What is the videogame equivalent of this dogshit?
What is the videogame equivalent of this dogshit?
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star wars is for nerds.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Dragon Age II
-Destroyed preceding lore
-More action-based
-Technical incompetence
the rage that the Last Jedi caused is glorious. the fact that its also a fantastic film is just the icing on the cake.
Your post reeks of soy
Unironically, Breath of the Wild
>Wasted potential
>Lacks substance
>Brought in a wider audience at the cost of alienating fans that enjoyed the usual formula
>Nothing really new or unique in terms of characters
>Looks pretty sometimes
>Music score is abysmal compared to previous entries
Need I go on?
Raiden actually trained to have his level of skill and went through a life of combat before that, unlike the main character of the new Star Wars trilogy.
Resident Evil 6
second post best post
And that fucking mary sue wielding the lightsaber.
fuck you soyboy
>actually makes you doubt that some previous installments (the prequels) were all that bad
Fallout 4 was so bad that it actually overshadowed the shittiness of Fallout 3 and Oblivion
You liked the Leia flying through space bit?
>brought in larger audience
Star Wars Kotor and Fallout 3
MGS2 is the Blade Runner of videogames you muppet.
17th post best post
This, and also OOT
My bad. I should have said "attempted to"
True, also truly ruined by guys behind the scenes and their cancerous input which was EA in that case instead of Disney.
why is no one sperging out about the hacker guy who could just leave whenever he wanted?
did i miss something or everyone is retarded but me? probably the later
Hell, almost all of the Zelda games fit this bill
>Zelda 1 to Zelda 2
>OOT to WW
>WW to TP
>TP to SS
He could always get out of the cell but the guards would still have been there. Not really possible to do that alone.
Hard to dispute this. The newer Far Cry games are also a good shout. Full of shitty politics and a humdrum plot. The only thing it doesn't have is nostalgia porn.
>five years from now, Sup Forums will still be so butthurt about BOTW they'll keep comparing it to shitty things to try and feel validated
The Phantom Pain
OoT had substance, a great soundtrack, and great characters though. It's got plenty of creativity and just about every Zelda game since has been trying to replicate it's charm. If anything, OoT and MM are the OT, while WW, TP, and SS are the prequels.
Battlefront (EA)
Not him but I did. About time the daughter of the strongest Jedi in canon got to do something apart from telepathically talk to people.
Also the book for the film confirmed she had some training in the billion years after RotJ
She should have died in that scene for sure. The fact she survived an explosion and being in space for so long, just to pull some Superman BS, is ridiculous.
People actually clapped for that shit scene in the cinemas.
I'm not even butthurt, just disappointed. It felt like they showed off 70% of the game at E3. Plus the best track to be produced for BoTW was that one trailer them that isn't actually in the game
Moral of the story being that Zelda can do almost anything and eventually still be accepted into the fold of Zelda games once the shock factor of "I can't believe how different it is" wears off.
Except SS, fuck that game.
>clapping in a theater
which country does that I wonder
>People actually clapped for that shit scene in the cinemas.
Why does this not surprise me
that's fucking retarded
glad I fucking skipped this pile of dogshit
>Except SS, fuck that game
Hey buddy fuck you pal
BotW, the best Zelda game ever made, wouldnt exist without SS so I'm glad SS existed.
The point is, everything in the movie was so pants on head retarded that pointing out individual retardations is completely pointless. Yeah, Leia floating through space was dumb. Yes, the hacker's character was stupid. Yeap, Snoke's death was the dumbest shit ever. Yes, the constant ridiculous comedy bits were poorly made. Yeah, the pink haired bitch's character was puke-inducing. Yes, the whole casino part was prequels tier bad. And so on...
It's exactly why it's weird to see people shitting on the asian cunt considering that her character suit the movie incredibly well
It was actually in the UK. Cineworld in Glasgow to be precise.
She trained... to fly through space?
Would it have been too much to ask to keep her powers subtle and unrealised and for her to have a worthy send off? Poor Carrie deserves better.
>BotW, the best Zelda game ever made
I think you mean Spirit Tracks
of course they would too
This is probably the funniest sw related thing I've ever seen I gotta give it to disnney
Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
Unironically this. Both are creative works of art that advance the medium/franchise but are considered "ruined" by fans who can't understand their depth or are upset that their fan theories didn't get produced by a giant corporation.
TLJ is the 3rd best SW and MGSV is the greatest game of the last 10 years.
Why do they keep basically remaking the originals? TFA was basically episode 4. This one was basically episode 5. Granted they are shit compared to originals and have extremely boring characters and plot, but the similarities are blatant. Such a boring movie. Literally nothing happened.
Metal Gear Solid 4 comes to mind.
Shadow of the Colossus PS4.
Clapping for movie is such a foreign concept I can't wrap my head around. You clap in a theatre because the actors can receive your applause. It's a movie not a stageplay... make a retarded fanboy comment on a YouTube video or something.
So, who's the Disney of video games? EA or Activision?
