As if there weren't already enough reasons to hate Rome II
As if there weren't already enough reasons to hate Rome II
RIP head
The magic shields in 1 are not much better
Rome 2 wins by default. The point of those games is graphical immersion above all.
If you play older TW games then you're a retard
the graphics in 1 are better than 2
>The point of those games is graphical immersion above all
pleb detected
>2012 was 6 (six) years ago
I mean you get to games when you can, but no one cares anymore.
in rome 1 if you zoom out its really easy to see where all the units are and what faction they belong to since they're all colour coded
the old cartoony artstyle had a lot going for it desu
>graphical immersion
>Rome 2
maybe if you're trying to play Innsmouth Total War
Why did they remove the weight and force behind unit movement and combat starting with Empire TW? Instead of two battalions colliding like rocks they now slowly flow towards each other and the soldiers prance and dance around each other to sometimes perform a scripted "epic" kill move. What were they thinking?
I hate Rome 2 with a passion. What a piece of shit game. Rome 1 is still king of the series. Mostly because these new devs are incompetent are lucky to coast off the work of superior men.
>Rome 2 wins by default. The point of those games is graphical immersion above all.
If you play older TW games
You mean having those flashy choreographed fighting animations which literally glides units around the battlefield just to play those animations?
I don't like Rome 2's "shogun-y" campaign map.
I wish Rome 2 was half as fun as Shogun 2's campaign. Instead there are what feels like artificial limits placed all over the place to limit your progress. It doesn't feel like it's you vs your enemies. It's instead you versus the piece of shit game and its backwards design. It makes no sense. They had a winning formula but chose to dumb down and go the MOBA path with so many gameplay mechanics. Even the fucking cooldown attacks are bullshit and don't belong in TW.
>this naive fag believes TW games have anything but graphics in them while calling someone else a pleb
lol how about you play some actual historically accurate and gameplay-rich game for once instead of defending this call of duty of strategies?
>They removed this in Warhammer
>People now complain about lack of it
>The point of those games is graphical immersion above all.
Is that why you generally skip every battle but the important ones in late game?
>see Russian unit roster
>want to play grand campaign as Russia
>remember giant, empty steppe where you had to spend 3 turns moving towards before reaching the border to the next province, which is just as huge as the last one
fuck the russian grand campaign
Rome 2 is pretty good NOW. You guys bitch about the smallest things. Now im not saying its better the rome 1 but rome 1 is dated and rome 2 is not at all bad.
shogun 2 and empire remain my favorite recent TW games other than warhammer
rome 2 just felt like a mess
said no one ever
Is Total War: Warhammer 2 any good?
In Rome 1 the testudo formation is much more realistic, they take their time to form up and rise the shields afterwards, and finally they stack up even closer to each other to form a more compact formation. Compare this to what Rome 2 has for testudo formation.
I almost exclusively played shogun 2's multiplayer back when it was new and never touched the campaign until the past couple months and it's honestly been among the best TW campaigns I've played.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with Rome 2
How about you name some historically accurate games that offer what TW would offer if you're such a fucking intellectual juggernaut?
This was 14 years ago.
14 years ago and they knew how to pull this shit off. Why can't we do it in 2018?
I say it.
Rome 2 looks butt ugly as fuck.
Coders and animators not giving enough of damn
He is absolutely right. Rome 1 looks very clean and coherent. Rome 2 is just a fucking mess of shit. There is no consistent artistic vision which just hampers the sense of immersion. Just compareSee how everything is clearer in Rome 1? Everything is very easy on the eyes and very intuitive. And then compare to the clusterfuck of Rome 2.
Or just look at the indistuingishable mesh of shit I pictured. The art direction is so ass. Very amateurish.
Shogun 2 is just as shitty as Rome 2 and suffers from the same HONORDUELZ animations and so on, people just give it a pass because muh weeb honorduelz being historically accurate (except they aren't) and because of decent firearms which are still inferior to Napoleon.
There I said it.
Medieval 2 was the last good "melee" Total War and Napoleon was the only good firearms based one. I haven't played Total Warhammer since I'm waiting until it's actually complete but the even more drastically limited modding than in Rome 2 makes me believe it's even bigger pile of trash.
