Game references Sup Forums

>game references Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

name one game that does this
2ch references don’t count.

Has this even happened since BF3 and the Deus Ex reboot?

only weeb shit like nep

I still refuse to believe that bf3 easter egg was real

tf2 modded servers, huh?

South park fractured butthole

Ghost Recon Wildlands mentions Sup Forums by name

what was the reference?

>black guy is some turbo germaphobe that plays video games and eats fat neet assholes

IIRC it was Callgirl calling Sup Forums a tire fire

Fuck off, don't bring the worst emote from Twitch on here you nigger


kek doesn't originate from Sup Forums

deus ex? the Chinese dude.

you're right, just like rage comics, "trollface" epic fail guy, pedobear, pools closed also did not originate from Sup Forums

Out of curiosity, what did she say in the Japanese version?

Sonic Boom

It's from WoW you fucking imbecile.

well, actually kek is from world of warcraft


Yes I'm sure that's what she's referencing. Not the explosion of the word's popularity stemming from constant Sup Forums usage.

Valhalla Cyberpunk bartender

Ghost Recon Wildlands

Are you from 2009? How can you still be upset about this

"Go back to the tirefires of Sup Forums from whence you came!" or something like that

Only underages use that emote

ban him

Yeah I'm really curious what the original line was that the editor felt had to change to this.

I think it's worse when a movie does it desu.
There was a major motion picture that released last year, with the plot revolving around a girl becoming a witch due to "very dark evil places no little girl should ever visit", and they showed a screenshot of /x/, and her posting on it.


It was probably just a 2ch meme that western audiences wouldn't have understood

What movie? I'm always up for watching a trainwreck.

are you retarded? it's from wow in 2004 user. It was peak popular in 2009/2010. It's from wow.

>Sup Forums

if i remember right i think it was wwwww

I'm not sure anything on /x/ would turn you into a witch
Maybe trying to create an imaginary friend or trying to summon a fuck demon counts as witchcraft

final boss in mighty gunvolt burst is a shitposter, it really references niconico but localization slipped an "OwO what's this" at 3:05

So she probably just said "WWWWWWWW" out loud.



lord have mercy

I'll even give you one that references this exact board


The only thing that got a laugh out of me.

>Game is made for 2ch by 2ch
>It's actually fun

Why can't we do anything like this bros?

wow, the anal devastation of whoever made this is palpable

Holy shit I want to smash my fucking screen every time I see some retarded smartass kid trying to fit in by typing this bullshit. No one in WoW used kek. It literally only showed up when a horde typed lol to an alliance character. No one used it, it was not a meme. So shut your fucking mouth about things you don't know about you little newfaggot shit.

Found the newfag

Well, there's Pokemon: Clover Version, but it's mostly /s4s/ memes

That was literally what the board was called at the time and why there's dinosaurs in it

12 btw

How do japs pronounce that? I know that it's like 'lol' in meaning but is it like wuwuwuwu?

>No one used it, it was not a meme.

confirmed for never playing wow

waru waru waru

Holy fuck you're actually doubling down. I promise, no one is impressed.

I remember seeing kek quite frequently on the alliance side during vanilla days. People at my school even used it.
Surprisingly better then you think, but it still something I would never watch a second time.

At least it's hilarious when a tv show does it.

Why was this deleted?


BF shill mods got mad their gig was up

Im pretty sure when alliance and horde chatted with eachother the words were mirrored and Lol became Kek.

Never played wow thats just what I heard.

>Holy fuck you're actually doubling down.

I want to make out with Bra and grab her ass while doing so.

>green texting by speaking

That's typically what people want to do when they're making out with someone...

It's basically just their version of "hehehe". They keep it more in mouth, making it sound like "huhuhu".

Sup Forums fucking won

Orcish lol = "kek" to alliance.
Common lol = "bur" to horde.

And how'd you know, fag?

They tried to emulate Hitman briefings, but did such a bad job.

>Sup Forums references games

Peak costanzaposting

I don't see the reference here.

Read the newspaper title blind bat

>i never played starcraft

I'm talking about the "why haven't you found a girlfriend yet" part, not the name of the board

Sure you were. Regardless it was moot having some fun at us

>When you're the only one who knows how to flood and drain the map
>When some faggot specs you to figure it out and spread the news

>what is Sup Forums 2.0

What show is this from? I need to watch it then downvote it so my Sup Forums bretheren will appreciate me

It's so fucking easy to figure out what this is I'm just going to call you a retarded incompetent monkey fuck
Kill yourself you human cockstain, all the resources in the word are at your fingers and you can't figure out this one simple thing.
Fuck you

I can feel Dan cringing from this side of the screen.

Dude people in WoW said kek all the fucking time, what are you on about? Did you start playing in 2014 or something?



I miss the near 24/7 threads.
I miss Brit Brit posting.
Based Sup Forums found a way.

Battlefront 3
Super Paper Mario

What the actual fuck? Explain this.

Newfags don't know about based Ian.

Cringefags get out

our guy

It's not referencing WoW you fucking newfags


Where is it from then.
my earliest recall of the word "kek" was back in 2006 wow whilest doing pvp.



Not only that the one girl with the blonde hair I think it is, has the clover on her good.

>game references Sup Forums memes