Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend

Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Gnaw2, Eager1 and WC13 continue today.


*slaps dick on your vermin*

>yfw you will never be on the receiving end of ten Minas


Half-covered face fire husbando when

Looks like this time bear is enemy.

>airport wifi blocked me from the booru

I think phoneposting is banned from the booru, I cant even load it

Why are you happy?

he's finally free

Draw who you’re rooting for from each of the three ongoing tournamens


>still in Sup Forums

Seems like he's still trapped from here.

Did TH's kaiju tourney ever finish?



Redpill me on Paper Host.

A few months ago he appeared out of nowhere to do a VEK-like tournament where he messes around with paper. He couldn't finish it because of the police. Last night he took the next logical step and posted his dick.

Oh, the dick pic. Not as classic as mooning but exquisite choice nonetheless.

slap together an image of those you intend to submit for love tourney
it's a week away from rush lads

I've got nothing for waifus right now.

fuck you but ill oblige

this boy
in his quest for a cute waifu

I think it would be cute.
The classic 'nerd girl becomes prom queen' deal.


If I haven't got anything by then, I'll probably just throw this in with a team ability.

>double dipping

thompson draw purple shit
and make it a waifu
*dabs away*

She's in WC14 thuogh.

there's two rushes why wouldn't we

to let others who didnt get in get something in a tournament?

Any rushes today or tomorrow?
also r8

>caring for the well being of others
look at this gay

There's no way I'm getting work off, so I'm fucked

I assume that Eager might do one tomorrow. GnawHost said that he won't do a postrush this weekend, though.

>Using Rattlesaurus as an example

I think that's setting the bar a bit too high, not everyone in Sup Forums is a great artist and seeing Rattlesaurus as an example of what to do might turn some people away

I think it'd be better to stick to the Demonstration man from that one image that keeps being posted in the threads, either that or pic related (only as an example of how a vermin looks)

mah boy here gonna get all the women

why do people unironically make hostkillers like this

>those stats
Imagine how different Sup Forumsermin would be if those remained the stage 1 stats.

it's vermin like these that ruin holiday tournaments

That one is probably on par with Scorpenger: lots of effects, but it's not actually too complicated.

>multiple effects

That's why I think the MS Paint version of the main three should be used as an example + their current modern stats

Rattlesaurus just seems a bit too complex for the average user who can't draw for shit, I think a remake of pic related, keeping the original drawings the way they are, with the MS Paint versions of the starters would be better than what shows

What the fuck is with that 6-blin?

>stuns for 10 turns
I like the concept though.

Way back in the summer, VFC suggested a Tourney like this with the visual theme being that we put our Sup Forumsermin in Tux's and Dresses.

This the the edit I made in anticipation.

fuck it, I wanna see his meme ability in action, and a second copyrighted team

multiple effects IS what makes it complicated you dunce

Wrong image, I meant pic related

By that I'm referring to implementing it.

instead of having to code a single ability for one vermin, a host has to code 6-7 for your ass

>Generate a random number with the following weighting
>If 1, then do X
>If 2, then do X
Not really.
It's made by 6. That should answer the q.

Because he's afraid of 7-blin


>3rd form has 666 X9 in skulls
>6-blin is a self-insert

thats piss easy to implement you retard

nowhere close to special snowflake shit that requires rewriting several chunks of code

I'll probably try and submit my brain. I wanna stay away from the stuff from last year. I still like them, but one should not hold onto the vestiges of the past.

so i just kinda bailed yesterday after gnawhost said he was done for the day
did i miss anything important at all or was it just endless shitposting

how do I stop doing shitpost vermin

Grow the fuck up

Try to focus on something more serious and interesting.

You missed out on Eager and the host formerly known as WC Host doing their things.

if you write in verybig word NOT SHITPOST on your vermon, then everyon will believe it not shitpost
or cut off hand for a while and grow, then reattach hand


Eager Host doing his schtick and Warbraap turning into Jack Frost and doing the entire first round of his tourney on the fly.

I didn't realize he was such a babby.

if you submit this I'm submitting this


I want to fuck her tits

So from the waifu doodles I drew last night I liked this one the most

I'll enter this if I finish it

He's a manlet

She must be HUEG then.

I want to cuck him

Na, everyone else is just a manlet. or dwarf. or some sort of midget.

She's just freakishly normal sized among midgets and manlets.

vermin is dead post porn

I'm not gonna have wifi for the gnawhost tournament, does anyone know where I can find the vids?

in this thread

post vermin that you didn't necessarily make recently but still sorta did


I still haven't gone to sleep so I wanna go first and start posting in hour or two


fuck forgot the image

wut you already posted round 1 yesterday

prolly gonna make an SCP vermin next
either 049, 594 or the broken god

Chaos is for fags unclean one

Alrighty then.

I deleted it

How big is your vermin?


why is inknight ten feet tall

my collage has all my vermin as close to their actual size as possible

How about you wait for 6pm you disorganized faggot?

holy shit, abomination is huge
is it a reference to 682?

no way fag

post the fights right now or you ate a certified rigger nigger

how about you >be american >get shot buddy

I hate how you changed your trip but i guess it was necessary bleh

The frog will be fighting a fly.
the frog always loses

WC's changed his trip like 10 times already anyway

yeah, I hate hosts changing their trips, it makes everything more confusing

Happy orthodox christmass to anyone that is celebrating