ITT: videogame characters that are literally you

All my friends think I’m a complete fucking psychopath like Trevor lmao



I’m more of a Lamar type dude always cracking jokes but I’m definately a go getter that always wants to be #1
I’m employee of the month at the restaurant I work at


No one falls for this meme anymore.

For me, it's Gustave XIII - intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

in the end I think Lamar was the one I liked the most. It was always fun to see him double down on how good he is and then everything turning to shit every single time.

3 main protags were good and all, but lamar was the most San Andreas'esque character that is just a joy to witness.

How's high school Vincent??

For me it's Kefka - smart, fatalistic, and with zany comedic sensibility

Literally me

>lmao i´m so edgy hahahaha

Literally half of Sup Forums


bend over bitch




Me on the left




Dude. How did you get this picture of me?

Does this mean you're inferior to Johnny & the rest of GTA IV's protagonists?

I don't see anything sexually appealing about that bird. Quit memeing it.


lol your "friends" are probably fucking with you.

I was about to post Norton, backstabbing fat asshole. Literally me.
