Why does this company hate it's own franchises?
Why does this company hate it's own franchises?
Great ideas, bad execution.
>great idea
Because most of its franchises just aren't the sort that can thrive in the modern AAAAA industry.
They could if they did more small level digital releases like strider and bionic commando. There's no reason for so many franchises to be forgotten when digital releases have been proven to work.
It's the same basic idea as all the previous Marvel VS Capcom games. Unless you're trying to say that making another MvC at all was a bad idea.
t.capcom internet defense force
Fantards are pathetic
Go back to /fgg/.
Suits are disgusting people if people at all.
Wtf. I love Capcom now
Pretty much the deal with current Capcom is that if a franchise doesn't make CoD levels of numbers they will either cancel that franchise or just reduce its quality to an embarassing level. The only current franchise from Capcom that can provide those numbers is the Monster Hunter series, hence why MH:W is looking so absurdly good compared to some other entries they did in this gen (SFV and MvC:I in particular).
What Capcom is trying to do is to sort of "test ground" with some IPs like you see with Megaman 11 but since they don't want to risk too much they make those "testing ground" games with quite limited budget and resources and that hurts the potential impact for those games. People won't buy a "testing ground" game if they see that game not being so good, it's not the best idea for Capcom, but since Capcom is stupid as hell what they'll do is blame the consumer base as usual for not meeting the insanely high sales expectations and maybe cancel future projects for those franchises entirely.
It's a pretty depressing situation, and it just makes me sad given how great they were in the past, but their falldown is not recent and I sort of grew up leaving them behind at this point.
>What Capcom is trying to do is to sort of "test ground" with some IPs like you see with Megaman 11 but since they don't want to risk too much they make those "testing ground" games with quite limited budget and resources and that hurts the potential impact for those games. People won't buy a "testing ground" game if they see that game not being so good, it's not the best idea for Capcom, but since Capcom is stupid as hell what they'll do is blame the consumer base as usual for not meeting the insanely high sales expectations and maybe cancel future projects for those franchises entirely.
Or they'll go full retard and their "testing ground" will be a re-re-re-re-release of 20 year old games that anyone interested in the series will already own and anyone not already interested will not give a care about because they're ancient.
Exactly. See: Darkstalkers Resurrection.
He's probably referring to all those "dumbed down" gameplay elements like team reduction from 3v3 to 2v2, simplified inputs or the whole Stone system. I don't know because honestly I don't care for MvC, those are just the most frequent complaints I heard about that game and for the dumbed down part all current Capcom fighting games in general
Capcom desperately wants the western audience but doesn't actually know how to appeal to them. They're trying to westernize all their franchises and failing badly.
>The only current franchise from Capcom that can provide those numbers is the Monster Hunter series
Monster Hunter getting CoD numbers are you serious? The games cap out around 4 million sales, most get less.
Maybe not exact CoD numbers but still very high numbers, that's what I'm saying. Also didn't the last MH game sold a lot too?
If you need a good Megaman game, just get Azure Strier Gunvolt or Mighty Gunvolt Burst.
Any good fighting game like Teen, Pokken or Guilty Gear can replace Street Fighter.
Bayonetta for DmC.
Sadly, there is no replacement for Resident Evil, or that fucking casualization that they call Worlds (seriously, pla the open betas and tell me they didn't casalize it)
Can't have a badly executed Darkstalkers game if you simply don't make one.
That's why I hope they never touch the series ever again, or at least until they really showed some care and effort for their IPs.
Defend this Sup Forums
Nothing wrong with those ideas. 2v2 means more health per character so less touch of deaths, the tag mechanic was also much more interesting than assists. The game dead because of the graphics, roster, anemic content, the cringy story mode and the memes.
>game development got infinitely more expensive
>most companies cannot put out as many games as they used to because of that
>companies cannot rely on cranking out games for niche series that were just profitable with a couple hundred thousand sales back then
>companies still make new IPs
>budgets and developers are limited
>because of that a company cannot make sequels for every goddamn IP they ever created, especially when its a company with 30+ years of legacy
>nerds go online and cry
Blame the modern game making environment. And blame yourself for ever bitching about a game not having grafics great enough.
those are some fucking trash replacements.
The short of it is- Inafune.
Things are starting to look up for Capcom, but Inafunes idiocy put them in a bad place for a while.
>Azure Striker replacing MMZ/XA
>Bayonetta being better than DMC3 or even 4
>Streamline MH:W
Your opinions are wrong and your taste is shit. I will give you Tekken an GG though.