5 Dota heroes vs 5 League of Legends champions.

Each can only use mechanics and items from their own game. Which team would win? Not based on lore.

Other urls found in this thread:

>6 slotted Medusa
>6 slotted Spectre
>6 slotted Morphling
>6 slotted Storm Spirit
>6 slotted Invoker

literally the Virgin champion vs the Chad HERO

League would win early game.


League champs have lower mana cost and there are even manaless early champs like Renekton.

Do teams get bans? Is it draft?

league champs are also shit

Without extensive knowledge of any of the dota heroes, I think 6 slot lvl 25 techies would sow havoc against the league heroes, depends on who gets home ground.

If teams go late, doto wins since they have way more CC and long range initiation, also carries scales way harder with items

If league goes full early game , league wins because league characters have way more early game pressure, ways to shove waves early and ways to finish the game fast early too


dota wins early too actually

Professional dota can actually finish in under 12 minutes but pushing the base

dota's CC is stupid in comparison to Leagues, and the mobility is generally way better, too, with only a few exceptions.

It really isn't a fair fight, desu. League is balanced around abilities not doing much and not costing much, while Dota's abilities do a ton and cost a ton. Unfortunately, in a matchup where the winner is the person who kills the other, frontloading all your damage and CC will win every time.

it'd be a pretty boring fight, desu. Storm Spirit alone could probably 1 v 5 a strong League roster.

Are you retarded or what.

I'm a big fan of the "my preferred game wins because its my preferred game" arguments in these threads.

HotS heros win.

I mean, league champions also can kite forever and early game champs have advantages. If they manage to snowball they can end quickly. Also league turrets are stronger.

Nobody invited you, blizzdrone.

Thats only assuming all 3 avoid the roaming HoN deathsquad

Storm Spirit can literally zip across the map. Not 3 inches on your screen, across the entire map. League Champions suck fucking dick compared to Dota heroes, it's not a fair fight.

>IO can teleport (and bring another hero along) anywhere on the map after a 1.5 second delay
>Shadow Shaman can keep you CC for 8 seconds
>Storm Spirit can zip across the entire map
>bane and lion can straight up solo kill you from 100% once they get level 6, assuming they aren't underleveld

league champions are weak as shit

The most important difference is shoving lane in League though, since abilities cost less and are spammy in some champs, League roster can siege and roam way more freely,, Aurelio and Taliyah basically perma shove lane so the other mid laner would have to last hit permanently since dota heroes can't spend mana to shove and can't shove until they have items. Pick lanes that shove and counter jungle gives already an advantage. Dota heroes do have better pick potential though so roaming would not be that effective.

pubstomer all mid keeper + jakiro + lycan + nature +enigma will win every match in 10 minutes and there is nothing, NOTHING, any 5 league champs could do about it

>6 slotted Medusa, Morphling, and Spectre are pretty much invincible
>AM can blink on you and kill you in 2 seconds, then blink out again (QoP can do the same)
>Silencer with refresher can keep you silenced for 16 seconds

Oh yeah, and dota heroes have items like the refresher orb, the fucking Black King Bar, blink dagger, and Dagon (5)

Darius can solo you at level 1, your move dotard.

I want to see a farmed void go vs 5 lol trash . I want to see the salt. Spectre or Susan also work

Treant Protector with leech seed level 1 will kill his bitch-ass in 3 hits. Nice try, tard

can he deal with a 3 sec disable at 1? SS says hello

lol this thread has no purpose, neither side have meaningful insight on the other side

ok then maybe something easier ? invoker vs entire roster of lol ?

Doesn't matter as long as he keeps auto attacking

You guys are embarrassing. You need a second hobby.

It's "Goku vs Naruto" tier discussion. Fucking pointless.

League champs literally can cast spell like every 3 seconds.

Dota you cast twice then have to go back to base.

>TA with refraction
>Treat with leech seed
>Gyrocopter with Rocket Barrage
>SS with shackle
>Axe with Spin
>the goddamn BloodSeeker with any of his abilities
>VIPER holy shit

off the top of my head, dota heroes can 1v5 league heroes, so a better question is 5 league heroes vs 1 dota hero

Assuming all things are kept the same, you're right that kiting would be an issue, due mostly to turn rate problems in DotA, and the presence of disengage tools being built into most League champion's kits.

But again, it's just not at all a fair fight. Dota has a number of flash-like abilities that can move 5-10 times as far, allowing easy intiation from the fog of war, preventing any kiting counterplay. You go from alive to stunned and dying before you can do anything. It's why so many of the asassin characters in Dota work.

