>"Press any button"
>press the power button
>it works
"Press any button"
Other urls found in this thread:
name ONE (1) game that does this
>press any button
>left click
>it works
>press any button
>turn off the lights in your room
>it works
>press any button
>don’t press any button
>it doesn’t work
>game lets you grope your sister
>press the any button
>type any on your controller
>it works
Name 11 (eleven) games that do this
>shoot red barrel
>it explores
i am kek
>press any button
>moving stick works
Since when did Citrus get an anime adaption?
Wait, Citrus is out?
Hell yeah.
Literally yesterday
>"press any button"
>press my belly button
>I shut down
people watch this shit?
Who knew that people on an anime website watch anime.
This is embarrassing even by anime standards.
>Anime about Gal
dropped before I picked it up
never heard of yuri have you?