Would you play a Gorillaz game, Sup Forums?
Would you play a Gorillaz game, Sup Forums?
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I'd play a Gorillaz game where you brutally fuck the girl
no humanz was shit
What a pointless and empty question
The original website had videogames on it and it was really cool so maybe
No the girls arent cute
Neither are you.
I want to sniff her bum
Pre-Humanz, sure. Not now, though.
they ruined noodle so no
You are attracted to disgusting gorilla beasts
While I am a fan I don't see how they could make a game of it
I played that fucking driving game to death back in the days.
Gorilla's is the greatest achievement in contemporary western animation. Prove me wrong.
>He doesn't like Humanz
Spot the bandwagonning faggot
>Driving sections as Murdoc
>Combat sections as Noodle and Russ
>niggers and autotune
Humanz shouldn't even qualify as a Gorillaz album.
DKC2 GBA_______ is my favorite game of all time, though I think that counts more as The Monkeys
the real question is "would you watch a gorillaz channel, Sup Forums?"
Gorillaz' had black singers and autotune since the first disk, retard
Maybe something like JSRF. I think cel shaded graphics and a good soundtrack are enough to make it a good experience.
>Guest singers up the ass
>Full of political messages that aren't subtle compared to previous songs
>Abandoned the tradition of music videos with fun lore in them completely
>Music is nowhere as memorable altogether
If I listened to the album without knowing it was Gorillaz I wouldn't even be aware they were behind it. Sleeping Powder was better than the whole album and that was a fucking Single.
Black people are not niggers.
That not what Sup Forums tells me
You seem conflicted
You're gonna have to explain to me not only how one is a bandwagoner for hating Humanz but how Humanz is in any way, shape or form a remotely tasteful record.
>waited 7 years for Humanz
>forgot about it in a week
feels bad
I wished I forgot about it in a week. I gave that dumpster fire like 4 full listens. I'm still not entirely over it. I panicked a bit when I learned Hallelujah Money, shit as it was, was making the album. Imagine my horror when it turned out to be one of the better songs on the album.
Why so many guest singers?
Why so much hamfisted political shit?
Humanz felt more like a stage for a bunch of black artists than what it did a Gorillaz Album. You can go fuck yourself if you think its any good.
no I don't play games just because there's girls in it that make my dick rockhard
That's basically what it was. Damon basically orchestrated a mixtape based on, no fucking joke, what he thought his 17 year old daughter would be into.
>what he thought his 17 year old daughter would be into.
But was he successful?
I'm sure it sold like crack. Dunno if his daughter's into it, though.
I'd play the put my noodle in noodle game.
DON'T fuck the Noodle, user.
Busted and Blue, Apprentice and She's my Collar was good.
Sleeping powder was bretty good, everything on the album with 2D singing on that range were good.
While I do miss the video lores dont you fucking tell me the political messages on all previous albulms were subtle, just look at feel good inc
Doubt it, gorillaz tend to make very unusual tones for someone younger than 20 to like it, much less on a first play
SUCC the noodle
Gorillaz is baby's first "I listen to real music" just like RHCP
Rock It
Kids With Guns
Dirty Harry
Demon Dayz itself was a shift towards environmentalism and anti-government beliefs HARD. The problem it sounds like is it's easier to get all the lyrics in the the first or second go with Humanz. Most people probably need a few listens to hear everything from Dirty Harry clearly so they think it's less hamfisted when really it's just more muddied or too fast.
So unlikeable to any younger 20
Man Humanz was fucking garbage outside of the first four or five tracks.
Even as a long time Gorillaz fan their new songs need me to listen to most of them more than once. Only a few things I liked immediately off of Humanz like She's My Collar, Busted and Blue, Ascension. Notice too that those are usually among the most consistently enjoyed songs from that album (among a couple others) for a lot of people. It's the easiest to listen to.
Eventually a year or two later, just like with Plastic Beach, the people who bothered to listen a couple more times will find themselves enjoying more of the album.
>women turning to sluts
why do you fags act surprised,
we all knew this was gonna happen
I think Jamie Hewlett even said he didn't see her as a slut and didn't believe she was that kind of person. At first I called bullshit and I still do a bit but then it's kind of hot when someone does slutty things and dresses hot but doesn't know it or doesn't care. Sexy without the intention to be.
