What's the funnest class for going through the expansions...

What's the funnest class for going through the expansions? I played a fighter/barbarian/weapon master through the OC and it was alright.

Can never go wrong with Sorcerer, all the power of arcane spellcasting (which the AI sucks at) without needing to fiddle with memorizing individual spells, plus you get dialogue skills on top since it's a Charisma-based class.

Any spellcaster.

NWN1 Class Tier List

>God Tier:

>Top Tier:
Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric

>High Tier:
Champion of Torm, Blackguard, Red Dragon Disciple

>Mid Tier:
Bard, Paladin, Fighter, Dwarven Defender, Shifter

>Low Tier:
Monk, Ranger, Barbarian, Pale Master, Arcane Archer, Shadow Dancer

>Trash Tier
Harper Scout, Assassin, Purple Dragon Knight, Weapon Master, Rogue

I'm telling you, ditch the official content and get some of the modules. They put that shit to shame.

Quit spamming this objectively and constantly proven wrong bullshit every goddamn thread. Is NWN such a big Sup Forums title that you have to get this bait in every fucking thread?

So whats the real tier list buddy, Druid 39, Monk 1 shits on every build.

Well, if you hate it so much, why don't you explain why it's wrong then?:^)

While you're not wrong, if OP was fine playing through the OC he should definitely play through the expansion campaign. Only playing the OC out of the official content would be the true madman's choice.

>m-muh tiers
You don't need a powerbuild for a fucking single player campaign.

Literally no point to Sorcerer in a game that lets you rest anywhere at any time to reacquire all your spells. None of the versatility of the Wizard and the extra spells per day become meaningless.

Other than him swapping a few classes round like WM and Shifter that tier list is very accurate.

Not once has it been "proven wrong"

let me guess, you are a mink shitter who thinks 40 ac is impressive?

Why is there no warlock in nwn? Any mods to fix that? Having to rest for spells is a pain in the ass and warlock was so much fun

Sorc gets better multiclass options and grealy benefits from pally dip

Weapon master is trash though.

It's about the fun not the numbers you cunt

Use the PRC, be warned it adds a shitton of stuff as well and some of it is broken.

First, because single classing is objectively shit. And even with multiclassing there are different standards. Monk, for instance becomes a great class when you're dipping, but not something you want to invest a shitton of levels in. There are probably more multiclassed Monk builds out there considered God tier than Druid builds. Next, there's no parameters on what the builds are being used for. Original campaigns? PvP? Modules? That affects what classes are good vs bad. Are the games high loot or low loot?

The entire fucking list is just braindead nonsense.

>play a rouge
>be useless

Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe BG too high and SD too low. I hate tier lists though, especially for DnD games. Everyone already knows divine casters then arcane casters are a leagues better than anything else. Why stratify the dregs?

Even bard is better and gets access to Arcane Archer and RDD.

Pretty much.

>nothing notable to steal AND you can bash chests anyway
>everything of note is immune to sneak attacks

Why bother? You're just a gimped fighter who gets around soaking damage from traps by dismantling them, I guess.

I don't think Warlock was introduced to the tabletop at the time yet. I think it was 3.5 that had them as a main class and NWN was strictly 3.

>First, because single classing is objectively shit.
Lolno Pure casters rule the game

> Monk, for instance becomes a great class when you're dipping
Its not, its literally only ever taken for the Wis AC bonus, which is itself mediocre on monks

>There are probably more multiclassed Monk builds out there considered God tier than Druid builds

Which you can only reasonably dip in epic levels because you're already 1 level behind the wizard in spell progression. Who has more skills, feats and spells anyway, multiclassing or not.

Because D&D rogues in general need a party and NWN1 decided aiainst that.

Rogue's a great dip class. It doesn't have the alignment restrictions of Bard or Monk to grab Tumble, for example.

I know that, I just want a class that lets me cast spells with choosen dmg type and choosen aod.

Just play A Dance With Rogues and get some good rogue gameplay and railed while you're at it.

>Lolno Pure casters rule the game
It's not tabletop, noncaster theoretical damage in the engine consistently BTFOs pure caster.

>Its not, its literally only ever taken for the Wis AC bonus, which is itself mediocre on monks
Wrong. l2powergame

google the neverwinter vault scrub

>not playing Dance with Rogues as a sorceress

>noncaster theoretical damage in the engine consistently BTFOs pure caster.
Stop talking

>babby's first powergame spell
>legitimately thought it would impress people
It's like watching a first timer roll a 20STR half orc barbarian.

