Name one (1) thing they did wrong

Name one (1) thing they did wrong.

torturing people to death for minor crimes seems like a dicky thing to do.

apart from that, they actually seem to be one of the more sympathetic factions in the game, if a bit incompetent. I have no idea why so many FM authors try to make them seem as evil as possible.

Thief world is actually well written for a fantasy and don't apply modern moral system to medieval world. They are good for their time.

>subject is literally about morals
>but don't bring morals into it

Failed to pay attention.

Don't bring 'modern' morals into it.

but you are dressed as them in that mission.

Expert does not change AI behavior.

they turn into haunts when they die. im not sure if that makes them better or worse.

This, just fucking read on cragsleft why they were there, and what they did for "rehab"
Karras was a fucking saint compared to them.
t. totally not karras

I wonder if it's because they got buried in pagan ground, or if they're ghosts like Murus who went too long without rest.

well, while you're right about cragscleft, they still seemed to care about the plights of ordinary people, and wanted human civilisation to flourish. meanwhile, karras wants to gas every single human in the world because his autism and OCD has convinced him that organic life is "unclean".

I think it's because their rest has been disturbed. In Bonehoard Garrett enters a tomb, in Return to Cathedral none of the hammerites were given proper burials. In TMA, Eavesdropping the hammerite church is converted to mechanist.

>Install that patch for Thief 2
>Game works fine
>One day notice that patch created other shortcut I didn't notice earlier
>Launch Thief 2 through it
>Games is suddenly broken, textures are missing, enabling map or checking objectives turns screen to black and then takes forever to load
>Now no matter trough what I launch it, game remains broken
>I can't reinstall it because my brother borrowed thief trilogy to his friend

Is this a THIEF I see before me? Guards!

Is it me or does it seem like more FMs these days are starting using the Dark Project aesthetic more than the Metal Age (or original pseudo-Victorian settings)? Not complaining.

About time.

They practised magic despite shunning pagans

Literally nothing wrong with magic.

magic is the tool of the devil


Religious zealots who will sentence you to death or worse for minor shit.


>Receive thy pounding
>Oh, I think a baby bird pecked me

Someone needs to make an AI mod for the games.
I still love the games but you can exploit the shit out of the ai and any challenge is almost bound to be self imposed.

Steal it then. You are THIEF anyway

Pirate the game. you(your brother) all ready own a legal copy.

>Sup Forums will say this is the best stealth game ever made