
Thoughts? Should she be canon in the future?

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she's a cool character and anybody who hates her didn't play her story mode. I don't know if she needs to be canon but she could inspire a canon character. I wish they would do a Hyrule Warriors 2, she could be in that.

boots > bowguns

Genuinely the first good fully-ranged attack playstyle in a warriors, never liked Huang ZHong's moves, Lianshi and Wang Yuanji felt shit, as did Saika and Mori.

>Give her a great boots moveset
>Sabatons they put in 8-E are shit
How did they do that?


I thought PC was only about naked muscle men, minus HS.

Anyway what do you reckon they'll do after the last FEW DLC in March, another season pass, HW2, or a hiatus?

I thinkle I wanna dinkle that Linkle.

Does LoZ even have a canon? Outside of a few games with obvious ties to each other.

Not unless they make her less of a dumb moeblob and make her look more like Link rather than Elf from Dragon's Crown.

She likes riding giant cocks.

We're going to get a female Link eventually.

With Cucco's fury I hope that is a possibility in the next installment

>Genuinely the first good fully-ranged attack playstyle in a warriors
Good in how it feels, or in how well it performs?
Because SW4 Saika is by far the best in term of performance.

>Run a localised version of software
>It uses English words anyway
What's the fucking point?

None of the HW OCs should ever be canon


Has anyone here gone for 100% in Hyrule? Seems insane to me.

peformance, but I never used Saika in 4, his moveset in WO3 was enough to put me off him

Wii U I'm just missing the last ganon's fury mission, and most of the cucco ones, 3DS I stopped at Tetra's 4* weapon unlock in the Termina map

Kinda remind me this:

I've gotten about half done with the first Adventure map. Feels insurmountable. Haven't even done the rupee glitch yet. Wii U version.

Hyrule Warriors for Switch with all of the Legends DLC fucking when?

Just wait until you get to Agitha's Jurassic Park level.

Also not technically a glitch, but a cheat you may want to use for forced characters is co-op it, and hide the shit character like Agithat or Zant up a hookshot ledge and clear the map with Cia
It only works in specific maps, but it's something of a god-send, as is the permanantly powered up bombs potion for kill x00 missions

Fuck you, Agitha's one of the best characters once she gets Hasty Attacks.

Only if you get to carry over your safefiles from the WiiU.

Give her a spinoff and call it The Adventure of Linkle or something. Make it like a Dark Souls-like.

>le meme souls

We already had Zelda: Skyrim Edition, so why not?


Linkle appeals to my dick so yes.

Anyone got links to some good Hyrule resources? Charts, FAQs, tips, etc.


Unironically reddit.


How many of you will lose your shit when they made Linkle canon in the next Zelda game, have an encounter with Link, and letting you switch between them for melee/ranged oriented playstyle, sometimes questing together, sometimes doing quest separately, and having NPC confusing on who is who

>more doujin gender bending

It’s be nice if she was canon but link should remain the main character, as always.

What if Linkle was a boy?

Not with such a stupid name

Female Link > Linkle