I'm gonna have to agree with user here. Melee crit builds are routinely putting out thousands.

You dont know shit about NWN, you are embarrassing yourself

>Melee crit builds
*blocks your path*

Crit builds are for PvP, doofus. Which is where those Monk levels you guys shat all over for "just" giving you two sources of uncappable AC matter. And where that Trash Tier Weapon Master has your pure casters being made public server bitches.

>Melee crit builds are routinely putting out thousands.
No they dont, also thats 200+ damage PER TIC, and the spell stacks on top of itself infinitely leading to hundreds of tics per second, also it has no save.

Why the fuck isn't Neverwinter Nights 2 on Steam again

lol, yes they do. Sit there and put some thought into even an obvious one and I bet you can break 500 yourself in about five minutes.

>ban and nerf everything magic related
>martials are suddenly not so trashy
It's almost like D&D design fault or something.

It used to be, I have the steam version of it.

Pure druid SHITS all over WM or any melee build in PvP

>monk levels in PvP
LOL no, standard caster druid for PvP is 38 Druid, 1 Ranger, 1 Rogue/Bard

But it is right there, in my library.

Licensing disputes. Same reason why NWN1 wasn't on Steam until this Enhanced Edition came around.

No they dont, only melee build that can even get close to 1000 damage crit is a stacked improve smite scythe build when the stars align on a very gimicky none practical build, you are proving you dont know anything about this game.

NWN2 EE when

Who said anything about nerfing? Or were you not talking about crit immune undead but suggesting that your pure caster takes 10 levels of non-progression Pale Master, defeating your own argument?

>Melee deals higher damage than spells

Soon probably since they are gonna release the same with a different logo.

Why is Mask of the Betrayer so fucking good?

He's sort of right. Spellcasters have such a wide variety in attacks that they're genuinely more fun to play

>Druid Elemental Shape
>Not crit immune
have you even played NWN?

Spam dat HIPS and suddenly they're good


I was going to insult your mother but now I'm impressed

Your mother is a slut

Did you ever think you'd live to see a time where all the NWN sites were abandoned or gone and people were ignorant of smite and crit builds and pushed pure casters as GOAT?

>ban timestop
>remove epic warding
>stop acid sheath and other damage shields stacking
>not nerfing for martials sake

>post a picture of a mummy
>"lel i ment druid shaep"
Jesus Christ that backpedaling.

I have nwn2 diamonds, got it for free on gog a while ago.
what scenario / character should I play?
I'm familiar with bg2 but was kinda lost at character creation on nwn2.

Just like Antiworld CTF I used to play. There were so many rules like that. Bigby's was banned, devastating critical hit was off, epic dodge was off, monk speed was off, couldn't spam knockdown or hide in plain sight

>no bans
>died from stealth attack anyway

yeh at lv 40, a level you won't reach ever during any campaign

>Gets 1 charge of smite
>Has to hit with its piss poor AB or its wasted
>Has to crit or its wasted
>Has no way of dealing with concealment
>Gets hit by anything and its dead
>Misses its attack and its dead
>Hits but doesn't crit and its dead

Bring your shitty fucking smite build and 1v1 my pure druid, i will beat your ass with no gear you shitposting faggot

>no bans
>sneak attack is stopped by epic warding
>rogue is damaged for 500 damage by damage shields and dies

I want a NWN2 EE, but at the same time it owuld most likely be made by Beamdog, which would mean some filters and UI changes without fixing the controls, AI, camera and overall clunkiness of the game.

>want to cast epic warding
>get killed first

Pure casters were always such prima donna bitches who'd moan about any house rule but scream the second they didn't get twenty rounds of prebuffing in a fight.

If there is a NWN2 EE I would hope they do something like try to include the ToB and Psionics classes

Is the objective PvP or who can do more damage in a round? I feel like your goalposts are flying all over the place.

>not agreeing to let casters fully buff first
Bet you didn't get anyone agreeing to duels.

>not taking auto quicken III

>ignore the fundamental advantage of a rogue or stealth based crit build
>implying the rogue is the dumb player
you got rolled, deal with it. Either keep those buffs up 24/7 or risk getting assfucked.

to be fair, if you can reduce your opponent's health to 0 in 1 round that generally means you have a good advantage in pvp

you are such a fucking faggot dude. i can smell you from here

>auto quicken III
>epic warding

not to mention, couldn't a rogue just get all the wizard and druid buffs himself through wands and UMD?