Years after I found myself plastic beach being my favorite
>would you play a coldplay game?
>would you play a katy perry game?
>would you play a fork game?
>would you play a trash game?
see? this shitty question can be applied to anything.
Why listen to Charger a couple times and having it click when you can listen to GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG? Or the lovely works of Migos? This isn't an attack on chart toppers either. I like Post Malone and YBN Nahmir came out with some good shit this year. People just have lazy priorities.
I want to fuck Plastic Beach noodle.
I am aware that Gorillaz has been doing this shit for years but it took me a long time to realize there was political messages in a lot of their songs. It was more obvious in some sure but (to me at least) they are incredibly easy to ignore compared to name dropping Trump as if everyone hasn't made the same over the last 3 years. I expected a lot better from them. The first time I heard Hallelujah Money I has grown tired of seeing Trump being plastered everywhere and Gorillaz doing the same thing as everyone was the straw hat broke the camel's back.
Plastic Beach is better than Humanz but I might be biased because it is my personal favorite album.
They managed to skip the "argue after one phase and split for 5 years" step. Jamie and Damon are working on an album for 2018 already. Got a new studio set up too.
To be fair you could listen to an electric wine glass a "couple of times and have it click" but that doesn't mean is good
Hallelujah is not only one of the best song of the albuln but was written before the whole trump thing. The guy is british, isnt he?
The bandwagon ezists because it's true faggot. 2d had like 5 minutes of airtime across the entire album.
That's another thing I see. The Gorillaz ended up caught in people's moods. Even though Hallelujah Money was much different and better than shitty Trump namedrops and parodies and memes, the sentiment was tired for some people. Humanz also has a pro-black theme which is obvious in The Apprentice and Ascension. Nothing wrong with that but it felt like they missed the Black Lives Matter influence they wanted to have because by the time the album dropped, BLM was already shriveled as a meme.
Maybe they just missed the timing. If they released it in the midst of everything it'd be different. At the same time then it'd be part of that meme wave. So I guess the album was just a riskier bet either way.
>tfw skip over all the nigger songs on Humans
>theres literally one or two songs left
>a bunch of Sup Forumsirgins come together to discuss what mainstream music is good or bad
Tho Humanz was an actual piece of shit.
since fucking when did 'he' become a 'she'???
Doesn't mean it's not good either. So we've reached a null here. If a song takes a few listens to like, and I do mean a few and not 20, I think that's fine. Clearly some people think if a song doesn't immediately click or you don't like it from a couple listens the song must be shit.
To me you're just gonna have songs doing stuff you're not used to and it takes a little time to get to speed. A lot of people had the same effect with other music and now they look back at certain albums and love the shit out of them. I rather have that than not.
Demon Days > S/T > G Sides > Plastic Beach > Humanz
Literally never listened to The Fall
Noodle had more than usual so thats good I guess?
Okay but at least with Gorillaz you have a story and gameplay ideas you can use.
>Guitar Hero clone
>Driving game with Murdoc
>shooter/hack and slash game with Noodle
>Beat 'em up with Russel
>I dunno what the fuck you'd do with 2-D
What's considered a "nigger" song?
There's a girl in the gorillaz?
But that's how the majority of albums work. The best song on it is better remixed anyway.
lol sleeping powder wasn't even on the album
Demon Days > Humanz > Plastic Beach > Gorillaz > The Fall
Can we all fucking agree that Rhinestone eyes is the best song they ever produced
I know, thats why I said on that range, there are a couple of song on the album that are similar to sleeping powder
It's honestly hard to say what's the best. There's so much good shit but Rhinestone Eyes, man, that was some top shit. Heard it in concert too.
>Humanz over Plastic Beach
D-Sides is the best album
I honestly prefer Melancholy Hill a bit more.
Sorry pal, I like Humanz but it topping PB? You've made some critical mistakes. Now it's time you bite the bullet.
>tfw no completed video
Damon being Brittish makes the whole thing even more ham fisted. If it was about Brexit then fine, it would make sense. But most people that whine about Trump are not even fucking American and chances are they will be completely unaffected by his presidency but everyone needs their 5 minutes of fame and yell "Fuck Drumpf!" for the millionth time as if it would make a difference. Also I remember reading that he tried to remove all Trump references after he won the election.
