This is by far the worst Souls game

This is by far the worst Souls game.

No it isn't. It's better than 1 but worse than 3.

no shit?

It's worse then both of them.

t. retards that started with Bloodborne Souls 3 and think they can have opinions on this subject

Started with DeS. By far the worst Souls game.

everyday the same fucking thread, get over it

jokes on you, I played all souls games in release order

Deal with it already

No shit.

that's a fact

I started with 2 actually. It's only after playing the others then coming back to 2 did I realize it's flaws.

it's not bad, but it's definitely better than 3 and worse than 1. if you can't see that then I don't know that to say.

BB is superior to all though.

Why even make a thread about this, everybody but pcpoors knows this

>muh best port

Just recently binged it this past week after getting it on sale. Outside of the dlcs, it's probably the weakest soulsborne game.(Though, I've never played Demon Souls.) It's really slow, the areas suck and it drags on pretty hard. The ending fights were nice and cinematic at least.

They should have kept powerstancing/bonfire ascetics with 3 though. Those were the two redeeming qualities about the game.

Not really. 3 has a lot of problems but the actual levels, bosses, and movement are so far above it impossible to go back to 2.

If DaS2 got thing right, it's this. Accompanied by the fact that BB came out a little while after, I stopped using shields completly.

I only liked the first Dark Souls.

You got it mixed up. It's WORSE than 1 and BETTER than 3. Also better than bloodborne.

As if "Bloodborne" is any better.
DS2 has many great builds and variety. That variety is even represented in interesting loot. The world is also more interesting.

Bloodborne doesnt even have bosses drop loot. You get items that "allow" you to shop for more things. How retarded is that shit.

>soul memory
>finite monster respawn
>placeholder terrain
>areas glued together without any idea behind it
why yes

>Sup Forumsirgins being contrarians again

>They should have kept powerstancing/bonfire ascetics with 3 though. Those were the two redeeming qualities about the game.

Dude thats jsut one of the maaany great things about this game. Loot is amazing. You got branches of yorch to reverse stone statues, and these Lockstones for... potentially interesting effects in areas. Humanity is more interesting and improved much. Ressource management is overall an interesting point of this game.

In Bloodborne all the clothing looks the same, and you basically have to wear certain things. It has no true fashion souls either, as you cant combine heavy bracelets with other items.


>kept powerstancing
honestly i have no fucking clue why they didn't. It made for a bunch more builds to play and they were all fun as fuck. DaS 3 is my least played DaS game purely because it has fuck all replayability, everything feels the same

am i the only one who thinks that 3 has the shittiest areas in all of souls by far?

bait. you can cry all you want, but except from the obvious shitposts and troll posts, you can find genuine opinions here and they're far more valuable than any garbage those journalists spout.

Every Souls game is good and bad in their own ways.

Personally, Bloodborne is my favourite due to the offence-heavy gameplay.

>Bloodborne doesnt even have bosses drop loot.

yes, BB would be greatly improved if there were 10 forms of the same weapon that all did the same fuckin thing with different weapon arts

>How to get easy (Yous) the thread!
Can we stop with the souls dick waving for one fucking day
dark souls 2 is trash though

Do you think any of those reviewers got educated enough about the game that they noticed shit like the horrendously patched up lighting, the fact hitboxes AND i-frames are a fucking stat, or half of the bosses break to circle strafing and backing out when they fidget?

Bloodborne > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls >> Dark Souls III >>> Dark Souls 2

Deal with it.

I hate Dark Souls 2.
But maybe this comes from me because I tried to play this game like I played DS1. And this is not DS1. It has healthstones bullshit and GOD THIS GAME IS JUST ASS.

Hitboxes are not a stat and iframes have always been tied to a stat just a different one.

Don't be an idiot. DS2 is the most fun souls game

perfect list

fun is a buzzword. I had the most fun playing DaS1, doesn't mean anything.

