I never knew Sup Forums had such shit taste.
I never knew Sup Forums had such shit taste
>Open world trash on top
>critics rate BotW as #1
>users rate BotW as #1
>Sup Forums rates BotW as #1
The consensus has been established, you lost, GIVE UP.
While I don’t agree with every exact placement, everything that deserves to be in the top 10 of 2017 is in this top 10. Color me impressed, Sup Forums made a good list for once.
Nintenbros literally use bots. They can't handle the reality that someone might not like their shitty Open World game.
Remember that they DDoSed Jim Sterling site after he dared to give BotW a 7/10.
I know right? What the fuck is Persona 5 doing that high up? It was garbage. At least you retards got #1 right.
>open world is shit meme
needs to die
Dude, on some no shitposting shit, 2017 was fucking great
>no pubg
Kys faggot
this desu
Nintendo fans are so rampantly autistic they'll do this kind of nonsense for their favourite game
>Sup Forums
More like soytendo fanboys
>11th - Prey
>13th - Nioh
The absolute state of nu-Sup Forums. A literal clickbait shooter and a terrible souls clone.
A bunch of shitty soyfun meme shit. Who would've thought
Best list I've seen.
Ahhhh where is Dream Daddy?
Umm, Hollow Knight? What is that, a Newgrounds flash game?
t.soyboy redditor
Sup Forums has been invaded by normalfags for years, its bound to have normalfag taste
What's your top 20 of the year?
Open world shit needs to die
Cucking nu-boy soymale.
steven seagal doesn't play games
"soytendo" fanboys voted for their games, so(n)yboys voted for their games
and guess who still came out on top :)
Cuphead should be higher.
Besides highschool simulator not bad desu.
This is the starwpoll
>489 votes in total
How did you not know that? First, its nintendogaf, second it's full of contrarian unreasonable autistic and underaged faggots. Yes, that's a shit list. Welcome to Sup Forums
The ones autistic enough to bot a popularity poll???
Remember, if you like good video games, you obviously enjoy soy products.
aaaaaaand it begins
>Sup Forums always goes about gameplay being number one
>nioh number 13
level design and enemy variety are both very important parts of the gameplay experience. Guess which 2 things Nioh is complete shit in?
I do that all the time on Sup Forums to make them think everyone is Muslim. It's easy even with a captcha and ip protection.
It's the weeb bonus. Without it no one would give a shit about this steaming pile of dogshit.
I mean, I would like to see at least the top 10 lists of pople saying its a shit list.
How different can it be? The only way its to add even more soy stuff like Hellblade and Edith Finch.
How are any of those top 5 contrarian? They're all highly acclaimed and extremely popular titles. BOTW in particular getting GOTYs all over the place from many "normie" gaming awards.
Gee why would anyone think Nintendo fans would use bots to rig polls when they DDOS'd a less than extremely favourable opinion of their game? Ludicrous, surely.
Your top 5 games of the year go
If you don't reply within five minutes it's proof you're scared
the ringed city ds3 dlc is better than everything on that list
All that this tells me is that there are too many normalfags on Sup Forums.
"Gameplay" is a catch-all term for several different types of ludic elements. You may not realize it, Sup Forums may not realize it but that's how it used. The most PREVALENT use is the one you're referring to aka "high precision fast button press combo cuhrayzee", but it's not everything. It would be stupid to think that's all it is.
If you think breath of the wild deserves to be first, you're a member of the nintendogaf army
Maybe they are actually good?
>tfw there are 4 cinematic experiences in the top 5, and Cuphead is the only actual video game
So this is the power of normies.
But it's a good list for once, I'm impressed.
Wtf, I like Sup Forums now.
I thought you were all retards, instead we have a very vocal minority with mongoloids like OP crying over good games and shitposting all the time, but the majority of Sup Forums knows which games are good.
There's even Metroid there, well done guys.
Sup Forums is Nintendicksucker central. I would have given a fuck around 2009. now this place is NintendicksuckerGAF MyNintendoNews.com 2.0
zero fucks given about what some nu-male soyboi permavirgin manchildren vote as their #1 and so should you. at this point Sup Forums is no better than gameinformer/IGN/gamespot/etc. voting Skyrim as the best rpg of all time
Honestly, I personally think DOS2 deserves first, but BOTW was an excellent game itself.
I also feel like Cuphead should have been a few notches down, but what can you do?
Man, will botw contrarian ever stop getting BTFO?
absolutely seething
I don't have a horse in this fight, but I pretty much never take any online poll that is linked on Sup Forums seriously. Not one. The autism is too strong. The winner is always almost certainly hacked.
And that's not to say that only the winners were hacking. It's often a war of who has the most proxies.
>weebshit and nintentoddlers still dominate every poll
Glad to know Sup Forums hasn't really changed that much.
