How long until they come out with a slim version or reduce the price?
Is it a good time to buy?
How long until they come out with a slim version or reduce the price?
Is it a good time to buy?
Probably another 2 years. It's flying off the shelves still and technology hasn't moved enough to make it better without a high price. I'd ask for a price cut first personally. Don't know why fags have been expecting a slim since like May.
>flying off the shelves still
Only in Japan
There will be a price cut by the end of this year, it's too expensive
>A slim version.
Its a barely more than a centimetre thick.
Ultimately it's not a good time to buy. ESPECIALLY if you own a WiiU.
>Beat Odyssey
>Want Mario+Rabbids but not at that price point
>Wagglan is trash so no ARMS
>Xenoblade 2 is laughably bad
It's become a Splatoon 2, Snake Pass, and Resi Revelations box for me almost instantly
You know what I meant.
>resi revelations
You mean that mediocre game everyone played years ago on every system imaginable?
>broken records in both Japan and US
>selling pretty well in Europe too, considering
yeah it's fine for the moment. I don't see a price cut anytime soon
At least you're getting something out of it. It's collecting dust for me after I beat Odyssey
Feeling very unlikely to buy the online service at the moment since I don't feel like returning to Splatoon 2 at this point and I burned myself out on MK8 years ago
I feel like there's nothing to look forward to at this point except Bayo 3 and MP4, whenever those come out
Broken records don't really tell the full story. Most consoles launch in the holiday season, so they get their burst of holiday traffic and launch hype all at once. Switch basically got 2 bursts: launch and holiday separately, which has obviously propelled it much further along than other consoles that launched during the holidays. Combine the fact that other consoles have shortages at launch too, and it's obvious why Switch set records, since the first real opportunity to buy a PS4 for most people didn't come until the following holiday season
I'm not saying it's in stock so it's not selling, that's not necessarily true, but I think it's selling considerably less than it was at launch, and the PS4 beat it during the holiday season too, which tells a different story. The fact is that many, many people complained about the price point and that's not something that's going to go away. A year later will be a good opportunity to woo some holdouts by shaving the price down, as is typical, at least for holiday sales
It's also not breaking records in Japan, 3DS is still ahead in LTD numbers. And it's very lukewarm in EU, effectively never reaching the point where it was out of stock, even at launch. Though I think that's hugely related to the price, because it's even more expensive in most countries there, where a price drop would really do it some good
Get it only if you like Nintendo games, console is just a bare bones tablet with controllers. Nothing special really.
Never, he'll never get slim
Xenoblade 2 is easily the best rpg if 2017
Dark Souls for switch when?
>the switch is now the fastest selling console of all time in america
>ARMS plays totally well with a regular controller
>misinformed on Xenoblade
>likes Snake Pass and Revelations
Jesus Christ you have shit taste
Ahahaha I to am upset about big boobs. The nerve of those crazy japs!
So is it just a rule that Switch owners try to be obnoxious as possible, or is it just because you're the only ones with an early adopted platform right now?
Are the people who say the switch is big and bulky have not held one?
Okay tell me how it’s not. First half of Nier is boring as shit and Persona 5 is all style over substance. Both do something’s better than Xenoblade but over all it wins out with it’s combat, music, and more open environments. Hell it even does a ruined city better than Nier.
>Post obnoxious comment
>get obnoxious comment back
>get upset over it
No one on Sup Forums plays video games, no one has held a switch.
It is absolutely tiny though. Wish it was a fair bit THICCer
>"I'm not getting much use out of my Switch at the moment"
>Fanboys proceed to jump down my throat
Also why do Switch fanboys always play the victim?
Are you gonna call me eric or blunderfag next? Because everyone knows the next shtick in your act is to accuse your critics of being an autistic boogieman.
It's not big but it sure is heavy. I never had concerns about taking one of my hands away from the system on my 3DS or Vita. If I try to hold the Switch in one hand it feels like it's gonna fucking break at the joycon connector.
>tfw a warriorsfag
>tfw almost in this same boat but musou can comfort me for 400 hours
That's why I own a switch. Xenoblade is okay I guess
I legitimately totally forgot about FE:W
>switch is heavy
By handheld standards? 100%
Compare it to the 3DS, or Vita. It's fucking night and day.
