>decide to replay KOTOR
>go for a stroll in the Upper City
>it feels so fucking alive despite the game being from 2003 and not 'le open world'
Why have modern games regressed so much?
>decide to replay KOTOR
>go for a stroll in the Upper City
>it feels so fucking alive despite the game being from 2003 and not 'le open world'
Why have modern games regressed so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was a different time.
Taris is best planet.
>maximum of 10 people on screen
Manaan was always the comfiest to me. In the city, at least.
Above water habitats on ocean worlds sounds so fucking nice.
Oh no, you aren't a real gamer like him. Old school games rocks, right xd
Korriban as the last planet when you know you're Revan and playing as Dark Side is best.
all the more reason why it's impressive that it felt alive
You're missing the point.
Because you are a nostalgia faggot and only activate your imagination for old games it seems.
More like the ambient sound effects together with the people roaming and generally avoiding the Sith is much better than soft music and smoke permeating Whiterun as everybody clumsily bumps into eachother to say two stock lines that rarely match up.
And then Taris as a whole feels more alive because you're constantly shown the struggles of the lower classes, and how much the upper classes don't care.
Yeah okay sure, and no modern games do this ever.
>Why have modern games regressed so much?
Because the financial support structures of games have changed so much.
Used to be a media publisher(who cared little for games at the time) or bank lent money to a group of nerds who promised to pay them back a moderate interest rate back. That could have been 3, 4, or even 5 years. But the developer finally puts out their product as they intended. Many shitpiles also made in this time. But also many labors of love were completed.
Now you have massive conglomerates buying up studios and IPs. Video games are mainstream. Pumping 4-6 times development cost into marketing. Micromanaging developers with Focus groups and Microtransactions schemes. In a standard 2 year development cycle maybe 200 people spend 8-10 months actually making the game they don't really care about since they've been working 70 hour weeks since 2010.
Then you get Andromeda/Battle Front/Destiny garbage.
It really saddens me to think that we are never ever getting a new Kotor with SW 1313 level graphics and realistic style
That's right. You're prodded along the story path with a stick because there's almost never anything worth looking at to the side.
There's nothing worth looking at in KOTOR either.
>>it feels so fucking alive despite the game being from 2003 and not 'le open world'
You're joking right? Outside of the encounters at the end of each of the corridors it's literally npc's walking back and forth. If anything, the sound design is what breathes life into it.
NWN had more lively cities.
>solving the murder mystery on Dantooine
>solving Sunry's case
just off the top of my head
>it's literally npc's walking back and forth
So, just like real life?
That's called a quest, it doesn't really involve looking at things in the environment that aren't immediately obvious.
That game is overrated. The progression system is okay and the characters are good, but the plot is cliché and the combat is terrible.
>Muh collectibles and achievements instead of genuine content
>Quest markers instead of general directions
>Soccer mom and "tldr pls" friendly design
>dem early to mid aughts graphics that are neither too archaic nor a redundant and philistine orgy of "high quality" polygons and textures
Whoever unironically says "nostalgia" in these threads deserves games like Fallout 4, Privil Age 2 and Andromeda. And if you'll say "but they are fun games" my point is already made.
The sidequests in KotOR serve to show you how the people of each planet live. They all want something they need, often giving you piss all for reward.
Half the time you're stopping two people from killing each other over some argument.
The sidequests in most modern games involve "please go kill [generate random enemy x] [generate random number y] times at [generate random location z]" or "go prove yourself to be the greatest at everything so we can all blow you whenever you come back to sell your junk".
I want to learn about the gameworld, as it helps bring it to life. I don't want to learn just how deep my amazingness and ability to do everything goes.
All those games are unironically better than KOTOR.
>progression system is okay
So that's why staying on lvl 2 for the first quarter of the game is recommended?
Amusingly enough, Jennifer Hepler wrote all the dwarf lore in DAO, and also designed the Deep Roads section, which was the most time intenstive and brutal slog in the entire game.
i was struck by how good the atmosphere on taris was too when i replayed it recently
the part outside the sith base with all the ships taking off and stuff is just so good
Great point made my bro.
>that one guy remaking KOTOR in Unreal
I want it to happen, but EA being EA will C&D it at the last moment.
Name 5 fan made remakes that were completed before a c&d or other issues.
This man speaks truth
patrician taste
>most time intenstive and brutal slog in the entire game
I agree, and yet it was my favorite part of the game. It felt really fitting.
Dantooine for comfy
Not that in particular, I just enjoy how skills branch and evolve. Many of them feel different, and that's cool.
>get someone who hates dwarves and MEN to handle all the shit to do with them in your game
>surprised when the hambeast turns them into total cunts and jews. and makes their combat areas the most insipid grindy repetitive bullshit.
It's almost like hamburger helper is a fat bitch who shouldn't be trusted with fucking paper and crayons let alone anything of actual consequence.
there are plenty of games that are not open world and that have much, much better level design than pretty much any bioware game ever made
I dont know whats going on recently with all those kotor threads but seeing people praise it for the area design has to be one of the weirdest thing.
Doing more with less is exactly the point.
Yep atmosphere in KOTOR was golden... I fucking hate the age we live in now
>dorf noble origin
>returning to orzimmar
I don't think I'll ever feel that feel again.
steam and gog both just had massive star wars sales.
and as previously mention, the pathetic shitshow that is TLJ has made people remember good star wars and want to scratch that itch, so people are going back to older games to satisfy that YAY! Star Wars! feels.
