So, who´s excited for this year medieval gamekino?
So, who´s excited for this year medieval gamekino?
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glitchy and clunky
will be worse than mountain blade
already preordered
excited as fuck
>console version announced
Going to get it from cdkeys whenever I finish Divinity OS 2
It's going to be one of those barely functioning ports like Prey or Crysis. Don't worry about it
excited for another glitchy fest like Mafia?
i dont play fps
it was advertised as "hardcore no bullshit game", console version indicates they want more normalfags audience and will casualize it
I am
need better pc tho, graphic card too shitty
thanks for reading my blog
t. user
>PC gaming
the only hardcore games are on arcade
it sure as fuck not current consoles. at least I can emulate arcade machines on pc.
Squeeeeeeel like a peasant!
who said anything about consoles pcbro?
fuck you hiroshima
more excited about Mordhau and Bannerlord desu, but KC looks okay if they can sort out the bugs.
you cant even create your own character. its always the same character with the same start.
But of course, he wants to sell more than one copy.
I'm excited
Is there a point in doing anything but a stealth style playthrough?
how many threads did you guys just start...?
What is the point of a game like this without dragons or magic? Might as well just go outside larping.
Giving yourself a challenge maybe? Role playing reasons.
Might be good but pic related will crush it if it actually comes out.
at least it's set in a time period you can't actually get to, unlike the long dark, that game is so pointless, just go /out/side and it's literally the same experience lol
It looks like an hd retexture with better sieges. What are those roaches taking so long with?
If I've understood correctly then KC:D is more fencing focused whereas Mountain Blade is a strategy/fencing split.
>Implying it'll ever come out
Can you play a qt girl?
I'm excited because my ancestors came from Bohemia so it'll fun to run around in what it supposed to be a historically accurate Bohemia.
No. The main character is a blacksmiths son.
I hope it doesn't turn out to just be a meme. Literally if they released it now, they would get so much money, meanwhile they're letting the hype drop.
bannerlord never ever
Good thing Mount & Blade exists, huh?
Stop. You're a barneyfag
I read it turned out their engine can't into destructible environments so they are rewriting it or something.
What a shame. Can you at least fuck some?
I'm not sure if you're baiting, but destructible environments sounds great. Probably not worth the wait though.
We don't know yet, probably not since the game is a fencing/walking simulator.
>fencing/walking simulator.
no its not
its RPG
I thought it was some action rpg shit
Most people don't want to put themselves in the discomfort of going outside in harsh winter environment, much less risk their life surviving there, so they opt for the comfy escapism alternative of videogames. Same reason why most Call of Duty players aren't joining the military to shoot brown people irl instead of in their game
Pretty excited, yeah. One of the very few games I'll buy at full price, unless word of mouth after release is that it's AIDS.
These things will likely be true, but they will not stop me from enjoying the game
idk it's just stupid to me, why play a game to do something you can so easily do in real life. video games are about escapism not something that should remind me of how much of a lazy fat fuck i am.
it's sort of like playing a game where you work in an office but the catch is one of your coworkers might come in one day with a gun ready to kill everyone.
99% of games are. Mount & Blade is the only good thing to ever come out of Turkey, it's their national magnum opus.
>so easily do in real life
Sure I'll go outside and WHOA
>I'm in the 14th century
>I'm in the army
>Fencing is as easy as moving your mouse and clicking buttons
>I still don't have to experience the boring and shitty parts of medieval life
You have some pretty wild trips outside user.
Holy fuck, you're stupid.
Nigger you're fucking retarded. I don't know if it's extreme autism or you're just willfully thick headed
this, bannerlord for singleplayer and mordhau for multiplayer medieval fix
kcd doesnt look very impressive and the combat is shit
That's a weird picture of Butterlord.
>Getting released this year
Oh fuck off. Console doesn't specifically mean more casual. I own both a gaming pc and a console. Am I somehow more of a causal because of that? Some of the biggest "gamers" I know play on console 90% of the time.
Being casual or not all comes down to what you play.
Didn't mount and blade warband get ported to the xbox? Is it a casual game now?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is coming to consoles so it's basically Peggle 3
It was ported to console, not developed for it.
>Some of the biggest "gamers" I know play on console 90% of the time.
Playing on console is likely why you felt the need to call them "gamers". Of course they're casual.
>all these "hurr mount and blade be better!" fags
That game doesn't even have a release date still. Hard to be the better game when it's not even playable yet.
Obviously if you like one game or series then it can only be the highest heresy for any other game or series like it to ever come out. I mean who would ever want to play something that is similar to another thing they like? That's like enjoying two different flavors of ice cream!
No I quoted it because I feel like the term "gamers" Is gay as fuck. Like does anyone refer to themselves as a "gamer"? I just didn't know what else to call them.
didn't realize TLD had fanbois like this lel
And? Kingdom Come:Deliverance is clearly being made primarily for the PC.
It really bugs me when you retards compare it to mount and blade. They're totally different, you may as well spout bullshit like "Hurr, Elite Dangerous is better than Mass Effect!"
Does that comparison make sense to you? It shouldn't unless you're a schizophrenic retard.
Of course it makes sense, my mom will only buy me one game with horses and swords this year so it has to be the best one
im looking forward to it but it probably isnt going to be very good
load times are going to be harsh, content is going to be spread thin, story is going to be bad, rpg elements will feel light and pointless
combat will be engaging at first but it will get old quickly when you realize you're going to be playing out the same fight every time because theres only one kind of enemy: Some Guy, and the combat is based on guys sparring for fun and theres 0 feeling of 'im trying to actually murder this person' in the game
but the forests and costume pieces are rly rly pretty
Any chance this won't be dog shit on ps4? My pc is ancient
it actually looks disappointingly bland
god i hate bongs
I fully expected it to be patched for like half a year until it's playable, but I'm getting it at some point.
>dat feel when you come to a wrong fief
Stop shilling your shitty super historically accurate """"game"""" Daniel
why is there a 6 year old girl commenting on the video together with the guy?
second guy from the left looks cool as fugg
She's ok desu.
Napoleonic warfare had destructible environments
what the fuck do they need to rewrite?
that shit was really laggy though
4/10 wouldn't fuck
she should fix her unhealthy skin
That was hard to get through due to the chirping cunt but thanks for the link.
>being excited for oblivion 2k18
Yeah, it's not 2006 anymore
How is this similar to Oblivion other than medieval setting?
>Mount & Blade is the only good thing to ever come out of Turkey
they might want dynamic destruction rather than the "static" destruction of NW
though just having the static destruction would be a huge improvement for sieges
Color palette
The clunkiness