NOTHING in the Disney nu-quels was as hype as this
NOTHING in the Disney nu-quels was as hype as this
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*blocks ur path* *kills your franchise*
Heh...nothin personnel cis white males.
I know a lot of people shit on TPM but I like how it still has a traditional look to it and not 90% CGI like ep 2 and 3
i remember as a kid my dad laughing because i actually yawned during this fight
Nu-trilogy has more shittiervCGI than all thre prequel movies combined. Leave it to a hooknosed kike to fuck everything up.
Video games.
A guy in my cinema shouted "Allahu Akbar" during the quiet moment in that scene
>Something something muh cgi Boogeyman
star wars is retarded anyway
What is it about soy products, Star Wars and Nintendo that attracts middle-aged males so much?
what the fuck is this
That Starkiller game?
Why would I want hype with no payoff?
I laughed my ass off when I saw that scene, I'd never pay to see Nu-Soy Wars butvI laughed because it just takes a massive shit all over established lore explaining why you coupd never do this. Not only that but because of this scene whst the FUCK was the point of episodes 4-6 if the Empire coupd easily bs gibbed by light speeding ships? Ficking having a Star Destroyer fleet just have blockade runners act as lightspeed missiles.
I dont know whats happening in this but it looks nice
We were so easily impressed back then.
What the fuck is this shit
>Nu-Soy Wars
You really should take the neo-memery down a notch, sweetie.
T. Low test Soyboy.
Why is that bad though, shes a Skywalker.
>Smokes weed
>Has a hot GF
>Internet virgins mad at him
Numale >>> you
Literally the entirety of Last Jedi.
Did they ever spoil the double light saber in trailers? I was 8 when this movie came out.
How would Rey and Kylo do against Darth Maul?
>people on a fucking video game board shitting on well made CGI
go be a pretentious fucktard on Sup Forums
I think you meant soytie
It's the only good lightsaber duel in the prequels though, everything else was either way too over-the-top or just not memorable at all. Nu-StarWars might have its problems but the lightsaber are not one.
It's a hammerhead cruiser ramming one star destroyer, disabled by a salvo of ion torpedoes and drifting into a planet's gravity well, into another star destroyer and taking out a planetary shield generator.
>took two movies for Luke to barely lift his lightsaber out of the snow after being trained by TWO Jedi masters.
>effortlessly uses the force to keep herself alive and pulled back into the ship ez pz
Fuck off JJ Abrams you curly fry haired hooknosed kike.
>random character we hardly know with amusement park face painting.
I really liked this movie i think is the only i like lol
Its suicide ramming via jumping to hyperspace. Basically why would every space battle not consist of this shit happening constantly, or via auto-pilot. Its an amazing visual scene, but in the context of Star Wars and needing space battles to have tension, it basically ruined future movies
Dumb soyposters
She's like, decades older than he was when he first learned. We dont know thats the first time she's done anything force related, she's still force sensitive.
>Posting the one good CGI scene
Wow you sure showed me cherrypicking fuck
I liked the prequels. Felt like Star Wars and was something more than just Terrorists allahu akbaring government facioities because they didn't wanna pay high taxes.
yeah you can see it in the trailer
why doesnt obi ben use the force to distract darth vader while hes waiting behind the shield?
just push him into the big pit
toggle his lightsaber on and off
play with his balls, anything
Umm no soytie, just because I make fun of those fucks it doesn't mean I'm an alex jones shill.
I mean shit nigger the separatists had entire fleets of cheapass droid fighters, why not just slap a basic-ass hyperdrive into those fuckers and turn any fleet into a shooting gallery?
No one did that
yeah avatar's a good movie :)
This is the exact scene I brought up to my friend as to why Leia fucking force pulling herself in space and staying alive is retarded. That dude was a fucking one of the leaders of the Jedi Order and couldn't withstand the barrage of a dozen clone troopers. Leia untrained and with no prior display of force powers suddenly revives her self and FLIES THROUGH SPACE? The only thing worse than this scene is right after they explain Admiral Ackbar also got blown into space and died. Off screen.
muh honor
t. paulie
>right after they explain Admiral Ackbar also got blown into space and died off-screen
W H A T ?
>implying Vader had any balls left after dragging himself through molten rocks
>Leia untrained
Where does it show she was untrained? Or are you jumping to your own conclusion based on lack of evidence to support your incorrect point of view.