Assassin's Creed games do living cities well. Just walk slowly through any part of the city in Unity and you'll start to see the lives and stories the npcs live.
Watch dogs 2 also had decent realism for every npc.
Everyone is tiny compared to Malak.
I liked KOTOR a lot when I played it a few months ago, but I can't get myself to go through the slow start of 2. I arrived at Telos and it still feels like I'm going through prologue shit.
But it's not a meme. Have you played Breath of the Wild? It actually does feel alive in many ways, because almost everything in the world can be interacted with. You can chop down trees, you can burn grass, the physics interact, the weather interacts. This is the closest that gaming has come to a living, breathing world because all of the complex interplay between systems.
Nigga it's a game literally made for kids. Of course it's bad.
forgot pic
You've never played any other games that do the same thing it does, have you.
dark side tsundere WHEN
>no invisible headgear
>Luke have I told you about Bastila Shan? She was a great waifu
y can't bioware into hats
I cannot fucking stand Bioware's writing.
It really is like a goddamn anime.
How is this not an open world? You can go where you want, choose planets, change them when you want etc.
Too linear and not enough to explore
And she was a great friend
I haven't, are there games like that?
It's not linear, yet it's not open-world either. It uses zones. But honestly I'd rather have it be linear, the zones are barren as fuck.
He thinks open world means it needds to be 3 teraflops of grassy plains and sparse forest with rehashed assets, enemies and miniquests.
It's linear in a lot of cases as far was restriction of where you can go and when, plus the planets are pretty empty when you DO get to travel to each one of your choosing in whatever order.
Why didn't the Jedi Council on Dantooine just Force Astral Project themselves to fight Malak and Revan?
It was just a projection. What was the Council going to do? Bantz Revan and Malak to death?
Jedi council projection: "Remember the jedi code!"
Revan & Malak: "Malachor V shadow generator ACTIVATE."
Yeah, no, they would probably be scarred for life.
It would subvert your expectations
what the fuck are you talking about? KOTOR has the most sterile, boring, lifeless planets imaginable
And yet despite this , it's still better than a lot of what comes out today.
What this faggot said
just because modern games are trash, doesn't excuse the older games
Hell, the only games where the world feels alive are Fallout, Gothic and Witcher
Go play Gothic 2.
It has the most living city I've ever seen in a videogame and was released 2002.
It's sucks like hell what heppened to PB afterwards.
I just installed KOTOR half and hour ago and now it keeps crashing when I'm at the Endar Spire. Is there a way to fix this? I've checked Google but nothing seems to be working
>Use any modern day AAA titles to justify Open-world gaming
>Assassin's Creed Unity
So close yet so far, user
Because KOTOR was hand crafted and every NPC's dialogue was not written by a fucking intern from a non-english speaking country. They actually cared back then because they were a small company competing with a lot of other studios and had to make an effort to stand out among a throng of RPG's.
Also, Bioware really broke out with KOTOR as a studio and became the go to WRPG studio in a time when the west wasn't really producing AAA rpgs since everything was about FPS games. Japan had that market cornered with FF series.
Quality over Quantity. I remember more about KOTOR random NPC banter than the main story line of Mass Effect.
i wouldn't get too hung up on it. do you really want a new kotor game? it would be total shit. rpgs like kotor aren't made anymore
Fucking kek, I love that scene. Jolee Bindo is easily my favorite Jedi in the entire franchise.
Thanks fags now I have to reinstall
yeah and Obsidian killed him because he bucked their narrative too much
>every NPC's dialogue was not written by a fucking intern from a non-english speaking country
But the dialogue is fucking terrible.
>I wanna be a Jedi Guardian!
>every single thing that comes out of Malak's mouth
It's quite literally written for children. There's a reason why mods exist to improve the PC's dialogue options.
S-surely we will get a new age of quality CRPG's again, just like the resurgence of isometric RPG's in the last years
why post jade empire? it was the beginning of the end for bioware. while i had no problem with jade empire being its own thing, i had no idea they were going to continue on with the simplification that started with it
isometic games are trash. that whole style should have died in the late 90s. i don't want a fucking resurgence of nostalgia. i want the same old school systems with a 2018 coat of paint. as far as i'm concerned deus ex and bloodlines were always the next step in the evolution of the wrpg
Because it's the last game Bioware produced during their golden age. As much as people shit on Jade Empire it was much better in both combat and lore than everything that came after. Bioware went from taking classic D&D medieval tolkien style lore and infusing it into Star Wars with KotOR and a game about Chinese mythology something unique among WRPGs. To generic space marine trilogy and generic safe D&D series with a hint of zombie crap in Dragon Age.
im not sure of a solution but i remember when i had this problem it went away once i got to taris
>just like the resurgence of isometric RPG's in the last years
maybe aside from Underrail and Divinity Original Sim, most of them were either disappointing (PoE, Wasteland 2) or downright terrible (Torment)
age of decadence was a good game too. it's probably my favorite game in the last seven years
How the hell are you playing kotor 1 in widescreen without it destroying everything
But the problem being I am in the Endar Spire which comes BEFORE Taris. I have to quicksave after every encounter
yeah its horrible, you have to constantly quick save and quick load but once i got through it went away
how to cope with the ending that revan and the exile got in the book?
You running in Windows XP compatibility?