
Why are western vns superior?

Porn when?

>4-5 VNs maybe good
>No porn
>posts pick of rogue-like, not a VN
Silly user.

Nothing beats science adventure, though.

>western VN
>dude irony self-deprecation lmao silly whacky imagine if you like dated birds or gay daddies or cripple girls lol

the entire game should've just been porn, would fit so well. i just wanted to make my princess a dumb cock slut and get a whore ending

That game is shit though. It's just trial and error, and the writing is fucking terrible.

>Eastern schools emphasize math and sciences
>Western schools emphasize writing and humanities
Gee, I wonder why one hemisphere dominates entertainment so much more than the other

>VN with bad endings
Silly user.

I fucking hope you're not using Long Live the Queen as exmple of superior western VN, because that thing is not a VN, nor superior to anything.

give me an idea
not a big drawfag or anything but just wanna hear your idea

what vn isn't trial and error?

Yes user, except for you calling it a VN, that's what a rogue-like is, a game where you get bad endings. Just cause someone wrote you some paragraph over how you died does not immediately make it a VN.

But if it helps your autism, it does have a lot more in common with dating sims on newgrounds than it does with VNs.

>what vn isn't trial and error?
You're obviously an idiot if you somehow think this, being fair to you, it does become trial and error if you're not paying attention to what the fuck it is that you're reading.

Unless it's a fucking shitshow of a VN like Muv Luv where almost every choice you make is meaningless.

Careful with that last one, luke everything that comes out of this place sooner or later it is ruined by normies, but it is still a thing made by anons for anons that deserves respect

Japanese visual novels are too long. They tell 5 hour stories for 15.

but there is porn


>that's what a rogue-like is, a game where you get bad endings
Have a (You) on the house.

>what vn isn't trial and error?
Phoenix Wright

>what vn isn't trial and error?
Fucking most of them. Or do you think all of them constantly bombard you with choices that make no sense?

WOOOOOOOOOW how was I supposed to know

>glass her

Layton is a quiz game and none of the choices given to you matter. There are more parts in PW where you're supposed to present evidence in order instead of final, correct one.

>Game tells you that there is no one right way to succede and all skills are important
>Max out swordsmanship, lose the one fight you have with a sword because you're supposed to run away
>Near the very end of the game Takumi shows up out of fucking nowhere, defeats your army even when you have max strategy/naval strategy, and forces you to go down the magic path which trivializes the entire game because it's so broken

Fucking dog handling, man.

>not maxing composure
brought it on yoursef

VN's arent video games

Who is this?

>been a decade since it came out
>still uses cheap stock photos for background
>deserves respect
begone /ksg/ thot

you let the boy get killed and give the territory to a foreign national