The invis heroes would likely also make it an unfair fight. Riki Maru has permanent stealth as his passive, and when he maxes out on levels, it can't be broken by anything, even ability casts and auto-attacks. That means he can attack you and you won't even see it happening, your health will just start decreasing rapidly.

And again with Storm Spirit...his ult is like Kassadin's, in that it costs a bunch of mana on basically no cooldown and lets him teleport around the map dealing damage wherever he end up. However, SS can go through terrain, over incredible distances, and is entirely invulnerable while doing so.

I stand by my statement that SS by himself could fuck up the entirety of the League roster by himself. Riki probably could, too. their mechanics are just way too OP for how League is structured. There's counterplay to both in Dota, to the point they're not actually very good, but almost nothing in the league roster can actually deal with a perma-invis enemy or a target who can initiate from anywhere, stun them for 2.5 seconds, nuke them for 1,500 magic damage, and then blink out again before they can do anything. That's what playing against Riki and SS is like. League champs just could not do anything about it.

Also league can teleport back and fort from base.

There's alot of League champs that have really horseshit bypasses for things like hard CC and getting 100-0'd. If the teams could Draft and the LoL team picks second, it's almost a guaranteed win for the LoL champions if they can avoid teamfights, which shouldn't be hard. 5v5 DotA champs win just about every time, but with the right makeup, LoL champs can make a much stronger map control team.

The league spells are really weak and only tickle, that's why; the dota abilities are stronger by an order of magnitude.

Try 0.8 seconds

>Picks literally any ranged hero in existence
>Kites darius to death
I cant believe Im actually even part of this discussion. What kind of autistic fuck makes the same thread twice in two days? May as well start asking whether master chief or space marine would win. Not even a point in discussing facerolll fights like this

does true sight exist in lol? because if not, then cant you just run all invis heroes and instawin?

>LoL champs can make a much stronger map control team
>being this delusional

>Defense of the Turnrates 2

right, but that's the problem, and what makes this a stupid thread.

Dota abilities frontload everything they have. They cost half your mana pool at level one, but CC for as much as most league ultimates do at max rank, and deal comparable damage.

And if the goal of this hypothetical fight is to win and take base, 10 times out of 10, the character that can use all their mana to remove all of the opponent's health will be better than the character that can use 10% of their mana pool to remove 10% of their opponent's health. Yeah, in the long run, that's technically the same damage output per mana spent, but by pushing all the power out in one massive blow as opposed to tons of tiny cuts, Dota heroes get a massive advantage.

This is just such a stupid topic because of it. The games have gone in radically different directions, and are fairly incomparable.

>Kiting with turnrates


DotA's best early game characters are stronger than League's best early game characters, people who don't play a lot of DotA just have the image that it's all late game because low level play gives a lot more leeway for people to mindlessly farm until they can hard carry.

Someone like Anti-Mage might be rolled over in the early game but no two League characters laning together could beat a solo Bristleback or even something like a Sniper zoning them out from behind creep lanes.

It's really not a matter of which game is better, DotA's power level is just on a different scale that's only gone up over the years while League moves in the opposite direction to remove mechanics that oppress gameplay. I don't know why user keeps making this thread over and over again.

Oracle has a 360 damage nuke on a 1 second cooldown with aghs. That's before cooldown reduction items, can easily go under 0.8 seconds. And yeah, 360 damage.

what happens when you have a 140% move speed slow on you

Windranger and lina have such massive range that they can kite you from their tower almost to your tower.

You can teleport anywhere on the map near your buildings in dota for 50 gold on a minute CD
Furion can TP anywhere on the map level 1

The battle is over because EA killed the only thing better than both of them

>TP botlane for le ez kills
>Cast a spell
>Die to the Lucian+Braum duo
Dotard never learn.

RIP, that was a pretty good game. Not sure why it got axed, too, it seemed like it was pulling in good hype and numbers during beta.

then all of a sudden, nope, it's gone, we've got other things to work on like LOOT BOXES! HAVE YOU HEARD OF FUCKING LOOT BOXES! BUY OUR FUCKING LOOT BOXES, YOU FUCKING FUCKS!

