How come nobody ever told me this game had such a cutie in it?
Tales of Zestiria
Magilou is better.
last time i checked you coulnt play as her
has this changed already?
You can set has as the player character in battle (at least in the PS4 version), but I'm not sure if you can change your walking character.
How is the combat system in Zestiria compared to Berseria?
it's utter shit. literally "mash circle and x over and over again" berseria at least had cool animations and stuff
this is what i mean
i hated zestira because of this
is there a mod for pc version?
Oh this is sad, I thought about playing it after Berseria but I didnt even like the combat system in that one.
Berseria's combat is 100 times better than Zestiria, not even close. So yeah.
I'm just playing it for the story, and also I really like Edna, so that's another reason.
>game is garbage
>only music and characters are fun
>everything else is just literal shit
>even prequel had 10000 times better characters than this
>people who praise it, never even played any tales of game before and Zestiria was their first experience
>they call themselves "fans" of the series...
Eleanor was much better.
>liking the crybaby exorcist unironically
Eleanor and Edna aren't even the same types of character.
garbage game, garbage designs
>>people who praise it, never even played any tales of game
Berseriafags are the same. I saw people saying Berseria's plot is new when other Tales games did the same plot point.
>>people who praise it, never even played any tales of game before and Zestiria was their first experience
Actually I've come across more Zestiriafags who've played both it and previous Tales games, but on the opposite end of the spectrum I've come across a lot of Berseriafags who praise Berseria to high heavens but have never played a Tales game before it.
>Eleanor was much better.
It's the same shit, Heart R was the last good Tales game, everything after it was a complete trainwreck.
Let's just start with... have you played any other Tales of game not released on PC? I had played almost every out there.
At least finish game, before saying lies.
And? There are many different type characters out there, so what's your point?
It's just your opinion. Berseria used a lot of Zestiria's assets, but at least game felt finished, not like Zest.
Destiny 2 is still one of the best Tales of games out there, with Vesperia on 2nd place.
Because the game is shit
>At least finish game, before saying lies.
But I did finish the game, not even that long ago.
yo why the fuck does this game keep forcing Mikleo into my active party?
My first Tales Game was actually Abyss on the PS2, then I got Legendia, and went backwards from there.
I've played all of the games since the start (in America) of the series, and the more recent games appealed to me FAR more.
Because he's Sorey's default seraph, and the true heroine.
Because that's the only good thing about the game.
>Eizen's boots
It still hurts.
Why must older brother figures suffer so much in this series?
Eleanor is pure, not for lewd
Yeah but they mostly played the shit ones over the PS3 era. None of those were outright good, they just had one or two redeeming qualities.
too bad her swimsuit is tame too
I should probably finish this game.
I just ended up killing the dude in the field and calling it quits.
Eleanor is so beautiful I want to fuck her ass
you kill a lot of dudes in a lot of fields
Hisui didn't suffer as much as Chester, he just has to deal with his brother in law being a retard.
At one point the lion faced dude is wandering about.
Xillia 2 really captured the feeling of being a wage slave with crippling debt
>let me just grind some missions to I can upgrade my equipment
>fly too close to the sun
>How come nobody ever told me this game had such a cutie in it?
because everyone was talking about bad this game was and that it pulled a MGS2 by replacing the character marketed as the main heroine with a shitty mary sue
Sadly, you are still only about halfway in that boring mess. I've done speedruns and the reality is that isn't even a quarter of the game.
I'm much more than halfway, he's there a long time.
>T-they never played any other Tales game
>It turns out they did
>W-Well they're not my favorite Tales games.
user please
When are they going to announce the next tales game? I remember when they were cranking out tales games each year, now they barely do.
as long as it comes to PC I don't care
I should almost thank bamco for not bring berseria to PS3 in english, as they forced the choice of pc/ps4 and I chose the smarter option
just stop putting denuvo on everything you fucks
That’s a good thing
The easiest way to figure it out is, did Rose JUST join your party?
>now they barely do.
Do you really want horrible games every year just for the sake of it?
They released 3 great titles in a single year before. Destiny directors cut, tales of Vesperia, and that remake of phantasia for PSP
Is phantasia psp in English? Is it definitive?
It's a touchy subject for Bandai. These games were being released around the 30th anniversary of the series, yet the Japanese outrage was at its highest point. Death threats were made for the sudden change of female protagonist in Zesteria, and Berseria was boycotted nationwide as a result. Since Bandai is the Japanese EA, the lack of pre-orders drew a lot of criticism from the boardroom, and the future of the series is now entirely questionable.
The PSP remake was never translated. But it is the definitive version with full voice acting and improved combat
Actually if you've been paying attention to JP news you'd know that Tales is doing much better now than it was in the past.
Turns out the otaku that bitched were just a small minority who didn't really support the series anyway. They're actually making more money now than they were in the past.
Some of them are my favourites, for certain aspects. But overall they're just not good games.
No, she's been around forever.
Just checked my steam and last story achievment was Trials Overcome. One short apparently and the story was definitely winding to a final close.
Thanks bamco
>Some of them are my favourites, for certain aspects. But overall they're just not good games.
Tales series in general is mediocre.
did you watch the trailer?
Then you are the final dungeon.
That dosen't deny the drop in quality they suffered.
Lately I've seen them pushing mobile shit Tales games. Seems like that's the future of the series. Minimum budget and effort put in, big profits from whales and fujos.
How long that is doesn't change how far into the overall game it is.
I stopped playing because I didn't give a shit.
There really isn't a drop though, the games just went in a different direction, and the direction isn't everyone's cup of tea.
