This is the peak of video game combat

this is the peak of video game combat

Other urls found in this thread: Bonuses

>hit enemy five times
>doesn't even flinch
>get hit twice by basic bitch human enemy
>this is the peak of video game combat

Yeah, okay.

combat is actually pretty bad. i enjoy the game but it could have been so much better

>getting hit

git gud fag

The combat is pretty nice, but it seems based around 1v1 in a game that throws large groups at you.

>getting hit

Now that's a valid complaint. It's pretty annoying at the end of the game, especially for the duo of bosses where you get back to running backwards in circles with hit & run strategy like you do in a Souls game if you want to play safe.

>end game gear and skills
Fuck off

how do you dodge like this? can you only do it with that weapon?

>Pressing B to dodge endgame now
Off yourself

Yeah that's what I noticed during the fight with Nobunaga and his wife, and it might just be because I'm 40 levels lower than it asked me to be, but keeping her onscreen to keep track of her projectiles is pretty tough with Nobunaga teleporting everywhere so I'd just get oneshotted by things I couldn't see.

>end game
that guy gains 2000 amrita, end game would give you like several billions of amrita
git gud you worthless faggot, you can do that shit at lvl 1
when you dodge in low stance it's alot faster, gives you more iframes and costs alot less ki

-> B
70% weight

Why do people act like this is some endgame trick?

>played nioh as if it's dark souls

Low stance has the best dodges iirc.

>getting hit
I think I see the problem here.

That guy hasn't even reached NG yet KYS faggot

if you use midstance you use more sweeping attacks that hit multiple things around you.
Living weapon mode puts you in mid stance automatically, so you can deal with that shit with ease

so how did he started the game to begin with?

Who are you quoting?

Simple, Sup Forums is filled with people who shitpost about games they've never even played.

It's not a meme, it's reality.



It's actually pretty good
Shame it breaks itself and you fight the same enemies the whole game
Without a good challenge, good fighting it's pointless.

I pretty much only use midstance for basic combat but there's certain enemy types that don't give a shit and can just armor through mid or high stance attacks.
The only instances where this is really an issue is against multiple Revenant esque enemies because they have access to player movesets.
That enemy type just doesn't seem to be something they should use in large groups because it almost forces you to fight in a certain stance.
Most of this is just my opinion though and I'm proably missing something about those fights.

Is this the peak of video game fashion and style?

This game REALLY needed more enemy variety.

I wish there were more varied armor sets in this game, most of the heavy sets are just recolors with a different helmet.

no, fuck you

What? Can you even read what you're replying to?

It more depends on the weapon you use, the odachis, axes, and kusarigamas seem to have a few wide ranging moves a piece.
And for your enemy types I think you're thinking of yokai, which don't flinch until their monstrous stamina is depleted,try carrying some salt around to quickly reduce that purple bar and see if there's a difference

>going into low stance and pressing dodge is end game gear and skills
Only on Sup Forums do you see posts this fucking stupid.

I wish the game have refashion for the armor colors. I really want to wear the black version of Yukimura's armor.

I use odachi and sword, and it's not monstrous yokai, I'm talking about undead samurai that have the same stamina meter as you but can get super armor in some of the endgame missions, like the one where you fight a gauntlet ending with Nobunaga and the Obsidian Samurai.

it's only logical that you cant poise break every monster, also have some simple ideas that can solve your group of enemy problems.
Seperate them by running away and deaggro-ing them and pick them off one by one.
Seperate them in combat by forcing an enemy to do a lengthy attack animation and then attack the other enemy.
Seperate them by using the level design.
Use Ninjutsu Groundfire traps to CC some enemies.
Kill everything in your tanky fucking living weapon mode

It's not a matter of using a singular stance, hell it's usually better to switch stances solely to gain alot of ki through Ki Flux, just make sure you switch to low stance if you need to escape/dodge/run from an enemy

It's only an issue in arena's really like the map is just a square for instance, and I'm not upset they can't be poise broken it's just when fighting multiple of that type at once it makes the fight tedious, I really should've invested more in ninjutsu so I'll take your word on the groundfire traps.
As far as aggro, they aggro as they spawn in that mission because the map is so small.
What living weapon would you reccomend, I've been using the bull for most of the game.