I want to play a solo Undying vs a lol dual. I'd buy wand too, because I only get a hard on when it's rape

>And yeah, 360 damage

Alright but, is that implying 360 is a lot? 360 dps for an ability seems pretty normal, if low, for league. Taliyah's Q deals around the same, has less the same cooldown, costs barely any mana, no aghanim's required and is AoE


delusional if you think that was ever good

>the virgin flash vs the chad BLINK

Before you mongoloids sperg out about "VOLVE VS RITO GAEM" you need to decide how this going to happen, with mixed items or one sides items, whos map will it be on? will there be objectives from both games or just one? will wards be from one side or will both have their own wards? We also need to take into account minions, in Dota you can kill your own minions to deny farm, in LoL you can't do that. Towers are also different, while dota's towers target whatevers closest, leagues only target minions unless a champ is being attacked under it. Junglimg is also a factor, both games have very different jungles and different gank potentials in each lane, which goes back to which map would be used.

Dota champs might be more stronger, but one thing is certain

Dota is a shitshow and LoL wins as a game, which is the only competition that matters lmao

There is a cheap item that refills your mana instantly in dota though. Not that you'll need it considering if you're BB or something, you can 100 to 0 both of them and still have 60% mana remaining.

Oracle's spell has more utility in that it can also be used as a 390 hp heal. Also, the range is insane, like across your screen range. You'd die trying to close the distance. It's a great ability to steal kills with. Also, Oracle has an ability that amplifies damage by 2x (720 on 1 second cd, wew), so combined with that, you're fucked. Want to know something else? Oracle is a support. Almost like dota heroes are on a completely different level or something.

>Dotards still not realize this is an ironic meme

Cyka blyat ctmre pe causa

>TFW Death Battle was so popular that it ruined my favorite game site from my teenage years.

Fuck Death Battle

He is literally delusional, its the Master chief vs space marine autism again from years ago. Everyone knows the answer and it was explained to him many times already but he will still keep making the thread

that guy who is a budget axe with a 1m hook?

Blink is an item you need to buy, while flash is always on hand with a decent cooldown.

boy I play both games. Don't bullshit me. 360 damage is ultimate level damage in League. Taliay's Q used to do that kind of damage when she was an imbalanced piece of shit, now it's probably closer to 275 or so, and you neglected to mention that it can't be used multiple times in a row on the same patch of ground.

As for you: you neglected to mention that Oracle's uber powerful 360 damage nuke also applies a buff that heals the target hit for almost 400 health, actually helping more than it hurts unless you purge the buff off the enemy with your Q.

>Not sure why it got axed, too
if i wasnt about to go to bed id tell you the full story from my friend, who worked on it.
the tl;dr version is ea didnt like the f2p model despite greenlighting it so they (from the start) cucked its publicity into death. minimal effort to advertise so few people realized it even existed. those who did play got the experience they wanted and more.

heres a fun fact for you
>Dawngate engine is derived from darkspore engine
>but with a bit of retooling to up its potential a bit
>dev also worked on darkspore
>darkspore engine was a retooling of spore's engine (less major retooling than darkspore->dawngate)
>dawngate's engine is basically just spores engine but made to be more modern
he was sad when they pulled not just dawngates servers, but darkspore's servers

>game in which devs silently crafted and intended players to make swastikas for loadouts

Blizzshill should fuck off with their irrelevant shitty game lol

>Blink is an item you need to buy
you don't need to buy anything

>decent cooldown
isn't it like 5 minutes

>implying either could stand up to Shrek

Yeah but it's not an ability you use for spamming DPS which was the comparison you were trying I guess to prove. It's just a nuke for harassing which League has, it's 720 damage for almost the full use of a hero's kit, say it like it is


Who cares, the only reason to play assfaggots is for the women

Well yeah, like I said oracle is a support. If you want DPS, you get a Faceless Void with Daedalus or a full-agi morphling. Just showing you how even supports can cuck league shitters.

>me and my friend tried playing
>neither of us could connect
>we got banned for using outside IPs
i gotta say, it was probably for the best

>tp scrolls
dota wins

>boy I play both games. Don't bullshit me. 360 damage is ultimate level damage in Leagu

maybe if you're lvl 6 with no items

nasus can stack his q till the game ends, same with veigar and his ap. cho'gath has a true damage ult that scales with his max hp and a passive that gives him max hp for every unit killed... there are tons of broken abilities in lol


Invoker has ten active spells, to play him you need to make 1 spells by using 3 different spells Quas Wex Exort and you can store 2 spells you made max.