People keep using this excuse. I do get that Bloodborne has "enough" weapon variety. And the big problem of always using the same weapons since they need upgrades still exists. But I want something for beating the boss. Not just a permit to buy some shit.
The loot isn't any better in Bloodborne and lacks variety. I did enjoy my experience but have no desire to go back to it.

Another thing is that Bloodborne is just dark and gloomy as soon as you beat a few bosses. While other souls games try to at least bring in some different areas with different moods.

>DS2 has many great builds and variety. That variety is even represented in interesting loot.

I mean, that's kind of why people like BB more. They streamlined everything and didn't add a bunch of unnecessary shit you're never going to use. Every weapon in viable and interesting, and you're actually excited whenever you get a new one.

>The world is also more interesting.

Fuck no it aint

No ds3 is the worst and 2 is the best.

>DeS over Dark
Hmm I wonder who was behind this post?


DeS is good from the beginning to the end, it's not the case of Dark Souls.
Sorry if can't handle the truth.

I don't get you nostalgia bronies. The Dragon King was shit.

DaS > BB > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS 2
This is the final, objective list.

Literally the worst post I've seen this week.

user, the webms are everywhere, you can have a physically fatter hitbox rolling out of the way than strafing out of it.

DS2 just had insane levels of mediocre filler

>Dragon Rider
>Copypaste Dragon Riders
>Copypaste Ornstein
>Copypaste Gargoyles
>Copypaste Sentinels
>Copypaste Smelter Demon
>Copypaste Lud&Zullen
>Skelly Lords
>Covetous Demon
>Prowling Magnus
>Old Iron King
>Rat Vanguard
>Defender & Watcher
>Ancient Dragon

i vastly prefer it to dark souls 3, i can see why people like bloodborne and the first one and even des better, but i don't know why people would prefer 3, it should be called dark soulless instead.

for me dark souls 2 is my favorite because, the fighting mechanics are best in it, the best fashion souls, the best pvp, and i like the way the levels are designed. i also like the healing crystal things, and i think that's a way better solution than giving you a billion flasks like 3. i think if it has a fatal flaw it might be the bosses.

>DS2 world more interesting
Nigger that was the worst part of it.

the only good thing about DS2 was a the dlc. The vanilla game was trash.

I wish B-Team would make a DeS style game with a bunch of isolated areas like the dlc.

t. retard that started with 2

>The world is also more interesting.

I love that DS3 gets shit on for rehash, as if SD2 wasn't just as bad

>i-frames tied to stat
>enemies skating around on their feet to track you
>endless healing items, who cares about taking damage?
>soul memory placing an expiration date on characters
>underwhelming final boss
>lots of underwhelming bosses in general
>durability glitch
>most cancerous meta build before the balance patches took hold

I don't get how anyone puts DaS2 above anything.

>webms are everywhere
I'm sure they are, the question is their veracity. DS2 has a bunch of janky ass hitboxes but I've never seen evidence that ADP affects them in any way other than handing you more iframes to escape.

People have performed tests with the PC version of the game.

Normally when you roll, your hitbox completely disappears for the duration of the i-frames.
If your ADP is below 90 though, it sometimes triggers a glitch where your hitbox remains at the point where you initiated the roll.

>People have performed tests with the PC version of the game.
So link me to one.

google it, nigger

Played all three games in order of release, but DS2 is the only game I actually came back to recently, because it's easily the best game in the series. The things that make it better than 1 and 3 are the absolute best, "sweet-spot" gameplay mechanics that are related to rolling, armor, poise, item usage and the unmatched superiority when it comes to VIABLE build variety. DS1 is primitive as fuck compared to 1, when it comes to gameplay mechanics. 3 is a shitty instachug rollfest where armor does jack shit and everyone just runs around in rags. All other aspects are completely irrelevant to me, they're not game or even immersion breaking, because I'm not a fucking autist.

>google it
Saw that coming from a mile away, you're pulling this out of your ass.