think a little before you post

imo that's a problem with this "genre" as a whole. The combat usually feels like it's very geared for 1 on 1 and then the games invariably throw large groups or multi person fights at you, and it winds up feeling like shit because you either have to run in and out getting in 1 hit at a time because you'll get stunlocked to death if the group catches you once, or you run in flailing like a retard and kill them all with some ez modo cheese shit, both ways make the encounter feel like shit.
The multi-bosses in Nioh though are honestly the worst part of the game for me, I know most of them are there purely as a challenge and I do enjoy certain thematic ones (the ones from the DLC with Masamune and his whole gang) but most of them don't feel like any thought was put in. Doesn't feel like there's any consideration along the lines of "this boss covers the others weakness", "you need to watch for the moments where the windows to attack them sync up", "they fill out gaps in the others moveset" etc. instead it's just slap two bosses down in an arena and call it a day. Which has very mixed results. You either end up beating the shit out of one while the other stares at you and slowly walks at you from across the field (Obsidian + that other dude fight) or you end up being literally unable to stop for one nanosecond lest you get cut to ribbons (Hanzo + Okatsu, where one of them is always kissing your asshole and the other WILL be spamming ninjutsu at you from half way across the room non-stop).

Does nobody else notice that it was from the fucking beta demo?

The red glowing ones right? Or if not then it's still the same idea, those guys just have a lot of Toughness, so it makes them harder to flinch.
I'm not as caught up on how to beat them, I had a tank build and just took the hit, wrecked their stamina with my crush abilities and then autohealed to full off of their amrita
I think you wanna dodge around and chip away at them in low until they commit to too big a move and then return the favor

The arena's shouldn't swarm you that much, the enemies usually spawn pretty far away from each other so you can pick them off one by one if you are quick.
Also Kato, the fire doggy, is pretty much the best guardian spirit for damage, especially if you activate him on low health. (critical living weapon builds have only been nerfed in terms of gear, you still get a massive damage boost at low hp through the Tenacity stat on the guardian spirit)

Ok I'll give that a shot I suppose first thing first is to stop trying it underlevelled, the one time I got to the end I wasn't aware Nobunaga and Obisidian Samurai would show up.

those undead samurai are just dev-made Revenants

Did they buff drop rate on the yasakani magatama? I got one, looked it up and the results are full of shit like "how long did it take you to get yours?" or "farming guide for yasakani magatama" and stuff, but I got one right after finishing the main story for the first time and by now I have like four of them chilling in my inventory. I could accept luck if I had like two but the amount I have doesn't line up with the results I got searching for info on it unless they upped its drop rate some point before I got the game on PC (completed it on PS4 but pretty much stopped playing right after).

it's best to finish NG+ before you do a duo boss mission in NG
those missions are really unbalanced for someone who has only finished NG

Yeah when I said Revenant esque he asked if I was talking about a yokai.

it was a low drop rate ~a year ago, you just get alot of those things now, just like with Yata mirrors

I beat 2 of them already so I figured that one wouldn't be too different.
It's just much tougher than I'd expected.

4 enemy types is so cool !
Dark souls 2 is literally better than this shit

>swap from using spear mostly mid to mostly high because that seems like the done think
>completely fucks over my muscle memory for ki-pulsing and ki-pulse-dodging because ki seems to regen slightly slower on high

Use Ki Flux (Ki pulse->switch to stance) to go into low stance to get alot of ki and better ki regen


Is there a good list of all the set bonuses in the game? It's a pain trying to search for one and the few promising results are either of dubious reliability or laid out in the worst way imaginable.

That's from the demos, you cuck.

niohs combat is pretty lackluster
stat pumping for damage is not fun

Does this one work for you user or do you need something different? Bonuses

dumb game for dumb people

Tfw dars souls 2 has a better 10 new game pluses than shitoh and shitsouls3 combined

I sort of agree: we need better AI that can actually challenge the player without having to get 15x our HP and kill us in 2 hits.
Why aren't there more games (that aren't shooters) where you and your enemies are about as mortal? It'd still be a challenge in the favor of game (which it should be, you're supposed to overcome greater odds, not just win a fair fight) because the player has to have the stamina to beat multiple enemies.

That's about what I'm looking for. Is fextra actually reliable for Nioh? I'm used to the souls opinion of fextra which is

No, Fuck YOU

What actually changes as you go up in NG levels? Just moved to way of the strong and I've noticed a few new yokai spawns I'm pretty sure weren't there in the first mission on the first difficulty. Trying to figure out whether I should autism-clear every nook of every mission like I did on NG or just do the most direct path to completion of them.

>where you and your enemies are about as mortal?
Because it would get annoying 2 minutes in as every enemy would take forever to kill

Nope, this is about the best info it has as far as Nioh is concerned. It'll at least get you an overview of the armour sets, a few of them have info on how to get the armours, but mostly I ended up just googling where the best places to find things were

Let's just admit that swords are the best weapon and get that out of the way. Duel Katana nerds not included

NG+ enemies get stronger
NG++ enemies can become red and gain weird effects
NG+++ enemies get new skills
NG++++ enemies get stronger

Literal shit compared to dark souls 2 new game plus modes


Yep need over 70% weight
learn how those symbols work

What's a good level to start NG+ anyways

the answer is when you can handle it

as soon as you can beat thousand eyes then go for it

go to the next NG+ asap

>One-handed sword low stance bro

Truly the best way to play this game.


