>want to replay game
>remember THAT part
>desire to replay game is gone
what's her name Sup Forums?
Want to replay game
every HL2 level
fuck this level
>this part
>not the Island
I don't understand this Island meme. The Island was much shorter and more enjoyable than the Castle which dragged on forever and it was pretty varied with open, explosive levels and more toned down creepy corridors and it had the two best boss battles.
I played this on pro recently
It wasnt THAT bad but its one of the parts I had to try more than once at
Whats wrong with the island?
only part i hate on the island is the part where ashley drives the truck
All of RE5 after the first village attack.
Seriously, i played back with a friend in splitscreen and every fucking chapter we were like "Oh fuck this part again".
To be honest, I find that just about every game has at least one part that makes me think twice about replaying it. I don't think I've ever played a game that didn't have any parts I'd rather skip.
What were they thinking?!
Why do devs always do this? Do they not try it out and realize it's not fun?
>Want to replay game
>Have to go through 30 minutes worth of tutorial and equipment restrictions
>mfw unskippable cutscenes
That's right where I dropped the game and finished watching the rest on Youtube
The island is decent. You're a cuck.
Why? This was the most relaxing part of the game for me.
>mass effect 1
>peak 15
>booo bugs are too scary
You're weak.
The entire section between High Wall and Cathedral of the Deep/Abyss Watchers is just awful.
Fuck the undead village and swamps.
Pokemon RBY.
>Safari Zone
Trying to catch every Pokemon is not a fun thing to do.
Stilton's house in Dishonored 2.
only level I can't ghost on very hard, so frustrating.
I feel like ds3 has a ton of unlikable zones
You don't have to, user
Tauros had like a 1% chance of showing up in zone 3 and the safari balls were borderline fucking useless.
P5 around September or October with that stupid Ryuji vs. Morgana fight and the space station right after that.
Not so much the area of Cordon itself, but I find starting out in STALKER to be extremely boring. Doesn't really get better until well in the middle.
Taris and Peragus Station
>replay AC3
>Replaying any AC
but why
I would say dark souls 3 has the worst replayability of the series because of so many lame areas and bosses. Bloodborne is short but is more replayable because pretty much every area and boss is good except maybe the unseen village.
The undead village is pretty comfy
>Remember game
>Remember THAT level, which you love
>Realize it's every level
>Reinstall HL2 and play through it and the episodes
Best fps ever made and will never be beaten
it was pretty easy, even on prof.
Fucking maintenance shafts in System Shock 2.
Ravenholm is fucking ace, though.
I tried replaying AC2 with all of the HUD turned off. I very quickly realized the game gives you 0 information on where your next mission is and it is impossible to know what you should do next without the minimap.
>disc 2
It's aite.
>He doesn't enjoy being a hobo with a gun.
I know I can mod to skip it, but its just SO tedious.
Soul Cairn in Skyrim
Doing a full Morrowind run and becoming Hortator.
Alternatively the sewer parts in Mournhold, especially the Black Dart gang.
The ending parts of VtmB safe for the boss fights. Socializing in the Giovanni mansion can suck my dick too.
Every jRPG that forces you to play parts without vital party members.
Nar Shaadar, Atton fighting the Twi'lek, far worse than Telos.
The entirety of Shadow of Mordor.
I've already forgotten too many.
Yeah I don't mind the village but fuck the swamp. Also fuck the catacombs to be honest. It doesn't help that i hate all of the bosses in this area besides the abyss watchers. Cursed greatwood, crystal sage, and lord worlnir are all bosses I fuckin hate fighting.
>The entirety of Shadow of Mordor.
>Games you want to replay
Wait did you not like this part? It was fun as fuck.
>any Dragon Age
>any Fade sequence
>ever wanting to replay shadow the hedgehog
That was your first mistake
the entirety of warhammer 40k: dawn of war 2.
fuck that game, I just reinstalled it recently cause I wanted to go through all of them again before I play dawn of war 3. just finished the entirety of dow 1 along with all 3 expansions and then I get to this piece of shit where I CANNOT FUCKING SAVE MID MISSION and the game fucking tricked me into playing it on hard with its bullshit difficulty descriptions and lo and behold, I get to waste 20 minutes of my time every now and then when one of my THREE FUCKING UNITS gets shit on because I wasn't holding its hand for a nanosecond.
whoever decided tiny ass squad based combat was a great fit for a fucking WARHAMMER 40.000 GAME needs to be hanged. and I keep hearing dow 3 has MOBA elements so I'm assuming it's the same cuntfaggot in charge of "creative" decissions.
fucking faggots
Oh yeah, kinda misread the OP om that one. That game wasn't even worth one playthrough.
