Why are there so few Japanese games that feature diversity?

Why are there so few Japanese games that feature diversity?

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Japan is 98.5% homogenous.

jews fear the samurai

Fuck you for ruining everything.

They do, just not by the American definition of diversity

They have plenty of diversity. Not racial diversity, though, that shit is the cancer killing society, and a great many among the Japanese know that.

Japs don’t even like Koreans, and they basically the same fucking thing.

Cuckold/soyboy thread?

why does the eternal burger try to ruin everything with niggers?

All japanese games are diverse. They got a myriad of hair colours and other stuff.

>the guy crouching in the left corner

he has accepted his fate and awaits execution by the strong, independent female death squad

Because he is the nigger

Niggers are the literal weapon of the future.
You feel sad for them being stupid and breeding like cockroaches
The smart black people get shunned by their own culture so theres no reason to be smart
They can destroy nations from the inside easily by breeding large swarms almost instantly and will breed with the host nation.
They are more like a virus than anything, like the new biological weapon of the future.

>black people
>transfer students

pick one.

Japan will likely have open borders by 2020, so just wait a while. They've already had increasing immigration rates every year.

But how do you kill them quickly en masse? What is the cure?


fuck off pol

Well you shouldn't want to kill them just let them stay and linger in africa.
Attack the people responsible for importing them by the billions and let nature take it's course.
If Africans get civilized on their own then good, if not then we all shouldn't die because they are too stupid to learn how to be civilized.

Put razor blades in kfc and leave buckets on the street

great thread

You are 98.5% homo.

Remember when it used to be 100% like 5 years ago?

This picture makes me want to not exist anymore.

Thank fuck for reverse image search. Original image doesn't have any of this fag dialogue.


Nightime is the worst time in Sup Forums because mods are american and sleep while the american neets trash subhumans that stay awake until 6AM shitpost their racist shit with freedom.

So what happened next?

I can't find the original.

Play Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Before you meet any of your other party members, you see two black men.

Because it's funny watching people get triggered over it just like in this very thread

Of course not.

Don't forget xenophobic

I like how the one black dude is the only one with enough self respect to try to cover up that cuck shit

You never know with these subhumans.

I would rather be fired.

I would simply call in sick.

>e-ehehehe he did it on purpose

He is a soyboy just like the others

xenophobic, a.k.a. not retarded

After Europeans and especially William Adams came it was never 100% again...

wait a second this thread isn't video games

What the hell

Now imagine them all doing the numale face.

>That Poo on the far left who you can tell is only wearing that shirt for the very slim chance that he might get some punani out of it.

Don't you know that Sup Forums is a thinnly veiled political thread now.

People with nignog fetishes are unironically sub human trash and need to be hanged.

Who is this tripfag and why is he posting pictures of my wife whilst associating with niggers

>this thread
How old are you son?

Where in the first world is it nighttime right now?


Oh you are right. Must be american kids shitposting while watching cartoons then.

It could be you.

I'm gonna turn the future into my cumslut.

Does the world know about Ruggarels 1 inch chode yet?




Finally someone said it....

Why should they?

Oy vey! Don't forget to accept 14 million immigrants per year, Japan!

How do you not know 40%?


Finally I can be a NEET in a country that sustains it.

Please stop posting pictures of my wife she is very sensitive

In the light of recent events i realize maybe japan is the only country that hates weebs and americans as much as i do, and the best part about it is there seems to be little to no fat people there

As a spic i kinda want to visit it now and if i like it become the next tiger or griffon mask

What does this have to do with Video Games?


it wasn't me, he accidentally leaked his trip in 2014.

40% #StarGar

>le 98% face

>In the light of recent events i realize maybe japan is the only country that hates weebs and americans as much as i do
They adore both.

For economical reasons

I chuckled

Somebody post that screen with jap girl explaining why white people and their dicks are superior

Nah, they've been culturally conditioned to do what Daddy America says. Why do you think there are so many American J-game/anime characters? They love 'em.

How the fuck japs even manage to sustain such a large population on those small-ass islands?

Remove yourself from this place, entire-thread-replier. Leave!

They still have their own cultural identity,contrary to America who wants to throw it all away.

Sure thing davido


God i really want to join those jap chadbros and bully that weeb burger

Because Japan is always a few years behind the best trends. Don't worry, in a few years, after the Olympics, they'll have caught up with the rest of the world. Soyboys and bugmen are already going there at an unprecedented rate to racemix and shove their shit down everyone's throat.

That video was from a while ago. The world has changed a lot in the past 5 years, and Japan has changed even more.