Time Stop you dolt. Then you can buff whatever.

Well, yeah. But the argument started about how much damage a Druid could do in 1 round which is dwarfed by crit builds. Then somehow it became who would win in a fight, which is an entirely different argument.

>Discussion of a 16 year old game getting this heated over builds

That's pretty impressive

>post objectively impossible combo
>get called out
>google mistake
>"i-i meant time stop"
Just like you posted a mummy and "meant" druid? jej

>Weapon Master
>Trash tier

Your opinion is trash tier.

Nice dodge.

Lets address your other claim then

lets say you are able to crit with smite for 1k damage, thats it you get a spike of damage then your done

Mean while druid can match your damage EVERY SIX SECONDS by playing down 5 creeping dooms, and the druid is not limited to 5 creeping dooms, the druid can place as many creeping dooms down as it wants with no break

>taking auto quicken III
Don't ever do this its a complete waste of 3 epic feats

We're talking who does the most theoretical damage. Creeping Doom isn't even a top 5. Are you changing the goalposts to "most theoretical damage over time"? Because I've got some sneak attack builds that ought to do the job.

>Fight starts
>Wizard casts epic warding before the rouge can get near him

Did you expect the wizard to just do nothing and wait for you to attack?

>y-you have to let me buff!
>okay then you have to start so far away i can still buff before you get close

why are lv 40 builds even relevant?
what kind of shitty server lets everyone run around at level god damn 40. You're 20 god damn levels into epic territory, at this point you should be battling several GODS PLURAL at the same time.

It's much more interesting to see which builds are most fun lv 3 to 8-10, the reasonable levels for adventurers

Level 40 servers were fun purely for testing out powergame builds and theoretical bullshit. You didn't really "play" in them.

Because theorycrafters don't actually play the game.

yeh but still what's the point
in singleplayer the highest you'll ever get is 30 or so if you do literally every quest.
It's not a competitive game, it's way to broken and unbalanced for that (and if it were you bet your arse the druid infinite casting bug would be banned asap), and if you like theorycrafting builds there's the actual p&p which has a million more options.

>We're talking who does the most theoretical damage. Creeping Doom isn't even a top 5
See Ok lets go through this one more times since you seem to be retarded

A SINGLE creeping doom hits for 200+ damage per tic

Creeping doom ticks once every 6 seconds

Creeping doom stacks on itself meaning multiple ticks per second

Five creeping dooms means 1k damage every 6 seconds

Ten Creeping dooms means 2K damage every 6 seconds

still following

Druid has no cap to the amount of creeping dooms it can put down

20 creeping dooms is 4k damage every 6 seconds

50 creeping dooms is 10000 Damage every 6 seconds

Creeping Dooms damage is unparalleled, period.

>Reddit spacing
Stop it.

in the time u spent casting creping doom 20 times i already killed every enemy in the game 5 times over with my swole melee strikes which also have no limit and do more damage in the same time :)

>Start a fight right next to your opponent

>Start a fight pre stealthed while they are not pre buffed


Also skill sink Spot, now you cant even hide.


>Gets BTFO

>r-r-reddit spacing >:(

>in the time u spent casting creping doom 20 times i already killed every enemy in the game 5 times over with my swole melee strikes which also have no limit and do more damage in the same time

LMAO, No, you get 1 use of smite, 3 if you take feats.

meanwhile druid can set up creeping doom before going into a fight since its a persistent AoE then just lure as many enemies through it as he wants

Creeping Dooms damage is unparalleled

I wasn't even the guy you were arguing with

go wizard with a pixie familiar (get the mod that disables pixie sounds, trust me)
ensure you have at least one high level summon spell ready at all times

congrats you're now a 1 man adventuring party, pixie has high enough rogue skills to take care of all but the greatest traps and locks, your summon is about as strong as as a warrior and you still have all your arcane spells.

im not using smite :). im just hittin gthem :). for more damage than you're crappy magic :). in the time it took you stack creeping doom to kill 1 singular dragons i killed 15 :). ur damage is bad :)


>just hitting them
>for sub 80
>meanwhile druid is hitting for 10K damage to every enemy in the room at once 1 shotting them all

Consider yourself B T F O :)