The proper way to replay the Atton Twi'lek fight is to go in before hand for a few rounds of pazaak and just lay a metric fuck ton of mines all over that place. Then when the fight comes run behind the counter and let it rip.
zombies and the variants are boring enemies.
>have to wander around trying to find a thing that unlocks another thing at the other end of the map several times
>90% of map is pitch black
>limited flashlight batteries
>Make an open world pirate game
>Half the missions are just following some random person in standard AC fashion
The bit after chargen
I replayed AC2 recently and it felt like a chore. I realize now people just play these games for the story.
imo this is one of the best parts of the game
its the shittiest weapon and youre better off selling all its ammo because its a space waster
The swamp is worse than fucking Lost Izalith
TMP is good, though.
For me it's the part with the two El Gigantes
Fuck every goddamn playthrough
The tower gives you some of the best stuff but good lord do I hate it
Just drop one in the lava.
I haven't played the game in years, but from what I recall all you have to do is slide down the zipline, lure and open the grate for one of them to fall into lava and then blast the other one with a 10k peso rocket launcher.
Always buy a rocket launcher before a boss fight.
>its the shittiest weapon
It's fine. It's not an old reliable weapon but it has it's uses.
It wasn't an amazing game or anything, but it was certainly playable.
Eyestrain is artificial difficulty
I think it was all that grey that made me dislike the castle so much, town and island had a more rustic feel.
>even HL1 is filled with THAT part
Xen alone turns a 9/10 into an 8/10, fucking god I hate Xen so fucking much
You're playing it wrong.
>Every part is that part
It was playable, however anything past the first chapter was just an emptier recolouring. The boss fight being a fucking QTE was the icing on the generic cake.
>Most of the Island from RE4 minus the Regenerators
>The Nigger Tombs from RE5
>Anything involving recurring bosses, especially the Nemesis ripoff Ustanak from RE6
>Vault 22 from NV
>Settlement bullshit from F4
That's... Not the right orientation of that area. Is this a mod? There is way less clutter than in SoC. Or is this Clear Sky?
Dark Souls
Lost Izalith
Not all levels, but fuck Water Hazard
>pretty decent on higher difficulties
>but only after a 2 hour slog of what amounts to tutorial with lots of unskippable walking sim moments
let's see em Sup Forums
Is that AoM I see?
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
The first half of Outlast 2.
Enjoyed the game overall, but good lord was the first few hours of that game a gooddamn chore to get to. Also every school hallucination after the second one. Tedious.
might be an alpha build
IT is fun once you know the layout because you can beast through it super fast.
For first playthroughs or long returning playthroughs, it sucks shit.
>It's fun because you can skip through it really fast
>Vault 22
My last run included a melee build and I've just kept swinging on the plants with my fireaxe. Was easy as shit.
>settlement building
Can't be *that* part since it's not mandatory.
What's wrong with it?
>For first playthroughs or long returning playthroughs, it sucks shit.
I disagree with such a notion. It's always fun to figure shit out.
No, you misunderstand. I really enjoy speedruns/going fast/being proficient so when I start to know a game intimately and can beast it, parts that might have sucked before become more fun for me not only because they feel shorter but mostly because I just enjoy the feeling of going really fast in games. This is probably why Max Payne is one of my favorite games. Once you know it well, it's a fast paced pile of murder and basically all exposition/cutscenes can be skipped.
Everything after Unforeseen Consequences.
I'll give you settlements not being mandatory, but the problem with Vault 22 isn't the fact that it's hard, it's that the design is terrible, the enemies are shit, and the overall structure is boring. Difficult has nothing to do with it.
>long Laguna section that only serves to over level an already over-leveled Squall
>circling down the to Floor 1 of the prison to get Zell's first new limit break
>spliting the party in 2, the half going with Selphie locked away for almost 10 hours
>finally reunite and half to do a forced date with Rinoa because its glaringly obvious what an angry virgin you are
Max Payne dream sequence
Dragon age origins mage tower makes me want to die
the cliff racers in morrowind