Hey Sup Forums
Hey Sup Forums
Fuck you, you fucking orange fuck.
I aint scared of u, bitch
Don't do it
do it faggot
hello pedofile
mamma mia! hello! it's-a me, mario!
Shit thread
I don't think that's Shad it doesn't look as trashy. His art always looks like it's projected on some shitty 1992 TV set from Goodwill. Y'know like, a 3D anaglyph but genuinely autistic.
All I can think about when I see this is Jethro Tull
Hey-a Tails.
>Jethro Tull
Hes refering to Aqualung, read the lyrics
What's the first line of their most famous song you fucking retard
>Sitting on a park bench
>Eying little girls with bad intent
It checks out
>post this as i hear "sitting on a park bench" in my head
fug me i ned help
What does Sup Forums think of Nazis?
Stop lewding Klonoa you fox faggot
Don't do it mang
>Furfag Aryanne
Fuck this and fuck you.
I grew up with one of the members son, nice family.
fucking source
Hit the deck!
What does Sup Forums think of this?
this place is too full of beta pussy newfags to do it
not today fucker
Nazis need to be raped into benevolence by BLACKS.
What's going on in this thread?
D-do what?
You wont do it. No balls
>gun fires a couple rounds
>immense heat from constant combustion completely burns her cooch
I guess the jews weren't the only ones getting cooked
Just dump it already, you fucking pussy.
My grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba. But it does have this...
Post that fresh hot spicy kneckles meme of course