTRODUCE MYSELF"
Oh, and the new Kirby looks cool too