Better dead than Al Bhed, ya?

Better dead than Al Bhed, ya?


Why did they waste such a good combat system on such a dogshit character progression setup and such awful random encounter/mob design?

Not to mention how absurdly grind heavy the minmaxing is, and how its obfuscated behind like three different systems to go through, making it a fucking chore to prepare for the post-game content which in itself largely boils down to having high enough stats to tank through the damage while spamming a select few attacks; making it a significant downgrade compared to the storyline bossfights for the most part.

I also really don't get why they made it so fucking tedious to obtain the best equipment and then gave them unique properties you can't replicate that means anything you can build yourself is shit in comparison.

Christ X is so fucking shit.

wasn't rikku like 14 or 15

Square focused too much on gimmicks, presentation, and including weird/obscure stuff to find while forgetting the fundamentals.




>Christ X is so fucking shit.

Is she saying that to Tidus? I don't remember that at all.

just went from a 9 to a 10.

Determed by hidden affection mechanics, this is one of 4 scenes that change depending on which character likes you the most. It's also heavily affected by who you use healing stuff on as Tidus in combat.

Ah fuck. Lulu was definitely my favorite girl but I didn't use her in combat all that much later on.

She breedable, so what your point?

Any who stand with me shall be my brudda


Yeah, black magic starts out good but before you know it your other character's physical attacks go through the fucking roof. At least she has demi (1/4 of current enemy hp = damage) that is pretty good against regular high HP mobs, most of them anyway. At least until you start seriously grinding your physical attack damage, then it quickly becomes useless too.

That's an X-2 image, so she's 17 and legal in first world countries.

>She pulls items during combat from between her titties
I bet there really is space for 99 potions there

Am I the only one who likes her FFX outfit more?

>People put all this effort into Lulu just to get fucked by Wakka in the sequel

X-2 never happened though, why would you pretend that it did?

>You just press f4 during combat in the Remaster and the character fight by themselves
Oh my god yes. I might actually finish the grind this time. I mean it's the same shit as people who used rubber band to finish it on ps2 just without rubber band.


But it's just using regular attack, right?

So? She straight up tells Tidus that kids their age (Tidus was 17, Rikku 15 at the time) get married in Spira all the time because of the threat of Sin and having your whole family wiped out in seconds.

Wakka is just upset that his muscular ass is the only thing on the island that can handle Kimahri's cock

Just wait for X 3.0 where Lulu becomes pregnant out of nowhere and gives birth to a real incarnation of Tidus that she will has tons of /ss/ with

>girls friends die in an explosion
"boom like happy fireworks yah"

Where do I do some levallan up if my characters are in ~5k HP range? The things inside Sin don't give a lot and the optional things in the arena are still too strong for me.

No it happen, we all just pretend that retarded light novel that takes place after X-2 didn't happen

Shut up bender

I already found X-2 too retarded to accept it. And unnecessary.

If they have the same voice actors, would it kind of be considered selfcest?

i can literally feel how obese, white skinned, and greasy you are through this post

Am I the only one who loved Yuna the most?

The Sphere Grid, conceptually, is pretty good, but it falls short by not having any real choice in how to customize your characters in the basic set-up (outside of Kimarhi). The advanced grid allows for full customization, but it has way more empty nodes so you tend to have weaker characters overall - although honestly this is mostly welcome since the game is pretty fucking easy.

Of course the other complaint about having a full-on customizable party is that characters lose some individuality, which is true. If each character had a more robust and individual sphere grid that might've been the ideal.

Anyways, my point is that the Sphere Grid is pretty nice on the advanced setting.

lol fag

Yuna gets progressively better in each game. Her best was Dissidia Duodecim

>Taking a random user seriously



Same age my grandmother married. So what?

>Not having everybody set to Anonymous
What fucking year is this?

>Mimic chests on the battlefield
>Deals a good bit of damage
>Can not get any items from them
>Give shit AP when you defeat them
>Can't even steal anything from it after it has been revleaed to be a mimic
>Cannot capture it
Why the fuck does it even exist? No reason not to run away from it

>lpeople say I look like a model
>could get any girl my age if I wanted
>would rather fuck underage anime waifus
What does this make me?

>FFX-2 Wakka thinking of what he gets to come home to each night

>lpeople say
Your parents? It's part wanting to make you feel good and part self delusion

Rikku is a girl.

Sure why not
It would make him feel less embarrassed about all the pics online

You can try the Omega Ruins. If they're too weak then you've got to make your team get one kill on a Don Tonberry in the Monster Arena. He'll give you 100 levels for killing him, although it's a slog because he's a super tanky tonberry so bring a lot of phoenix downs.

Having everyone set to anonymous means that you don't know which posts to instinctively ignore or filter.


Noice. I need to catch some monster to get don tomberry that won't fucking spawn though. Guess it's rare