This console is really overrated...

This console is really overrated. 80% of its library was 0/10 shovelware that your mom would buy you because she didn't know shit about video games and you were too young and stupid to care anyway. There were only a handful of genuinely great exclusives. And the PS2 version of literally every multiplatform game was always by far the worst, graphically, technologically, in terms of features, etc. The only kids who owned a multiplatform game on PS2 back in the day were either Sony fanboys or poorfags whose parents couldn't afford an Xbox/Gamecube/half-decent PC.

The weakest console of its generation, a dumping ground for shovelware and Chinese knock-offs, and loved by soccer moms and cheeto-eating children the world over. The PS2 was basically the Wii of the sixth gen, but you're all too scared to take off the nostalgia goggles and see it.

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>t. kid who had a gamecube growing up

It's funny. The Wii and ps2 are like polar opposites in that regard.

Aren't most consoles 80% shit games?

80% is too low.
Try 90%.

Op is right but what do you expect? Obviously the highest selling console is gonna be overrated

I had all consoles and a gaming PC growing up. The PS2 was my least played of all of them. Even games like GTA which people mentally associate with the PS2 were so much better on the PC that it's actually laughable. There was literally no reason to buy a game on the PS2 unless it was an exclusive.

>And the PS2 version of literally every multiplatform game was always by far the worst, graphically, technologically, in terms of features, etc.

>the GameCube version is clearly a step below both the PS2 and the Xbox versions as far as in-game visuals go. Never mind 60fps, I'm happy when the GameCube SSX Tricky runs at 30 frames per second!

>The [Gamecube] frame rate bogs down whenever you're taking a look at a large section of complex geometry--the Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Skater Island levels are the worst offenders here. Some sections of Tokyo cause the frame rate to drop rather drastically.
>PlayStation 2 version only rarely slows down
>the GameCube version also looks slightly washed-out when compared to the PS2's vibrant colors.

>the [Gamecube] cars don't reflect hardly anything and what does reflect looks rather shoddy. Meanwhile, Xbox reflections are pretty solid, as are PS2's.

>The GameCube version...falters the most out of the three considering framerate

Pretty much. I never play it nowadays but I still play GC.

T. Soyboy with switch

Web lad way to cherry pick the only four games.

>Using Gamespot and IGN to defend your shitposting

>moving the goal posts

Not even. My most played consoles of the past two gens have been PS3 and PS4.

Sony have stepped their game up considerably in the past decade. But looking back on the PS2 its hard to view it as anything else other than an overrated, underpowered, kiddy toy piece of shit.

As opposed to GameCubefags always bragging RE4 because of the shitty PS2 port. You don't see PS2fags bragging about how shitty the Xbox versions of MGS2 and Silent Hill 2 were.

>not knowing what "moving the goalposts" means
Can you get any more desperate?

OP said literally every PS2 multiplat was worse. To disprove that, only one counter-example needs to be provided.

Yet you're implying four counter-examples is not enough. How is that not moving the goal posts?

Yeah, the PS2 had a lot of shit.

But it also had DMC3, Nocturne, and Maximo, so fuck you.

At least ps2 had great third party support. There are too many hidden gems on it.

>Licensed children's game that you only like because of nostalgia

Thanks for proving my point.

>OP said literally every PS2 multiplat was worse
He's not wrong. He'll the ps2 fucking struggled to run Viewtiful Joe and Sonic Heroes of all things.

>Viewtiful Joe
Which was a GameCube-to-PS2 port like RE4 and killer7. Notice a pattern? It's almost as if they were designed to run better on their original hardware.

>Notice a pattern?
Not really no especially since you just fell for the bait. Your arguments rely on heavily cherry picking.

>fell for the bait
>Implying this thread wasn't bait to begin with.

>Viewtiful Joe
Gamecube exclusive originally.

>Sonic Heroes
Was Sonic Team's first multiplatform game EVER, with Gamecube as the lead platform. It's little wonder that the PS2 and Xbox (!) versions are inferior. Inexperience of developers.

Better play the remasters on ps3/ps4

Metal gear and god of war.

I had gamecube for a long time and then xbox. Xbox was the best, but I think gamecube had the best exclusives.

I had a ps2 cheap way later, like in 2010. God of war and metal gear were really good though.