>This triggers the normie
This triggers the normie
Other urls found in this thread:
using "normie" is for normalfags
>65% chance to hit
>still miss and end up in some normie's apartment
>wasted a twelve pack of condoms
>game focused around out flanking the enemy and catching them out of cover
>wtf why can't I hit point blank reeeeeeee
Fucking faggots. Play the game properly fucking hell.
Fucking people who don't get that XCOM is a risk management game, not a combat simulator. In OP's case, you should know that rookies can't hit for shit and have them flank from a good cover to anticipate the fact that you might not kill the ayy. And have other soldier to flash the fucker in that event.
>Fucking faggots.
Fucking people who don't get that XCOM is a risk management game, not a combat simulator.
What is this, a blog? Why are you telling us about your sex lives?
Sup Forums can't into risk management.
because it's a place to discuss video games
it's not a board where you can actively discount topics related to video games
its ok when morrowind does it
turn based players can't into skill
>hehehehe I play Long War I am so fucking smart because I like to sodomize myself look at my fucking skill GIT GUD XD
Can these people fucking die?
These threads area always fucking useless because they are based on a false premise.
That is that the soldier is dazed giving -30 aim
They already do all the time, just ingame :^)
Jokes aside, let the wankers lose constantly user, they enjoy "difficulty", just let em, they mowtly keep to thenselvew in their unbalanced joke of a mod.
risk management is a meme
>flank the enemy
>trigger 50 moe enemies
wwhich long war are we talking about?
While I understand the concept behind XCOM's playstyle, there still should be some kind of realistic probability depending on how close you are to a character.
If you're literally clipping the barrel of your gun through a character, you should have at least a 99% chance of hitting it. Granted, the gun could jam or something, sure. There's always the possibility something could happen, but there needs to be some kind of logic behind it. Having arbitrary dice rolls based on nothing but stats kind of defeats the entire point of moving your characters around, doesn't it?
If you have a 65% chance of hitting from point blank as you do from half way across the map, why would anyone even bother with movement?
>original x-com
>even with poor accuracy at close range you'd hit the alien since it just increased deviancy from the weapon's base line of fire cone
>new X-COM
>a simple yes/no roll
phantom exists, lead with your undetected soldiers
really my only complaint with xcom 2 besides the bugs that still haven't been fixed is that phantom should stay on a character as long as they kill the last enemy in a squad
The answer is you straight up dont, which is why shotguns are wank in enemy unknown and not rocking assault rifles is fucking stupid.
Either is bullshit.
And even then flanking the enemies out of cover doesnt give you nice numbers
the character is fucking dazed
It's literally a troll pic always posted
That enemy isn't being flanked.
my mistake, i thought that stepping in front of the enemy where his cover cant protect him was flanking
It's a bug
the new xcoms aren't as good as the old ones because they aren't actually simulations
too much mandatory narrative, which is the problem with nearly all modern games
>ye olde ad hominem
never change Sup Forums
xcom sucks
>trigger 50 moe enemies
>playing D&D
>fighting a young dragon
>at half hp it flies away
>we all throw whatever we got at it as it tries to flee
>last chance to kill it falls on me before it disappears into the woods
>hit it with my bow
>roll a 1 on damage, +4 gets me to 5, which becomes a 2 due to resistances
>DM says the dragon had 3 hp
>it survives with 1hp
It'll come back later I guess
Risk management is basically advanced skinner box tier. Hell idle games take as much brain power because you need to figure out the best investment in them to maximise output too, which is actually probably harder than in RPGs.