I am aware that most of the musicians and artists love and enjoy are left leaning. John Congleton from The Paper Chase and The Nighty Nite despite making controversial music (One of his most recent songs is about rape) is pointlessly twetting about Trump 24/7 but that shit is on his twitter only therefore I can easily ignore it and listen to his music without an issue. Gorillaz making blatant references about it not only is incredibly annoying and ham fisted but it will become incredibly dated in a few years whereas previous political messages they had need a little more digging to be understood.
Also is 10 AM in the morning and I've had no sleep after coming out at 5 in the morning from my job so pardon me if I type like a drunk.
I just want a Rhythm Heaven game with Gorillaz songs
A fan completed it.
Is not as amazing as it should be but it is the closest we'll get to see it finished. It is pretty impressive for being a one man project though.
>Jet Set Radio 2
>feat Gorillaz and Hideki Naganuma
>Hallelujah Money
Listening to this, not a bad song, but why do poor people hate money so much?
No wonder they're poor and miserable.
>But most people that whine about Trump are not even fucking American
It's Britain and Germany. If you think the American mass media acts childish about Trump, you ain't seen SHIT.
Le orange man is literally a mythological figure in those two countries.
Only if i can play as best boy
See, in Hallelujah Money they don't even name drop Trump and the verses are indirect enough to be applicable to other things as well. The core of the song is about Trump and we're in the time where it's obvious what it's about but I think they've avoided dating themselves. It all seems more blatant and hamfisted because we're in the time of the subject it's specifically reacting to, like many other things. You ask someone 10 years from now who hasn't heard much of Gorillaz and they won't tell you "Oh, that's about Trump."
They legit will have to read up on stuff. That's how a lot of songs are during their time of release and one of the reasons people during the release of a song feel differently from people who just hear the song out of context.
People who like Humanz are bandwagoners. It's awful. It's almost nothing but generic hip hop beats. We Got the Power is the best track and it's over in 2 minutes.
>almost nothing but generic rap
Cool, bring up a song that sounds like it'd belong on the Humanz album.
My guess, shit like Saturn Barz. Easily the worst song they've ever produced.
Am I the only one who only really likes Demon Days?
Any time I try listening to more recent albums I just think "I'd rather listen to DD" and I do just that.
I liked Saturnz Barz.
Mostly for 2-D's part but still it wasn't awful.
The rest of the album is somewhat decent if you just shut off your brain and use it as background noise, but then again that's not exactly a compliment.
>why do poor people hate money so much?
They hate it solely because they can't have it and are materialistic. Anyone who believes money is the source of all evil should follow their advice and burn it. Otherwise they are hypocrites who can't follow what they preach.
Gave me a good chuckle, thanks user. I mean it.
You got a solid point there. In fact my reaction would not have been anywhere as negative if it wasn't promoted everywhere as "le next fug drumpf song". I couldn't care less if people criticized Trump. The problem is that it is fucking everywhere and it is as tired as Chuck Norris jokes and Justin Bieber memes except that there is no end to it.
I'd say Sex Murder Party. Its such a unfinished blunder.
How is charger or ascencion pop?
You are not, at all. It's a great album.
Thing is Demon Days is more atmospheric. It has a lot of post-apoc and sickly world themes going on. Ever since people have expected every album to be Demon Days or like Demon Days with the focus on Albarn. Not saying that's good or bad, that's just how it is.
I gave the album two full listens. Once with my brain shut off and it in the background, then again actually paying attention. When it was just background noise, very little stood out to me as memorable at all. When I actually paid attention to it, I started to hate a lot of what I heard.
>always liked Gorillaz
>get invited to go to one of their concerts
>listened to Humanz like once
>almost half the songs at the concert are ass
>realize that every time a black person takes the lead the song is fucking terrible
>they're all from Humanz
Thanks. It's actually making me rethink how songs get judged now because at the same time I'm realizing songs on release and in context can be vastly different to people later on. It definitely explains some division I've seen with older music too. It's making me look forward to how people think about these later Gorillaz albums in the next 20 years.
I don't even see Humanz as a background noise album so turning your brain off at all was the wrong move. It's like essentially listening to it seeking the wrong thing and then actually listening to it for the first time.
Would you play a Daft Punk game, Sup Forums?