Is this the state of gaming today?

Is this the state of gaming today?


This has always been the state.

>build a $3500 spreadsheet machine to play console ports
PeeSea cucks lol

>buys 3 separate machines to play one game on each

>buy 4 separate machine
No doubt owns a "pc" as well but chances are its a shit prebuilt station

Yes, and there's nothing really wrong with that.

>too dumb to figure out the point of the OP's pic

I have one less than $400 machine (excluding the monitor and speakers because you need these to play console too) and can play all the games in the op's pic

It's funny because the first 3 devices are more expensive combined than the PC at the bottom.


Let's keep shitposting

Holy fuck.


Uhh... No... But... Humm
I give you this one since Linux fags must emulate windows to run anything

Why it is bad? If you truly enjoy video games you are already playing on PC. Consoles are for normies and children.

You're ignoring the fact that 95% or more of "PC gaymers" just play MOBAs, PUBG and Overwatch without even bothering to touch actually good games.

I'm definitely overthinking it but what is wrong in saying that? I'm retarded

>Emulating games from the Current Gen
wait to PS5 to release if you want to consider yourself as a sane person

>PC literally show windows 10
>Nier need Windows
>Cuphead need Windows
>Cemu need Windows


Honestly being idort isn't even worth it this gen and actually makes you less of the masterrace because you like wasting money.

The 5% are the masterrace.

Nigger you'd need 400 for a gpu able to play those and 400 for a cpu able to emulate fucking CEMU
Then you need a case, ram, etc., totalling at least 300

Valve makes more money on PC gaymen than microsoft though.

>Build PC
>Pirate windows 10
>Don't give MS a nickel

You aren't thinking at all, microsoft makes crappy OS, not the fucking machines, are you sure that you are older than 10?

>games can be multiplat

>unironically counting piracy

enjoy your watermark

that makes sense, you're right I wasn't thinking
I have a very low IQ that's all

And 95% or sony niggers are COD and Fifa dudebros. You can't get large numbers without casuals.

>installing bitcoin miners from the start
I see you don't waste any time. Fuck paying $1.50 for a salvage key.


Big companies doesn't care when you pirate. IN FACT, Windows and stuff like Adobe Photoshop wouldn't have such notoriety amongs normies and people if you couldn't pirate them.

and 95% of console players are normalfags that just play fifa and cod without even bothering to touch good games
what is your point?
even on the fucking switch fifa is still one of the most played games

>wild goal post moving from games to gamers.
>deliberately ignoring this fact.
Ever wondered why everyone hates you dumb S-niggers.

>Steal console
>Don't give Nintendo a dime
Goes both ways

A lot harder to steal than to pirate though.

Hey, cheer up man, I'm pretty sure in some contexts you are smarter than me and smarter than most people who post on this shithole, don't feel so insecure just because you posted some dumb shit. I mean, looks at this retarded frogposter who mindlessly tried to bullshit his way out, of fucking course you are much better than him.

>steal an xbox
>be able to sell it back after you play it's 1 exclusive
>pirate windows
>can't sell it
Huh, sounds like the tiny bit of work needed pays off in the end