Both used to be good and had talented people and now they are turbo jews, destroying the things we love.
Did they aye?
Fuck off that never happened. I refuse to believe it.
>TLJ is the 3rd best SW
IV>V>III>VI>I>II>Holiday special>RO>VII>VIII
Bloody hell. I had a higher opinion of you Scots.
Came here to say this.
Scots aren't Brits
Close, except almost everything you just said was wrong.
>great tier
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
The Last Jedi
>good tier
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
(Rogue One)
>bad tier
The Force Awakens
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace
>great tier
>The Last Jedi
>The Last Jedi
I like both TLJ and DA2. Plebs doesn't undestand true kino.
Halo 5.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Sorry amigo, but it did. I was sitting in row B (second row) so I couldn't actually see anyone but the people in front of me clap. I guess I could argue that it might have not been the majority, but that shit did happen.
They also clapped for that specific scene with Luke vs Kylo, and some other scene I can't remember.
pokemon sun/moon
>old franchise handed to some untested nu-male directors
>destroys everything built up to this point, to rehash the first incarnation of the series and pander to a new audience
>what new ideas there are, are bad or old ones in new clothes
>has "twists" for the sake of it even though they are shit and make no sense behind them
>new plot devices cause established lore to crumble
>heavily shills a female main character and characters in-universe also praise
and like her for no reason
>aggressively asserts itself as something that is to be liked by default, without merit, purely on name alone
>first part had people in denial over its (lack of) quality [TFA and SM], second one has people waking up [TLJ and USUM]
Successful, inclusive people like their shit, unaponogetically money-hungry. Tons of merchandise. has something for everyone
>Both used to be good
they never were
People laughed at that scene when I saw it. It is hilarious to be fair.
Last jedi is like 20% good and the rest utter trash. I liked the bits with ren and ray interacting.
Is that the fabled force bait?
Happened at the start in Edinburgh too, but people shouted "shut the fuck up" and it never happened again. Glasgow is fucking beyond saving.
I hate return of the jedi so OT fags excuse me for this but Revenge of the sith was much more entertaining than the last jedi
>rogue one good tier
That film had zero character development who gives a shit about anything that happened in that film. Oh and spoiler they get the plans. At least they made a star wars but not so hipsters could get behind such a material franchise.
Scots are basically alcoholic americans. They're fat, degenerate, drug-abusers and love fat disgusting greasy fast food.
all movies of nu-Star Wars were destined to be a pile of fucking garbage anyway
well then again I never watched Rogue one
I shit on that character because the character exists to be a blatant appeal to the chinese market.
I've got you right here senpai.
Fuck off shill
This. A Star Wars movie about accepting then learning from your failure, self-validation, learning from your past and understanding different views without having to accept them are themes the fan base we're always going to vehemently disregard.
Here's the part where anons bring up nitpicks that were true if every other goddamn film if the series or classify everything thay wasn't explained in triplicate by some talking action figure as a plot hole.
She trained in the Force which you should have got through context.
All she had to do was hold her breath for like ten seconds and force pull herself towards the ship. In a vacuum. With no resistance.
Shes not even the first to do it in the butchered Disney canon.
But user, Blizzard is Activision.
EA was a mark of quality, nerd. Fight me.
>fans who can't understand their depth
TLJ had like no depth whatsoever but feel free to post your deep headcanons
TLJ is the ultimate pleb filter.
I see the logic but I think that's a bit harsh on the Scots. They generally take great pride in their culture and stoic nature.
Americans don't have any culture apart from advertisements.
But that's the Irish.
Dragon Age II had some redeeming qualities, it was just a grossly unfinished game that was released in alpha build. The first half was fine up to the qunari rebellion, after that everything fell apart. The DLC was a huge shitshow.
This movie was alot better than what the nostalgia fags make it out to be. Force awakens and last jedi are the only decent star wars movies but that doesnt say much.
Yeah man, the milkies scene was totally high art.
It's over. The movie was terrible. The war is over. You're the Mouse equivalent of that Japanese soldier that was found decades after WWII on an island somewhere believing the war never ended. The world you knew where you would be able to shill TLJ powerfully enough to compensate for how utterly horrible it is and everyone would cheer your name is gone. Every decision in your life that brought you to this point has been in vain. You failed. Take a lesson from one of your master's other films and "Let It Go." You might still have a chance at a normal life. Go check out one of the many BR2049 threads or maybe the gay porn thread if that's more your speed, but the time for trying to shill this movie is over.
>Stoic nature
They complain all the time and, unlike the irish, deal with their poverty and shitty weather by doing heroin instead of drinking alcohol.
I wouldn't compare them to Americans. More like the Irish than anything really.
>star wars canon
don't start the only canon is IV - VI
Kill yourself. They sucked shit. Everyone I know regrets seeing it.
>luke = rian johnson
>milk = the tears of bitter virgins who thought their headcannon and the garbage pile of the eu is better than moving the franchise forward