What are you currently playing on your Switch Sup Forumsirgins?
Pic related plaing the masterpiece Mario: O and enjoying it.
What are you currently playing on your Switch Sup Forumsirgins?
Pic related plaing the masterpiece Mario: O and enjoying it.
Nice color, fag
>the soytch is the console of choice for crossdressing nazis
Can't make this shit up.
ur mr gay
trannies should be executed by firing squad
Once again women can't help but look matching on some shit.
Oh look, outfit matches!
Oh look, coffee matches!
Look at my controllers! Give me likes!
OMG SO CUTE! *heart eye emoji*
Fixing my depression with some DS
Manhattan Requiem.
That's not a black hand.
I bought a switch and now every one thinks im a soyboy because of the community around it
Sorry snowbunny but I'm finna play my PS4
>red nail polish being a literal red flag for mental illness
It's like poetry
Mine's been collecting dust since I beat Odyssey. I haven't even had the drive to 100% it, I found it very average
The fuck are you talking about
Red is one of the most common colors of nail polish
>he dosn't know
I have something to tell you user...
>he can't tell the difference between man and woman's hands
I feel so sorry for you user
>nail polish
>RED nail polish
not him but I really don't know
what does it mean
Digit ratio is about even, which could go either way.
It's very obviously a man's hands
It's not even nail polish, those are press ons
Try getting out of the house and meeting an actual female before you accuse others of mental illness
They do this once or twice in the Neptunia games. It was actually pretty tasteful and geve me a good lul.
When you're a virgin shut-in you don't notice the most common color of nail polish anyway.
You just read facebook-tier image macros and use that as experience.
fuck off tranny
I want those blood red joycons so bad, holy fuck
Purple joy cons when?!
I don't believe those are press-ons, looks like a good manicure though
But otherwise yes, you're right user these people need to get out of the house
Gehe direkt ins Brausebad.
>being outside gives you bad taste
guess I'm staying in then
Oh shit an actual Nazi
OP here
Yes i painted them myself but the nails itself are acryl nails i glued to my fingers.
I cant grow my nails very long for various emberassing reasons
So just looking through this thread, how long will it be before we get femanons pretending to be traps to get everyone's collective dick hard before leaving them cold-cocked at the pussy reveal?
Or lack of a bulge reveal, whatever works
Just got bloodborne
This has been shopped in multiple ways
Huh, both of us were right, how about that?
I wish I could grow mine out more but I keep breaking them doing everyday things on accident, do you recommend a brand of acryl that are easy to use?
>Spiel fortsetzen
Please be in
Anyone else play the demo
What did you guys think of it
>I cant grow my nails very long for various emberassing reasons
They brake off a lot because of junk food malnutrition?
I use the KISS Salon Naturals.
Easy to use, very easy to glue on your nails and they last for atleast 8-10 days without a problem. I took showers i cooked with them did sport and nothing happened.
Even the weird feeling to have long nails will fade away after few hours because they dont break as easy as your natural nails + because of their "natural" look you can easily pain them however you like.
And Basecoat isnt needed thats the best part about it
>reasons why the npd should win
> fuck off with all those trannies
Come on let's see that face, faggot.
Based Nude user
You have quite a long dick
That's some cool shit, they have all sorts of shapes and lengths right? And clean off well if you remove the nail polish? Like normal acetone remover?
Yeah various lengths and forms. And bringing the fake nails in the right form you want is easy as well .
Yes removing the nail polish from the fake nails is even easier on the fake nails. I changed the colors like 3 times in 2 days within minutes . Its really fun desu and yes it works with normal acetone remover
The current state of V
Nigga that looks like a dual ips screens. You cunt
Not even gay but can you ever post your benis? I've seen about 10 pictures of your hairy tummy and just want a peek of your stick please
As a brother who has a sister that does manicure and seen a lot of hands ill take a gender and say that you're either a faggot or the picture is not yours. Making you a double faggot
You know a channel where people can talk about nail polish on Sup Forums?
I I wish i could upen a thread are atleast post my nails somewhere where people judge it "objectivly" and not like the whores on Instagramm posting fucking heart emoicons on every single picture
You missed a picture of him where the tip was slightly poking out under the switch
>dual IPS
Jackpot senpai
That Freudian slip.
Only autists care about that.
hey Sup Forumsagina
wo kommst du her?