>It's not big
The Switch is huge as a portable. The only way you can remotely compare it to another handheld and make it look a similar size is by using the N3DS XL and opening it, and removing the joycons. First of all, no one carries around a N3DS XL in its open state, the ability to close it and reduce its size is one of its features as a well designed portable that it not only becomes a decent size but it also protects the screen. Second, the XL in the name stands for Extra Large, so, yeah.
As for taking the joycons off of the Switch in order to make it more portable, I have mixed feelings about this. It's still not something I'd put in my pocket because I'm too afraid of damaging it, particularly fucking the screen which is just a flimsy plastic. And if you're taking the joycons off and putting them in separate pockets, I think the probability of losing them increases astronomically compared to a standard handheld
So I can't help but conclude Switch isn't pocket sized, end of story. Yes it's portable but you really need a case for it if you want any kind of piece of mind. I'd never throw a $300+tip device into my backpack or suitcase without regard to its wellbeing.
>user just says that Xenoblade 2 is the best rpg of the year
>gives no argument really didn’t need to respond
>throat gets jumped down while laughing
>ahaha why do you faggots always play the victim!? IM THE VICTIM!
If it happens, the slim/mini/whatever smaller term you prefer will not be cheaper and will probably have the same or worse battery life. The tablet is absolutely stuffed with components as is.
If they went from 20nm to 16nm (or lower) they could reduce the battery size and indeed create a smaller handheld, though it would definitely have comparable battery life
The Switch being cutting edge (as mobile hardware) is something we haven't really gotten from Nintendo before, so I think it's less likely to have significant redesigns. It'll be years before they can make it smaller, cheaper and better battery, and by that time they're more likely to be interested in making the Switch2 than a redesign
Not really, Europe doesnt even care for switch
I hope the Switch + comes out next year, I wonder when Virtual Console is coming.
>Xenoblade 2 is laughably bad
This is not the case, it's a great game. I don't even own a Switch yet but I'm convinced of this. Don't just jump on meme bandwagons.
Maybe near the end of it's life cycle, but this variant will stick with us for a long time.
>it's a great game. I don't even own a Switch yet but I'm convinced of this
>Don't just jump on meme bandwagons.
Not that there was much competition to begin with.
>console hasn't even been out an entire year
>it's not even a handheld like the 3DS
why is this board so fucking retarded
He's probably a soyboi with a PS4.
>it's a handheld when it's convenient for me but it's not a handheld when it isn't
Nice joke
It's both silly
it's already small enough
>nintendo revising their home consoles
2017 was a huge year for jrpgs
if you enjoy playing mario, yes.
I wouldn't say that. It's behind Nier and Persona 5 for me. Still unexpectedly fun though.
bruh they totally revised a home console once
they were generous enough to remove all GameCube functionality from the Wii and call it a revision
Wow, poor fag.
>slim version
>price reduction
Next generation
They didn't just remove GC functionality they removed all functionality besides playing Wii Games offline
No online multiplayer no Wii Shop so no virtual console either because it didn't have built in wifi
It's impressive how many long winded statements I've seen trying to discredit the Switch's achievements since that US Record was broken
its more impressive how people go through so much mental gymnastics trying to convince themselves and others that there'll be dozens of revisions that completely invalidate the launch model. theyre not dumb enough to kill this momentum
This was basically:
>we have excess wii hardware, pack it in a new plastic case and sell it for dirt cheap so we can get rid of it
Making the joycons non detachable would greatly reduce the size, and they could probably even put a bigger battery (at the very least it'll last longer) in since then they won't need two more for the joycons that always charge when attached.
A Gameboy-like switch for solo play that doesn't come with a dock, but can still be connected to the TV via USB-C, an HDMI adapter, or a separate dock. It could even still have the same sized touch screen.
Forgot to say, I fully expect this around Pokemon/Smash to capitalize on the 3DS crowd still on the fence.
Not discrediting anything. I'm just pointing out that it's not the full story. I mean, if US records were all that mattered then PS4 would be amazing, but it's pretty much bombed in Japan which has left a very disappointing amount of weeb games.
