A Rise

A Rise

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No OP that's clearly a whore


Rise is perfection incarnate.


>All the Blacked edits of her

A lower.

post em

Finally a thread dedicated to my waifu

Fuck i love sluts.
I hope i will get to date one someday.

Fuck, really? She just moved up from a B-tier to an A-tier if that's true


She'll never love you. She'd loves cock too much to stick with one man.

That only makes it better fag.

I hope you like STDs and getting cucked if that's the case

>acts lewd around Yuu
>gets mad when Yuu act lewd
double standards much?


That's mean.
Pure and caring sluts are the most perfect women walking on Earth.

She kinda looks like Bayonetta

Sluts are by definition not pure and the only thing they care about is cock

Sluts are amazing women that are confident in their sexuality and do not pretend to be pure waifus.
But connect that with actually kind, caring and loyal personality and you get perfection.

Why do i love sluts so fucking much?


Yukari > Rise >>>>>>> shit >>>> anne


>Better than anyone
That is some remarkably bad taste there, user

Replace Anne with Rise and this is correct

A Yukari

Shonen/Harem m8. A big part of what makes Personafags so obnoxious is they get really defensive and refuse to admit their series is one hell of a cliche storm.

I want to lick cum out of Rise's pussy

Lovers is just a sign for trouble.

Reminder that 3D > 2D degenerate shit.

I like the idea of having a slut gf and going on a date where we find lots of horny guys to suck and fuck together.

Honest sluts >>>>>>>>>> Virgins >>>>>>> Dishonest sluts

disgusting amount of make up, would be a generic af asian without it, also smells like fish. 2D is perfection 24/7.

A Rise chicken

chicken a Rise


You are sofa king we todd edd.

Yes, me too. I'm a bi freak and I'd love to eat creampied pussy.

>lick clean threads on /d/ are all cuckshit
It hurts.

>A whore



is that one of those ladyboys I've been hearing about?

>being THIS butt blasted

Shave your neck beard, lose a bit of weight, and start showering more than once a week and you can easily get a 6/10+ Asian girl no matter how ugly you are. So long as you're white.

I've learned to just ignore the cuck part since I love cum eating too much

I'm trying that too, for the same reasons. It's a little hard to ignore, though. Why can't /d/ talk about eating cum out of a freshly-fucked vagina, or licking sperm off a naked girl's body, without bringing cuckoldry into it?

I want the loli twins to lick my ass.

The only difference is that the girl is a S/O. That's how I view it, that its just not my S/O

You misspelled kick.



Nope. I want Caroline and Justine to lick my sweaty ass clean!

They're going to have a very unpleasant time giving that donkey a tongue bath.


Consider the following:

My nig

Considering the following:
I want to marry Ann and impregnate her in the missionary position while holding hands and telling her I love her

All girls are best!



Best girl.

Ai is great.

2018 is the year of slut acceptance

>series is a shonen story with jung psychology
>hurr durr why is it shonenshit

More like Rise my dick

kawakami is NOT a slut, take that back user

She is unironically the best P4 girl and has one of the best SLs in the series

>that hangout
I didn't expect it in any degree.

>you will never be Rise, or any other Persona girl, and just be a total slut, sucking and fucking every guy and getting known as a nasty bitch who will do anything
I love sluts so much I want to be one.

>evening maid that sells extra services
>not a slut
Well I guess she isnt slutty enough to allow you to eat the old man cum out of her baggy old vagina until you paid her millions



>yukikio is a violent bitch that only sees her getting together with yu involving murder of bestgirl
well shes not wrong but damn

What went wrong?

>making 2 more games for the other Persona games people care about

why are they so perfect?

>love having sex
>skilled at having sex
>generally more outgoing and fun
Sluts are the fucking best.

>game centered around what Rise does for a living
Gee I don't know

Yukari being better than literally anyone is just wrong.

>fuck slut
>she starts moaning another man's name
sluts are the fucking best

Don't get emotionally attached to them and don't date them. They're perfect fuck buddies.


They didn't make the other Kanamin Kitchen girls playable dancers or even at least make 3D models of them.

For starters, it ain't gonna suck itself

the story takes a stupid concept way too serious, and around half the remixes doesn't feel as good as the original songs in p4

Ashly Burch

Brethren of African descent.

>prefers yuko
>is a minority
it checks out

>lick clean

Aren't most of those RP threads