Suh dude! Heard in programming class you're quite the gamer so can you fill this 32 gig flash with the best games for...

>Suh dude! Heard in programming class you're quite the gamer so can you fill this 32 gig flash with the best games for me and the bros? Thanks bra

Wat do?

set me up a date with lisa and I'll give you 64gb of best games

Sorry, Chad, but 32gigs won't cut it these days.

>be a virgin
>wear a chad costume
>take a pic for reddit
>think "fuck it, why not post it on Sup Forums too?"
the thread

You are a jaded loser

Dolphin porn

I see you made it to the first point and called it a day

you are an unfunny virgin

Yeah sure.
>proceed to download thousands of copies of Bubble Bobble his flash drive

Kys no wait let me do it for you... forgive me my master
*teleports behind u* heh..nothing personnel kiddo

Sorry brah piracy is illegal.

Halo for PC ought to do it.

i can smell your self loathing

gain some muscle before trying a chad costume fag

dude looks like he's having more fun in his upper-middle class life than you'll ever experience in your life. and he's white too! life's good for him. you on the other hand are probably a shitskin posting on a whites only image board expressing your lonely bitterness. what a life

lol faggot

what is the counterpart to the chad virgin? if it is the virgin chad, how does he look like?

hes ripped

>Using tape
>Not going all the way and spending a couple bucks on a screen printing kit so you can sell OUCH! tanktops and t-shirts to all of Sup Forums.

>cosplay as Chad
>is skinny manlet

couldn't he have at least strapped some meat on his arms to give the illusion of muscle?

>haha look guys i dressed up like a meem

nice 22" TV, manly tears



This. cosplaying outside your body type is cringy. I'm a skinny manlet, so you know what I dressed up as the first time I did real cosplay? Parappa the rapper instead of Sketch Turner.

Sure dude. Hope you like PS1 and below.

Doom is 60gb

hes pretty muscular, look at his upper arms

>the virgin Sup Forums post

> to all of reddit

>not taking the pic with the forever alone guy far away
fucking normalfags cant even meme correctly


yeah, sure you are.


True actually. Nice work calling him out on that.

lol that's nothing dude
i'm out of shape as fuck and i could my arms to look like that by just lifting weights for one week
i'd still be out of shape and he's still a skinny manlet
if you want to cosplay a bulging muscular character, bulk up and look the part


What a pathetic manlet tryhard

>retards sperging out over a silly joke cosplay.
Is there anything on the internet that isn't serious business for you guys.

It isn't funny.

> just disable your brain bro lol
Fuck off reddit

give them an N64 emulator with mario kart 64, bros love that more than anything for some reason

I'm not a virgin! Your mum laughed at my penis last night.