Nintendo's PR articles about it selling well are nothing more than advertisements. "It's popular so buy one, nothing to be afraid of! Totally not the Wii U again!" I'm merely pointing out their nature as advertisements, and that they're only focusing on the positives
>only in japan
It’s literally the fastest selling console in US history you drone
making the joycons non-detachable also wouldn't be a "switch" at all, it would go against all their marketing and would be an even dumber idea than the 2DS, as at least with the 2DS they could easily rename it. What the fuck do you call a switch (a system where the detached joycons are literally in the logo) that doesn't switch? The Deswitch? Switch-Off? I can't picture it.
>ITT People argue semantics while OP realizes he made a mistake asking Sup Forums for help
Why do Euopoors have the worst taste in vidya? Is it their low iqs?
Nintendo is supposedly getting a 7nm version of the X1 SOC fabbed for them which should be ready to go into systems as soon as this summer.
So expect a quiet revision of the current hardware by august that's lighter weight (less cooling) and slightly better battery life, and possibly a price drop or a more bare bones package around the same time to clear out the old hardware and bring the system to a broader audience. Which is something they need to do to hit their sales goals.
Then this winter we'll get a smaller and more portable revision. Its possible this will be a smaller base system with integrated controls, or a smaller base system using the same joycons (but a different mobile friendly version), or even the same base system with cheaper more portable joycons. Nintendo has usually launched a second version or whatever size variant of the handheld they didn't have ready at launch. I think its safe to say the current Switch counts as the 'XL' model.
It would still support the joycons (they're just bluetooth controllers after all) and it would still support the dock (they get that for free with the SOC and the USB C) though I doubt they'd bundle it into the package.
When it comes right down to it, the joycons add complexity to the system that most people just aren't actually using. Mine haven't been detached from the system since the day I got it.
>If I try to hold the Switch in one hand it feels like it's gonna fucking break at the joycon connector.
Those slides are metal and screwed in place, they aren't going to budge.
They're more into sports, casual gaming and HD 4K graphics, so any other console that doesn't provide constantly that sort of thing (like Ninty) is a huge nope.
Exactly this They call it the Switch Mini, Micro, or Pocket. They advertise it as the jump on point for people who haven't gotten one yet, but still haven't migrated from the 3DS and want one for BotW, Odyssey, Pokemon, etc.
I have one of the ones on the right. It makes a great Netflix box
Is gonna take them the same amount of time they took to make the DS lite (AKA 1-2) years.
>ESPECIALLY if you own a WiiU.
So for practically everyone it's a good time to buy
Close the tab and reconsider you life priorities
>that most people just aren't actually using
I highly, HIGHLY doubt that. They're the 2nd biggest selling point of the system and tie into the whole convenience aspect of it. Unless you play 100% handheld mode and never dock the system, you are going to be using detached joycons. As a sidenote - how would a version with permanently-attached joycons be cheaper in any way? It'd make no sense as a revision as it'd be a lot more expensive to manufacture and poses a much higher risk of failure and difficulty with repairs. Finally, if the system is made to be smaller it wouldn't be able to fit into the current dock design, and designing another "mini dock" would only cause confusion with consumers. It'd a bad idea throughout imo. I could only see this happening next gen, as a switch or 3DS successor system.
but it's not an Atlus RPG
>continues to lift the thin veil of faux concern and crowd controlling because people aren't responding to his concern bait like he expected
There is actual data for how people are using the Switch that disagrees. People are clearly using the system as intended.
Don't think anyone mentioned it would be cheaper, just smaller and potentially have a better battery. I hook my Switch up to TVs using just a cord some times, unofficial adapters work the exact same way as the dock.
Back to price, it would be a single unit that's ultimately smaller. It could be less due to less parts needing to be made for it, but it could be the same or more. I'm not one to tell, that's why I at least didn't bring price up.
Also, I agree it would be a great way to push the "handheld" side of the Switch brand with an option to be handheld only to coincide with Pokemon's release or the following holiday season as a jump on point for 3DS owners who want to play Switch games but haven't moved over yet. It would release over a year and a half after the Switch's launch, which is why I think it'll happen.
>Unless you play 100% handheld mode and never dock the system, you are going to be using detached joycons.
Pro controller is a lot better.
>As a sidenote - how would a version with permanently-attached joycons be cheaper in any way?
One case to manufacture instead of three cases.
No need to build in strong rails to support the joycons being physically attached.
One battery instead of three batteries.
One bluetooth radio (in the system) instead of three.
No need for the charging hardware for the joycons.
Etc, etc.
