What's Sup Forums's opinion on this one?
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
It's a good remaster of games no one cares about anymore
I've never watched the show, but I've really been liking the game.
It's shit. They forced the game into easy mode by massively buffing your exp gained and made everything weaker with no option to turn it off.
PS4 or PC? Which one is better
pc runs at 4k easy and you can map any controller any way you want using the steam overlay settings
.hack//Roots covers everything that happened between the first cutscene and where the game actually starts, but it's a complete train wreck of animation and the pacing is abysmal.
Huh. Maybe I'll give that a shot. I did watch the first few episodes of the original series because I started playing the non GU games on an emulator but when the recode came out I couldn't resist.
If you just really want more related to the game then it's worth watching. There are some characters that show up as cameos in the games that would make sense if you watched the anime. There's also .hack//G.U. Trilogy, which is essentially a film made for people that watched Roots but didn't play the games. It's nothing like the games and not very good at all, but if you're into watching shit, you can check that out too.
bought it like a month ago, started replaying vol 1 and remembered how clunky the game plays. played about an hour or so and haven't touched it since then
The combat was never good and that's why the difficulty doesn't matter at all. Play it for nostalgia or to pretend you have friends that would actually e-mail you.
>tfw no new Dot Hack
Rejoice that it's not completely dead thanks to this game.
piros says that another version of the world is being made. Have hope user.
last recode is a fucking abomination. Emulate.
nailed it. The game, even on normal mode, not cheat mode, has such drastically increased exp rates that it's actively detrimental to do ANY side content. A single dungeon that isn't a main story dungeon will leave you overleveled by often 3-4 levels, which is massive.
I got up to the end of Vol.2, but I'm taking a breather and playing something else. I managed to get everything I could for Vol.1, but doing all that shit again for Vol.2 is something I'm gonna pass on for now.
Okay Sup Forums red pill me on this game, i'm on the edge of buying in
dont do it
You played the game for it's complex and challenging combat huh?
No, but if I wanted it to be so braindead easy that I don't even get the opportunity to spam rengeki I would have just played kingdom hearts.
Really just emulate it if you can. or ea T for it to go on sale, the whole remaster will get you 85 hours almost no replay ability
>hurr durr it's okay for a game to have no challenge at all because it's not nintendo difficulty anyway
You'd defend someone shitting in your mouth if it gave you a chance to be a contrarian.
That's actually a wonderful comparison. If you're the type of fag that loved Kingdom Hearts, you'll probably love this game too.
I feel like I'm spending more time watching cutscenes and kicking stuff than doing some fighting. Doesn't help that you level up so easily. I might remember things wrong but the first four games weren't this easy.
Even GU's original release isn't that easy.
But the original quadrilogy did ahve fucktons of cutscenes.
Do you think if more people buy it, maybe they'll actually make a new set of games?
All they did was fix the difficulty clearly. It was supposed to be easy as fuck because you're Haseo obviously. You're the greatest player in the world so everything is super easy and all the bitches love you.
It sold poorly so i'm sure CC2 got slapped down by bamco in regards to ever getting to make another one.
Best bet we have is that whatever mobage trash they shit out next gets an english release so westerners can throw cash for 800 blackrose cards with varying degress of loincloth coverage.
I don't want another Versus.
I fucking loved it
If they'd consider //Link canon I don't want another game
Are you absolutely positive that it sold poorly?
Endrance is cute!!
No anons, you can't be right. They could make a good series again. They'll make good games again won't they?!
Endrance may be cute, but he's a broken shell of how cute he was in the past. Elk is truly adorable.
I played the first volume on normal mode. It’s easy and only leads to grinding. I went through the second on cheat mode and am now on the 3rd. Seriously FUCK the tournament aspect. I can’t imagine playing on ps2. I imagine they have to have improved the load times. The amount at which you need to log out enrages me.
Why the fuck does anyone care about regular PK’s? They act like it’s a big deal but it seems there is no consequence. Also when you think about it everyone is an insufferable RPer
GU was always easy as shit, especially compared to IMOQ. IMOQ was more difficult because you could encounter more than 1-3 enemies at once, enemies had immunity to physical/magic attacks, they spammed status ailments, and some would heal spam. I still remember those vampire/coffin fuckers and how it was a nightmare fighting more than one of them at once.
Load times honestly weren't that bad even on PS2.