Can we all agree on this?

can we all agree on this?

The hate adventure 2 gets is no longer justified

>sonic 4
>anywhere near B tier

no your opinion is full of shit.

This list is fucking terrible jesus christ

bump Sonic Forces and Sonic 4 to below D, and you got yourself a perfect list.

what the fuck is that thing at the bottom

Why not? It gave us Shadow.

Don't know what Sonic Heroes is doing so goddamn high.

Chaotix is crap and 2 is good. Other than that I don't care so much about the lower tier games

>Heroes above either Adventure
>Sonic 4 above Sonic 1
>Advance above any game that came out before it

Unleashed I think...

Sonic Heroes is shit through and through. Sonic Adventure is irrecoverably damaged by the awful camera and controls. Sonic Forces is also shit through and through. Sonic 4 is a substantial step down from absolutely every 2D Sonic game and is bland at its best points. Sonic 2 is much better than Lost World.

Sonic Adventure 2 is better than Shadow. Secret Rings is significantly better than Sonic 06. If that bottom one is supposed to be Sonic Unleashed, it's better than just about everything in the bottom half of this tier list.

That's not a valid reason since shadow wasn't a bad character

>Shadow The Hedgehog
>Not A
Get out of here

>Sonic 4, Heroes, Adventure 2 and fucking Forces is higher than Unleashed

Why did you the arabic logo for unleashed?

Change the following
>Sonic Heroes to D tier
>Sonic 4 to E tier
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles to SSS tier
>Sonic Forces to D tier
>Knuckles Chaotix to E tier
>Sonic Lost World to C tier
>Unleashed to C tier
>Sonic 06, Secret Rings to F tier

>Sonic adventure 1
>Sonic adventure 2

>sonic Forces a rank
>sonic Unleashed f rank
Nigger fuck you

No OP just no

then why the fuck is it in some middle eastern language

i agree on S tier actually

Adventure belongs in C tier and Generations and 2 should be in S

Because, in the Wii version, Arid Sands is the first night stage to get more than 3 acts

>Stupid fucking niche opinion

this list have to be for the music right?
this cant be for the game itself

Shit, not wearing my glasses

>Sonic 4 B tier
I don't think so

>shadow the hedgehog not in its own tier above SSS

Are you guys memeing with Sonic Heroes or is it really that good? I'll download it right now if you're not bullshitting me.

Team Sonic and Team Dark are literally perfect

Here's an actual list that anyone who isn't mentally ill can agree on

>Great Tier: Every 2D Sonic game
>Yeah Sure Whatever Tier:Every weird spinoff
>The Blurred Line Between Nostalgia and Legitimate Mental Illness Tier:Every 3D Sonic game

>Sonic 2 on par with 4 and Lost World
>Forces above Sonic 2

Generation's 2D levels are better than the entirety of sonic 4

what now faggot

better list

The controls are slippery, the team mechanic adds very little, the level design is mediocre, it only gets any praise at all because it mostly avoids being a complete abortion, and it does that by being extremely plain.

This is a pretty spicy meme
>Heroes SSS
>Chaotix and Forces A
>Sonic 4 and Sonic 2 in the same tier
>Adventure 2 in D
>only ranking the first Advance
>no Colors or Unleashed
>not ranking the Rush games
>only Riders game is Zero Gravity

You got me to reply though, so job well done.

Fixed it for you

>Sonic Mania
Should be right next to S3&K in the S tier. Mania is good but it isn't THAT good. Don't know about Sonic Heroes since I haven't played that one, but I'm sure it probably shouldn't be that high.

It's ok if you like Adventure 1 and 2. But the controls are slippery and the level design is mostly 'highway in the sky'

But nearly as good as op's list implies.

This is as accurate as you're gonna get

I'm sorry to inform you of this user, but having an opinion on whether Sonic 4 or Sonic Generations is better puts you on the autism scale.

Now this is a list I can agree with

*NOT nearly as good

let's see if it still holds up

>Sonic heroes

I personally wouldn't rank the boost and advance games as high, but other than that, yeah still mostly agree.

Sonic 4 and Sonic Forces are fucking abysmal. F tier for both. Sonic 06 should not even rank. SA2 should be closer to the top since, whether you think it's primitive or corny or whatever, it is one of the most fondly remembered games outside the original trilogy. It was also much, MUCH better than Sonic Adventure DX which is more like a fucking tech demo from a modern perspective.

I mean really anything besides Sonic 1-3, the Adventure games, and Mania, is basically just fluff

>Sonic Heroes as the best Sonic game
Oh good, I don't even need to see all the shit below to know this is an awful list.

I made the list more accurate to my tastes, excluded games I haven't played, and put in ones I have not in OP

Shadow had you backtracking and repeating levels, and fuck doing the requirements. First level forces you to repeat itself until you kill EVERY SINGLE GUN grunt or alien to get one of the other branching paths. This was retarded, and the game should have been one long linear experience or two long linear ones in which you decide to be evil or good in the beginning

Heroes has you replay the same levels 4 times and has too many insufferable characters we all hate


They all belong at the bottom because the Sonic series sucks. It was never good.

sonic boom should be F tier, and colors should (maybe) be S tier. Other than that it's fine