>Finally, if the system is made to be smaller it wouldn't be able to fit into the current dock design, and designing another "mini dock" would only cause confusion with consumers
A smaller dock could easily support the current system, they could just discontinue the current model (which has kind of an awkward design for portability) and release a newer cheaper smaller version.
Not only would people buy one separately for use with their new smaller more portable Switch Lite, a lot of current owners would buy them as well.
I know I would.
Of course they could still leave the base system sized the same and simply sell a revision that uses non-wireless joycons that only work when attached, and have a new redesigned dock sold separately and still get most of those same benefits, especially if the 7nm revision is significantly lighter weight.
Sure, I play mine both docked to the TV, and in handheld mode.
I do not detach the joycons and I bet most people use the Pro Controller instead.
I wonder if EO is going to have a future on the Switch
You're going to need something better than your personal behavior and gut feelings if you want to try and say that most people playing the Switch in docked mode bought $70 pro controllers to use instead of the controllers that come included with the console.
If Nintendo really want to sell 20 million this year they need to get a revision out that can dip below the $200 mark.
They need it to be a no-brainer for parents to buy a Switch for their kids for Pokemon instead of just one for the house.
>I hook my Switch up to TVs using just a cord some times, unofficial adapters work the exact same way as the dock.
these are dangerous to use as they can overhead the system if not properly kept in an upright position, since heat normally dissipates out the back.
>Back to price, it would be a single unit that's ultimately smaller. It could be less due to less parts needing to be made for it, but it could be the same or more. I'm not one to tell, that's why I at least didn't bring price up.
unless this releases many years later (2024 or later), I guarantee it'd be the same price, if not more expensive, since it'd take a lot to fit the components together in a smaller form factor when the switch is already extremely compact internally, the newer smaller tegra chip is not going to help with this, either. If you've seen an opened-up switch you'll understand why this is.
Your dock idea makes sense, though.
>and I bet most people use the Pro Controller instead.
extremely unlikely given how expensive pro controllers are currently and most people would not consider them necessary. But, as far as I'm aware, no exact sales figures for pro controllers exist so this cannot be proved one way or the other.
This is obviously why no one else releases consoles in March. Because they would sell too much
>Your dock idea makes sense, though.
meant for
What is NES?
What is SNES?
those wii minis were nice for getting free club nintendo games tho
>People think Nintendo will cut the price anytime this generation
>People think Nintendo will release a cheaper hardware revision
Removing the rails on both the Switch chassis and the Joycons, while also removing the Joycons battery and bluetooth adapters would reduce the size by a noticable amount. Turning the sticks into circle pads or something to that effect would also increase portability. An actual D-pad too. It would still be fully functional with regular joycons, just that you can't dock them to charge. Perhaps a dock revision would take the Micro or whatever into consideration and include a way to charge a pair of joycons as well.
that's strange, you posted a pic of yourself
There's a wired version that's cheap.
Unless you're arguing for handheld only most people are going to buy at least a second controller for two player.
The Pro controller makes the most sense for the kind of long form single player experiences available on the Switch right now.
I'll probably wind up buying another set of Joycons to have a cheap 4 player Smash Bros setup.
But I don't have any other real reason to use the ability to detach them.
Its not like they'll discontinue the current setup, they'll just launch a smaller and more portable version that can be built and sold for a lower price.
Holiday 2018
Switch (current form factor with updated 7nm hardware) $249
Switch Lite (small form factor with 7nm hardware) $189
Yeah it's a great time to buy. Get it before paid online comes along and guts the Splatoon and Mario Kart playerbases.
Also again for the price, maybe there'll be a price drop in time for holiday 2018 where the smaller revision releases at the same price, or slightly less if it doesn't come with a dock like the 3DS did when it stopped coming with a charger.
>Removing the rails on both the Switch chassis and the Joycons, while also removing the Joycons battery and bluetooth adapters would reduce the size by a noticable amoun
not really, you'd save maybe an inch?
>Turning the sticks into circle pads or something to that effect would also increase portability
fuck no, the last thing anyone wants are those awful circle-pads on any system again.
When has Nintendo not released multiple revisions of their handhelds intended to lower the cost of the hardware / increase profit margins / sell more units?
Virtual Boy is the only one that sticks out in my mind.
3DS kids would, keep up user it's not for you obviously.