>game goes late
>dota heroes wiped
>lol heroes push their base
>dota heroes buybacks and kills lol heroes
and then the game is over
gg no re

Cores like Luna/Gyro/Medusa can push out lanes at minute 5, offlaners like bristleback/axe/tidehunter can creepskip from level 1 entirely, mids like TA/SF/Puck can instant clear waves as well. If you push against these heroes while laning you only double their gpm. Shoving out waves doesnt help in the early game at all, only if you can actually push and take the tower fast or use the creeps to repeatedly dive and kill

Theres no way to beat dotas lategame absurd mobility/teleportation and ratting, so only early game is a possibilty. If the captain is aware of this, just a draft of Terrorblade, Slark, Undying etc wins the game from early to late without hard cc like 6 second silences

Sniper alone would take out the entire cast of lol except for nocturne.

>what is bristleback, Huskar, Batrider, PA, Crystal Maiden, Gyrocopter
Something makes me think you have no idea, really makes you think

>Pick pugna
>skill nether ward
>LoL heroes spam themselves to death

>Pick Fiora
>Ripost le epic op dota 8s stun
>Delete anyone with max hp true damage ult


I play League regularly, haven't played Dota 2 since Beta because I uninstalled Steam ages ago, my opinion is outdated.

- League champions have way more armor, attack speed and mana in their stats.
Dota heroes have way more health and scaling stats due to lvl 25 being their max level.
- League has runes and summoners which weight a lot early and mid game, dota has talents which weight way more mid and late game.
- Dota's abilities do around 1.5 damage due to them having no AP scaling but scale much harder . League abilities do less damage due to them being spammable.
- Dota's items have stronger effects and actives. League's more about stats.
- League has characters that basically can never go OOM.(Important)
- Dota's general range and CC duration is around 2 times longer and bigger.(Important)
- League has better burst damage champions.(Rengar)
- Dota's Roshan is easier to solo than Baron.
- Baron's Effect is much more powerful than Roshan's.
- League champions have more mobility in their kits.
- League champions can use their AoE nukes to shove lanes early game.
- League champions can be resourceless.
- Dota has evasion(Important).
- Dota's items are much more expensive(Important)
- Dota's side can block and pull creeps.
- League's cooldowns are much more shorter than dota's(Important)
- League has champions that have trading and laning considered on their kits(Renekton)
- League's turrets deal more damage than dota's.

I probably had more differences but I forgot. League's side has to snowball with champions that can shove lane, abuse their early game's power(Renekton with just shoving lane with Tiamat Q once and then fucking off with double E + Flash or 1v2ing deleting a squisy) and not go OOM, get Baron, 1-3-1(Not siege since leaving an opener against dota's superior initiation is a bad idea). The second dota's side can prolong the game with picks so they hit their core items spikes, they will win no matter what due to simple number differences.

Question is fundamentally broken, since trees arent a thing in lul they have no skills to break them, you could just puck techies/tinker/TA and do nothing else tham place traps/march/mines in the trees and make sure no creep ever reaches your base

> mids like TA/SF/Puck can instant clear waves as well

I googled puck mid and got this, he ain't clearing waves early game , can you help me here?

All DotA heroes have built-in 25% base magic damage resistance, before any passives, items or stat increases.
League heroes don't.
Every lane will be a 2shot fiesta. It won't even get to the lategame where DotA is the most BS, it will just be a lane stomp.

Sniper doesnt shove the lane in so he doesnt have to defend his tower, and he doesnt want to oush his wave in so that sniper cant farm the adjacent jungle camps as well. If Puck was playing against an SF for example who would just nuke his creeps ag times, he would do the same. Sniper cant do that, so he farms the waves slowly, which means Puck does the same, if only to keep him mid and in sight where he is easier to gank with their roam. Even as Luna/Medusa you might not push in every wave if the enemy offlaner is underleveled and zoned out by your supps and would want those creeps, youd just farm static until you got your core items for the laning phase while starving the enemy.
Its all situational.

this is honestly the best answer, Ithink. % health true damage, highly mobile, still fairly tanky, and the only League champion actually able to return a huge CC blast back at the target.

>shit tier right click hero
>hurr he can solo you level 1

an equivalently shit tier right click hero from dota would rape darius so hard that anybody who watched the replay would have to be registered as a sex offender

*ults you for 2k true damage while having 10k hp*

*terrorblade sunders him*

he can cast while death?


2k dmg won't one-shot a lategame TB.
Oh, and Sunder has basically no cooldown.

>steals your life

That's actually not impressive at all.

.35 second cast animation, 550 cast range, 5 second cooldown and 0 mana

if you can't kill TB in a second he'll just pop this.