Yeah those kindergarten unit cards look like shit. I understand why they did it in Shogun 2, due to japanese art etc, but roman art was millennia ahead of japan at the time when Shogun 2 takes place.
in Rome 1 when a unit walks through another unit, the stationary one will form corridors for the others to march through.
In Rome 2, they just push into each other.
>Napoleon was the only good firearms based one
Pleb that never played FotS detected
That's because Rome 2 is "gritty and realistic".
It's also a game which brought all those historical autists sperging out over minor shit into the series.
I did, read what I said. FotS is just a watered down Napoleon. It doesn't do anything better than Napoleon, at best it's on par and even then modded Napoleon with LME (La montée de l'Empire) mod shits all over any version of Shogun 2, modded or not.
Bitch please, they were there before. Almost every goddamn mod for the older games touted itself as "fixing" the games by making them more historically accurate.
Half of the paradox games for starters, that is if your peanut brain can handle playing something without the eye-candy dumb bullshit Creative Assembly calls "battles" :^)
>It doesn't do anything better than Napoleon
And what does LME do that's so great?
It's influenced by Greek pottery
In mods, not a single fuck was given over historical accuracy by CA in games before. In Rome 2 they started catering to autists.
LME does both those things better and more.
Just fucking try it faggot
IT'S shit just like the first one, basically a facebook rts game.
I have. Wasn't blown away. More starting dates was nice, I guess.
Meanwhile Warhammer doesn't even have officers and banners anymore
Here's what I don't fucking get:
Why doesn't the modding community just fucking give up on TW and make their own damn game?
We know CA is fucking incompetent. We know their mechanics will be poorly thought out, their shit will be badly researched (usually missing out on the actually cool shit), we know the engine is a stinking pile of horseshit, that trying to unfuck these games is basically a bigass battle against the engine.
So why the fuck do people bother? Just download Unity or UDK or some other shit and make your own damn game. The community is chock full of coders, artists and academics and shit, the necessary personnel is definitely available. Nobody will care if it doesn't look as pretty as a CA game (albeit they too can look fucking hideous due to how shoddily they're made)
And when they're done, they can sell it too.
No, but warhammer has a shitload of other stuff to make up for that
Based modders actually added those recently. The banners in question are stiff as shit, but hey.
Because modding=/=making an entire game. You vastly underestimate the work required, and overestimate the modders.
There was actually a game made by that Darthmod guy.
I haven't played it.
I have. It's basically Total War (shocking) but the outcome of the battles you fight doesn't change the course of the war.
>Why doesn't the modding community just fucking give up on TW and make their own damn game?
Darth, the author of DarthMod, DID give up on CA and DID make his own game.
I seriously doesn't understand autism over this shit, there are tons of other things to complain about. I played a lot of strategy games, they didn't have officers and bannermen and it didn't make them feel worse.
Niger meus
yeah because you play alot of games that don't have those units in franchises that don't have them
>Why doesn't the modding community just fucking give up on TW and make their own damn game?
The same reason why TW clones don't really exist: It's very hard to make games that do everything TW does in the first place, then even harder if you want to improve on it. They end up lacking in one area or another almost inevitably
>TW clones don't really exist
Other than Darth game which I didn't play there is King Arthur and Mark of Chaos and they sucks
So yeah, modders and players can complain about CA but nobody made something better yet.
>"""history""" titles
>the animators had to do this in their free time because CA was too god damn stingy to budget it
>hell pit abominations
>killing carnosaurs
>Have no problem with playing Rome 1, Medieval 2, Empire, Napoleon, Shogun 2, Rome 2, Warhammer 1 and ME campaigns
>Gets absolutely wrecked in Vortex as any race I start in TW:W2 even as Lizardmen
Am I the only one who finds it much harder than the rest.
It's the AI that gets more cheats than ever, like the ritual armies.
Don't worry, I get wrecked in all TW games.
Save scumming is basically required to make sure you can get your forces to intercept the intervention armies properly, and even then it's an absolute bitch.
Lizardmen are probably easiest, due to the rite of Sotek giving 100% ambush chances and their ability to pull an army out of their ass with sacred spawns/rite of the wild.