Will we ever get more Battle Network games?
Will we ever get more Battle Network games?
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No official ones, but we do get fangames
Maybe, nostalgia for the series is starting to kicking in, and Battle Network was the most sucessful Megaman series
Are the Battle Network games any good? I've been interested in trying a few but I've looked at critic reviews and they say that they're all generally mediocre. If this is BS and they are good, where do I start?
Don't you have your own thread for this right now?
Megaman EXE is perfection.
Perfect aesthetic for Megaman.
Wow! What a coincidence!
You almost got me.
Play 2, 3 and 6. Right now. Go!
Not right now, i wanted to do one but i have bad luck making threads so i was waiting for someone to make one....but this one came first. On second thought maybe we should make our own thread, the first actual one was a success, but can someone else do it? i have no confidence.
I saw one earlier, maybe it's gone now.
They are good. I'd recommend you start with the first one, but that one really is just mediocre. They hit their stride in BN2. Maybe try BN1 and if you aren't feeling it try jumping ahead to 2, these aren't story heavy so you miss almost nothing, and pretty much everything that might aggravate you in the first game is fixed in the second game.
If the core battle system turns you off, then you probably won't like the other games either, though.
They're quite good. The best thing about them is the battle system because it's so different than other RPGs
Save can be move to future versions.
That one was just an idiot asking a question, the thread didn't even had a title.
>That one was just an idiot asking a question, the thread didn't even had a title.
That's how threads start retard, you don't need a general.
Even if it can be, I'd rather just wait for full release. I will keep an eye on it though.
prepare to wait two fucking years, but at least the dev got a translator and gave it all the code help it needs, unlike the super touhou wars dev who is a racism prick.
let's just use this one
Thanks anons. I'll try BN1 just to see how the series started off and if I don't end up liking it, I'll just jump to BN2 as suggested and hope I like that instead
No, is already dying.
If you end up abandoning BN1, watch a longplay of the last stage, there's a very important plot point that is brought up in later games and won't make full sense if you didn't see it there first.
What would a new Battle Network game even be about? Lan and Megaman's sons doing shit getting into various trouble stopping criminal organization?
Didn't the ending to 6 resolve that Wily served his prison sentence whilst helping to develop a system that mitigated the virus problem, resulting in lasting peace?
I'd rather another spiritual sequel like Starforce, but even further in the future. So instead of jacking in, everythign is wireless and shit
Either that or just still have Lan and Megaman anyways. The BN6 ending jumped ahead a bunch of years, so you've got lots of time to work with.
Is the 2hu.EXE game fun to play?
Lan's PET is wireless since BN3
You can pull bullshit chip combos, is not that enough?
Also generic Navis are fucking serious business
Don't all the games require you to be in-range of the jack-in points anyway?
I can think of instances in BN3 where you can stand in a larger room and jack in nearly anywhere, but there was also the one use of a wireless receiver in BN2's KnightMan.exe scenario.
This fucking user again?
Doubtful. They gave the series a definitive end at 6.
What's with the surge of BN threads? I like BN but this is odd
This fangame
Those threads are actually 2hu.
it's more to bait people into discussing the touhou fangame than anything
which devolves into just discussing touhou
I thought that wasn't new though? I remember seeing mentions of a 2hu BN years back, why is it popping up now?
Shanghai.EXE getting a big update + MM11 being announced has X, Legends, and BN fans hopeful that Capcom will throw them a bone in the future.
Full english translation, from the dev itself, less than two weeks old.
Straforce's references make me happy...except is a shitty OC doing them.
update with full english came out some weeks ago.
>Oh a BN thread, nice
>Actually it's just touhotards
also, these are starting to pop up more.
I just replayed BN3 after years and I'm not sure how to feel about it. The battle system is fantastic and there's a lot of great bosses. It's also the most tedious game I've ever played in my life, I have no idea how I did it as a child. There's so much stupid shit that you'd get stuck at and have to look up, it's ridiculous.
Ah, I see. I still haven't finished the rest of the games in the series so eh.
I pray every morning...
to my goddess, and the miracle she provides.
I had a dream where Battle Network 7 was developed by Platinum Games and it was more along the lines of Nier: Automata than an actual Battle Network game, for some reason I also imagined Cut Man EXE as a super-bulky executioner with a Mexican accent. Damn that dream was funky
Fuck you BNfags, your series is one of the few that actually finished. X, ZX, and Legends fags deserve it more.
I replayed BN3 and 6 and they definitely felt a little padded.
However BN2 is perfect. It's like 12 hours long as opposed to the 18-20 hours of later games are and is very fast-paced except for the FreezeMan scenario.
Anyone have lotto codes for Gensou BN?
Yeah, use 11111111.
Reminder that Starforce 3 is God tier under any context.
god tier girls at the very least
Luna should have remained vaporized.
I just finished BN2 and I didn't really care for it. The script felt unnecessarily "edgy" at times.
I've never played Starforce but these two remind me a lot of Roll and Tron Bonne.
Change her outfit to red and we have a cute Roll/Zero.
Discuss the games or the anime then.
Man, I wanna fuck Luna
so it wasnt just me those generic npcs almost killed me in the first encounter
Probably not as the story was concluded. There's still some hope though as similar games / rom hacks are emerging. Also working on one myself.
I prefer 2 to the others because I felt it has great pacing and progression. The story is definitely more edgy, but I think the dialogue is better than all of the other games too.
hey that's pretty dope
actually, what the fuck is this? some kinda 2v2 multiplayer bn?
I made a very lazy attempt at it.
it actually looks ok, how did you do that?
Reminder that Guts is best style.
Color Tint plugin in Paint.NET
t. brainlet with an alphabet soup
Chrono X turned way too egy and donut steal. The music isn't that good either.
Shanghai.exe on the other hand looks amazing.
Pfft. The story wasn't concluded. A chapter in Lan's life was concluded. They did a timeskip several years ahead so we know how things turn out in the end, but we can still have games set in Lan's high-school life, or his college life.
It was an early test of 2v2. It's a game focused on just the battle system and multiplayer. It isn't exactly like BN because I plan for it to be its own game. The graphics are just placeholders since I can't into art at all.
Which battllenetwork had the best boss music
I feel horny because some reasons
Oh, alright that's pretty cool. I make that 3D fangame, but that's just a carbon copy of the originals. Looking forward to what you have in store for us.
2 desu
What are the new changes to the element triangle for Shanghai.exe?
I know poison is strong against aqua and wood but weak to elec and fire but what about the others?
X had multiple opportunities to end and pretty much did at one point, but the allure of releasing shittier and shittier games was too strong.
Looks link santa claus
Starforce 2
Real question:
Which BN game had worst panic music?
Quick, put a Santa hat on her
meh, we all know how it ends, though. and starforce is already set in the future. no reason to go back to the past
>it gets permanently glitched at endgame
>there are status ailments
I know X5 was supposed to be the proper ending but since they ended up continuing anyway, the least they can do now is give it a proper ending by connecting it to the Elf Wars that lead into the Zero series.
Blind and stun have always been there
X series went to different route since X7 though.
I've seen some of your stuff. I haven't followed it closely, but I can see now your modeling skills have improved over time. You're still only planning to have it be only battles right?
Definitely 6.
Definitely 6.
Should be Wood.
Also, what's a good four letter word for poison and earth? It's hurting my autism.
If 3's Great Battlers doesn't count then 6, followed closely by 5.
Z and ZX are set in an alternate timeline. X went in a different direction that makes Z's backstory make no sense.
Specifically: The Cyber Elves were developed to put a stop to Sigma for good, but he's already gone for good as of X8 with nary an Elf to be seen.