>and iframes have always been tied to a stat just a different one.
they are now tied to TWO stats
the one that covers weight load and ADP

Bloodborne has completely unique movesets for every fucking weapon. DaS2 has a completely unique moveset for the Bonefist and that's it. For every other weapon theres at least one roll or running attack that's been recycled.


weight load doesn't affect i-frames, only the length of your roll

But m-mah cycles!

The mental Chinese acrobatics that DaS2 fags do to defend Iron Keep is something incredible.

>only the length of your roll

which has iframes

except havelmonsters came back in 3 once they patched poise to do something

Sure, but I don't think a thread was needed to say it.

the number i-frames remains the same, regardless of the length of your roll

Fat-rolling with full-ADP is a really common strategy.

At least it's not just a fucking linear progression like Darkbloodborne 3

>iframes have always been tied to a stat

I remember seeing some concept art for an arena between Windmill and lava land, but that still doesn't excuse it. Just change the animation so the elevator goes down instead of up. It's a simple fix.

Ding ding!

Look at all the directions I can eat shit in!

Weight doesn't affect i-frames in DS2, only agility. ADP does not affect carry weight.

What exactly about that statement needs to be explained to you?

I rather have a linear game then a shit one.

>Fat-rolling with full-ADP is a really common strategy.

>the mental state of DaS2 fags

It is though. I mean, it's still stupid since you move like 2 inches, but alot of people still do it.

>iframes have always been tied to a stat just a different one.
I know you're defending DS2, but are you honestly going to defend the fact that the game expects you to level your ADP with NO INDICATION of when it increases your i-frames?

With the other games, there was a visual representation. Different roll = more i-frames.
In DS2 there was fucking nothing. It's just bad game design. People didn't even know how it worked until the PC version came out and people started to datamine it

what stat is tied to invincibility frames in DeS and DaS

oh so you mean dodge rolls, that's completely different
nice try though

dragon king was an obvious reference to press F to pay respects gameplay of modern rpgs. The most amazingly animated boss is literally the worst to play (and the most pathetic + easiest to beat at the end).

Sorry shill.

>oh so you mean dodge rolls
Well I don't think they were talking about bread rolls you non functioning retard

I like how nu Sup Forums never understands how this list is the only true answer

These threads are great, because it lets me know that there's one or two anons out there that feel such a hatred for the best souls game that they make a thread every 5 hours getting people to shit on it with the same 5 webms and zero actual arguments besides "its ds2 so its shit!!".
I'll be over here actually enjoying playing good games while you post Shitsouls2_50604556.webm for the 100th time. And I'll be having fun.

>If you die, your max HP goes down. Can revert this, but only by using rare, ultra-expensive item
>Only one Estus flask. Have to use limited health items instead
>Weapons break near instantly and there's no blacksmith or weapon shop available, nor do enemies drop anything usable
>Die a few times and you'll be stuck with half health, a single estus for healing, and a sword hilt for a weapon

It's like they didn't want anyone to play this game.

Then once you get over the initial hump, it becomes easier than Zweihänder Souls.

>you're defending DS2
I took issue with something someone said, at no point did I say ADP was well done. I'm calling that person an idiot not saying DS2 was a fantastic game.

Am I to understand that you seriously don't know that increasing equip burden changes your iframes?


>>Only one Estus flask. Have to use limited health items instead
You can buy unlimited soul gems, which I'd say is worse than limited health items.


Is it just me or does this thread get made every day?

>it's okay that it's bad because matpat said so

lmao the massive butthurt.

>muh e-celebcancer
no user I just play games and I'm not a retard so I drew this easy to understand conclusion.

having different roll speeds is perfectly fine design decision, chaining invisible frame data to a player controled stat isn't
B team through and through


>I'm not a retard and Demon's is better than Dark

try every couple of hours

>soul memory

Yes, for me, that was the single most retarded thing about DS2.

>finite monster respawn

Not that bad actualy. Bonfire ascetic and covenant are the inbuilt solutions, which work quite nicely.

Idk about last two. Most areas kinda made sense.

Also, what happens if i like all three Dark Souls games (no console)?