No matter how hard you strawman, BotW will always be that game that people threw a shitfit over because it didn't get a 10/10 from one outlet. No matter what you say, or how hard you try to convince other people, it will always stick in the minds of the people aware as that one game people bit into with such mass hysteria, they threw a tantrum when one fat guy with a YouTube channel broke that illusion.
It's ok user, most adults are just functional toddlers with a credit card. You can be one too.
>cinematic experience
>Xeno2 that high
Jesus, what a nintendo-infested palce
So, to wrap up: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild has been voted the GOTY by not only by the critics and users but also Sup Forums.
Is there any stopping this beast?
>Shit of the Wild
>Divinity original turd
Yep, Sup Forums is officially dead.
>t. pedant
thanks for proving my point.
Sup Forums proved its taste and you few, poor soyboy fags can go suck yourselves off, for all I care.
Nier is way too high. Fucking Taroshills.
Don't forget
>Near Autismata
>but also Sup Forums.
bots were used. this list is as legit as lindsey lohan's claim of virginity.
>2 hours of cutscenes
>sub-30 FPS for that "cinematic feel"
>videogamey elements like the hookshot taken out during test for the sake of artistic vision
>gameplay littered and tained with quick time events like the flurry rush
>gender politics everywhere
Looks like a cinematic experience to me.
>all the games not on the soystation 4 are shit
really makes you think
you already posted this picture you subhuman, kissless permavirign soyboi.
Am I wrong, or if you count emulation pc is the system who has most games of this list.
I don't really see how that is pedantic at all. It's not intrinsically tied to apm, even though like I said the most prevalent way of using the word assumes so. Or are you now going to say that a turn-based strategy has no gameplay?
keep crying
Stop replying to yourself, ACfag, it's pathetic.
>nintendo switch
>calling others soyboy fags
I agree. Swap Nier with Tittyblade 2: Pyra Chronicles
Overwatch and Life is Strange are taken seriously on here. There is no "but also Sup Forums" anymore.
Kiss faggot, you don't enjoy videogame abd should get banned.
Outside of his subscribers he is a literally who, everybody's already forgotten about that one time he got DDOS'd.
You really think a game as widely known and popular as a new mainline zelda is going to be known as "that game that got some guy on the internet DDOS'd" and nothing else?
You're fucking deluded man, you complete jack off.
Even trending youtubers such a logan paul, if someone DDOS's him one day over a game people would have already forgotten about it half a year later, you're really overreacting.
Fucking dumbass autist, you got no idea what's going on.
it has nothing to do with crying, but with sensible observation. you seem to be the emotionally invested one, Nintendie-kun.
decent list, the only games that I think that belong are pyre and night in the woods, but otherwise its okay
>people getting butt blasted about exact placement
come on now
Might want to adjust that tin-soy-l hat a little more user. You seem paranoid.
No-one even brought up HZD in this thread.
Stop seeking attention.
das rite. ps4 is the chads console
fucking hilarious how not true that pic is
I've forgotten the last time someone even mentioned horizon in this site, unlike how other similar game is shitposted about constantly
It's hard to believe someone really bothered to make a copy of that stupid BotW image.
Dank meme, ACfag.
allow me to explain this to you.
You are cancer, remembering about ecelebs and shit like this and posting about them here.
I don't even know what the fuck you are saying and I don't even care to go check for it.
Die, please.
>you're just an autist that doesn't like my favourite game!
It doesn't need to be everyone, but now enough people are aware that news outlets likely give Nintendo games better scores for fear of repercussions from their fanbase.
I'm certainly aware. Every time I've picked up a Nintendo game in the last 10 years, it's been trash. Colourful, but ultimately trash. The gameplay has been matched by others, there's nothing revolution, and it all comes in a mediocre but obscenely expensive package (go ahead and check UK prices).
And it seems to me like you either give Nintendo good scores or you're in trouble! It feels like Nintendo lives in its own shadow. How sad.
Can't argue there. Look at that Chad in the fist shirt chugging that shit, holy shit.
>DRv3 not even on the list
Easy top 3.
Lets be honest here. This is the only game anyone with remember 2017 for.
>not you anime ass game
>not another zelda clone
>not some indy animation game
>not some edgy dating game
This is the 2017 game of the year like it or not. The that change fps as we know it the one that sold 30mill copies smashing recodeds the one that has more active players then the top 5 games sold.
Like it or not you know its true.
If you don't agree with OP's list, how would you fix the list fellas? Personally, I'd do it this way.
As you can tell, I hate story heavy games and games that aren't well optimized. And yes, incase someone does ask, I'd rather play a newgrounds game than touch a 60 dollar AAA open world movie.
oh wow, the Sup Forumseddit awards that no one actually participates in
people shilling for PUBG are assblasted PC owners