What extra traits/stats should I be trying to get for my guns? Since I know there's apparently some real good ones that affect you even without the gun out. (Does the same go for the weapon in your second slot?)

there 3 main problems with the combat:
-the enemy variety and bosses are at best mediocre. Even the best combat is useless without good enemies
-there are many moves, but many of them are also redundant and useless
-blocking and ki are terribly implementent which becomes more and more apparent the further you get into the game. applying confusion on yokai make them completely helpless and human bosses boil down to breaking their defense for a critical attack because they block every combo after the first hit and later on always use living weapons, especially in the dlc, which gives them infinite hyper armor

after going a bit into way of the demon I got too bored to press on
even if Souls weapon movesets arent as varied as Nioh, it excels at weapon, armor, magic and item variety, level design and bosses

alpha balance > beta balance > current balance > balance on release

near-instant healing was a mistake

Most bonuses of your active ranged weapon work, including equipment weight/lightness damage bonus. Switched out weapons only give set bonuses

Reddit is generally the best place for Nioh info. Souls fextra is a lot better than people give it credit for desu

>human bosses boil down to breaking their defense for a critical attack because they block every combo after the first hit

How is that a bad thing ? Of course you have to find an opening or break their defense to get a few hits before they protect themselves again. That's the closest approximation you can get of an actual swordfight in a video game if you go for a game where you have to perform multiple hits (that would otherwise be fatal in real life) on a target to win. Being able to stunlock everything after the first opening until you depleted your stamina like in Bloodborne/Dark Souls 3 is boring and sometimes look retarted (if you use a weapon that's supposed to be slow, I mean). Besides, you can do exactly the same with William, and the same goes for living weapons. How can the game be fair if your opponents cannot stunlock you or have the hyper armor of living weapons but you can ?

can you dodge back in this game? Seems like it would be safer and more efficient than dodging left to right repeatedly. That does give you style points though.

You can but it's less effective than you'd think.

course you can, but enemies like to walk/run forward while they make these wild flailing attacks

>end game gear
>archer's set

Does ninjustu damage scale with your character level? I'm moving into NG+ and I'm wondering how long the throwables are going to stay useful without my build being actually dedicated to them.

Okatsu + Hanzo is the worst boss fight in the game. Prove me wrong.

>>One-handed sword low stance bro
I hope you're not implying you're a stancelet. Use all three all the time. That's real fun.

I think that ______________I can't because you're correct._________________________________________________________

>attack once
>they start blocking immediately after
>can't do the kick because it requires the follow-up from the quick attack which you can't do since they're blocking your first attack
>can't use sword ki because it takes too long to do no stamina damage
>can spam high stance attacks, but doesn't matter anyway since you empty your stamina faster than you empty theirs, and that's if they don't dodge out of the way while still blocking
>some enemies regenerates their stamina faster than you can empty it when their openings present themselves (fuck you Dojo Masamune)
>only option in many cases is to wait 2-3 seconds per attack that you do before you're able to attack again
It's """fair""", but it boils down the fight to a crawl in most cases. I guess it depends on the weapon too, axe and tonfa are not that bad about it, but it's kinda unfun for the rest.


NG2 is NGB but better.
NG2 is superior. Deal with it.
Name ONE thing in NGB's combat that's worse in NG2. Otherwise don't even bother, bangwagonners.

it's pretty bad desu, up there alongside the fucking cancer "boss activates LW but gets normal regining stamina rules" bullshit.

you have a lot of options, they're just different with every weapon

2kat should always combo into god of wind after the first hit so when they block you destroy their stamina

odachi should follow up with the stance-chance attack into high strong, which will break guard

kusu can straight up kick without initiating a combo, axe and tonfa have no problem. 1kat should just be parrying instead and spear destroys every generic humanoid after you unlock the stance change mystic art (but it sucks before that)

Bushido blade had it right, but we'll never get another game like it.

It's balanced and has no framerate drops, we can agree that NG2 over Sigma 2 though right?

meant for

Is 25$ a good price to pay for a copy of the base game?

Dodging back is suicide unless you're using a long weapon. Often better to dodge in and get behind them for extra damage.

>spamming flying shallow spam
NG2 has no framedrops as well. That one part got fixed.

>Greater than 70% weight

>Did you not pass the 4th grade user?

top kek