In fact if you've ever read the Zestiria game interviews (from the head writer and director-not Baba) you'd know that it was screwed over by some of the staff wanting more traditional Tales tropes, which resulted in two rewrites.
Those were all done by different teams and they didn't come out in a single year, not to mention that Phantasia X is a budget remake with not a lot of effort put into, and the fourth remake of the same game with very little changes other than a new character to tie in into Narikiri Dungeon X which was the actual good game between the two by the way.
All the while churning mediocre games inbetween those rare releases that were actually "good", I'd rather have one actually good game every three years than a flood of mediocre trash with one or two okay games every now and then.
And people really overrate Vesperia as well, even though it is one of my favorite entries for some things it is enormously overrated.
It is mediocre but some games have a really tight combat system and are fun to play, there's also good memes to be had.
They were mainly getting the western releases back up to the same speed as the japanese ones, there was a 3 years gap between Xillia 2 and Zesti in japan but only one year for the west.
But at the same time we are currently witnessing the longest amount of time spent between the release of a Tales of and the announcement of the next one. The last time it took at least as long was back in the early 2000 between Eternia's release and Destiny 2's announcement (or it was Destiny's release and Eternia's announcement, forgot which) with like a year and a half between the two and given the date of the next Tales of event, we are set to beat that by at least half a year.
What's the next best, PS1?
Rays doesn't really have much in the way of whaling though.
If you could follow a conversation you'd know I was talking about the PS3 era and their bullshit, not Zest.
>Giant fetish
Zestiria was first released on the PS3 user, and even then Xillia suffered from the games berng unfinished. And Graces was too Tales.
Anyone else hate how they abandon previous combat systems too quickly? I had way more fun with Grace's CC and title system more than Xillias AC and orb system.
Grace's CC gets ridiculous by the end of the game.
It definitely shows progress, but also how shallow the mechanics are. If you're APM is up to it you could be doing 30+ CC shit from the start of the game, but no it all comes down to what weapon you have equipped.
Yeah, JP only and then a simultaneous release for both PS3 and PS4/PC elsewhere. I'd argue that being the start of the next era.
Instead of making a good base and throwing it into the trash the next year, they should be improving upon it. Seems like a waste of development resources if they constantly start from scratch.
They didn't trash it, they ported it from Wii to PS3. Think of the double dipping nipponjins,
I'd rather take a combat system that gets broken when you almost beat the game than a combat system that's broken at all times. With AC you just spam the same arte the enemy is weak to and they stagger like fucking crazy. There's no A arte combo build up or B arte wind up, you just literally mash O while your party members feed you TP gels.
They were probably trying to avoid speaking to faggots like you.
What I mean is they should put CC in future games and tweak it so it can be more fun. Instead of the god awful AC system or whatever casualized resource they put in these days.
I liked Berseria's souls system but it had two major flaws:
>If you had to many souls, you tended to keep getting souls because you were comboing like a motherfucker
>If you had to little souls (like 1), you tended to stay there. It's not difficult in practice to get them back, but when one fucking skill becomes your whole combo it just makes any boss fight that hits that low to feel like shit.
Like all tales combat systems, their idea is not bad but there are 1-2 flaws that stop it from being really good. They could iron out these flaws but for some reason they just throw out the system and start a new one. I wouldn't be surprised if for the next Tales they just copy Xenoblade 2 but make it faster.
>They could iron out these flaws but for some reason they just throw out the system and start a new one.
That's not true at all, for a longass time Tales kept on building on a single battle system with only a few odd outliers like Rebirth and Legendia which still play largely the same to all the titles released up until then, with Abyss being probably the end to that era if you don't count the Radiant Mythology spin offs which still use that standard with sometimes a few odd mechanics pushed in, and even after that there's usually two or so games that share a lot of basic mechanics, see Vesperia and Hearts R being vastly similar, with Vesperia having some stuff like Altered arts that isn't in Hearts R, where you have things like Chase as a change, Hearts R.
They used to reuse some combat system concepts for other games but lately they been just throwing it out the window. Vesperia had a 2D plane camera system like how every 2D and 3D tales game before it did, then they got rid of it for Graces only to out it back in Xillia and then throwing it out again for Zestiria/Berseria.
I just want them to stop throwing away the good ideas to implement bad ideas. Like how Zestiria tried to make the world more open and less instanced but all that caused was framerate and camera issues.
>make the world more open and less instanced
You know what, fuck that notion. I miss world maps. You can do the grandiose scale in the instances and still give a relative world scale.
It also gives nicer travel options than a fucking warp menu and having to navigate those shitty places when trying to get back to places.
Zestira would have been better if they could conbine the two ideas. Making the world open but then also having a world map.
Though all things considering it seems as though that's what they wanted to build up to, since Zestiria only takes place on a single continent.
I think people would have taken Zestiria better if they had released Berseria first
Not a chance. Berseria is the much better game, and Zestiria would have been slammed twice as hard.
Not likely, the problems with Zestiria aren't story related.
Maybe it would have made people want to save Maotelus, it also would have made people catch onto the fact that Sorey really was an anti-Artorius, and the fact that he and Mikleo are a giant "fuck you" to the heavenly seraphim would have been understood. Nobody would have mistaken of Hyland and Alisha as important either
If Berseria's battle system was well recieved but the item system abhorred it would have lead to Bamco getting rid of the equipment system.
That still wouldn't make the combat not shit.
nah, people would have taken zestiria better if it wasn't a fucking downgrade from xillia.
Yeah it would, because Bamco would also have to react to people's criticism regarding Berseria's battle system. This means that Armatus would have been far more limited in usage (because of people complaining about Velvet's breaksoul), and they likely would have also gotten rid of the two human limit, because people like to play as other characters.