Is it me, or are bombs completely fucking useless in this game if you don't invest in Heavy Artillery?
>grapeshot does 300 damage
wow, it's fucking nothing. Also, Witcher thread, I guess.
Is it me, or are bombs completely fucking useless in this game if you don't invest in Heavy Artillery?
>grapeshot does 300 damage
wow, it's fucking nothing. Also, Witcher thread, I guess.
Other urls found in this thread:
They work great when you use them against the correct enemies.
That said I generally only use Northern Wind, Moon Dust and Samum for most things, Dimertium if it can use magic.
what are some good upgrades for a newbie?
Most potions are garbage too.
>crafting with that absolutely horrendous UI
No thank you, you can spam light attacks, signs, and just dodge everything even on hard with ease.
>spend 3 hours crafting a potion that gives you +8% damage against drowners
Grapeshot is amazing at the start but falls off. Still it's fantastic throughout the entire game for blowing up groups of humans.
A single grape shot can take out several humans bunched together
Active Shield, Delusion, Arrow Deflection, Acquired Tolerance, Resolve, Undying, Razor Focus
There, now you will never die unless you accidentally fall more than 5 feet.
Just play the game as normal, you don't need to cheese to succeed, just not be shit.
they are meant for utility, user
It's because the devs fucking nerfed the shit out of the bombs. Now they're just there to tickle the monster's anus.
I have no idea what this means
This. Like the crossbow, they're meant for attracting the attention of, breaking the attack patterns of, and applying status effects to enemies. They're not meant to kill a room full of drowners, only to set them on fire.
You mean like poison from Dragon's Breath? The same poison that takes about 2 health per three seconds from any enemy? And then immediately doesn't do anything because the enemies exited the poison zone?
Poison deals a percentage of max HP every tick though
a very small percentage
3 hours in, does it get better?
Yeah, they're not there to instakill the enemy for you. Only to be used in tandem with your sword. This is why people say W3's combat is shit. I mean I like it, but I don't use the bombs though.
Yeah but Blood and Wine is the best part of the game, shame you pretty much have to beat the rest of the game to survive there though.
Yes, big investment but big pay off also. You're almost over the hump.
Yes, but not by a lot. You get to meet some really fun NPCs, and the story gets better, but it's still the same darn game.
Is swordsmanship really the only way to go in deathmarch? Signs, while fun, take too long to kill shit and bombs are trash when it comes to damage
Post your favorite ambient dialogues.
Initial start is kinda slow but yeah, it's worth it.
Also for the love of all that is autistic turn off the map markers for the question marks, my autism forcing to collect them all made my early game experience so much worse. You don't even really need that shit so just do it whenever it's nearby on the minimap instead of having constant reminders everytime you open the map.
alchemy/combat is the way to go. only invest in active shield and delusion from signs, maybe sustained glyphs if you have lots of trouble with fast enemies or wraiths.
I am on Skellige, just discovered the WIld Hunt man under the log, and I'm level 23. Still have a lot of levels to go to get to the recommended level for the DLCs. Are they post-game content? Also, my gear is kind of crap, should I prioritize getting a Master Crafter suit and sword?
>Get Replenishment runeword thinking i will be able to do some crazy shit with the whole 'attacks are imbued with sign power'
>Igni just burns the enemy for 2-3 seconds
>Quen is just a worse ekhidna decoction
>Yrden slows for 2-3 seconds
>Im still not sure what Axii/Aard-imbues swordstrikes do
>it only lasts for a couple of attacks at most
I rate this runeword Not-severance/10, which is to say, fucking shit
I like to irritate the cats.
>Are they post-game content?
Pretty much. You are meant to do them in order: Main game > HoS > BaW
stars of slow. middle of game is GOAT and then ending is terrible.
They are meant to be, Blood and Wine especially.
You will get a ton of levels in the last few parts of the game because they throw experience at you left and right, then HoS will throw a ton of levels at you to get you ready or BaW.
So does The Witcher 3 do a kind of Red Dead Redemption thing where you are free to continue roaming and do whatever you want after the main plot is finished?
*spends months of his time saving your gf*
Yes, the world resets to a pre-end game chapter stage with a few characters gone from the world, allowing you to clean up some quests.
Just know that some quests become unavailable after a certain point in the game because shit happens, a pop up window will come up warning you exactly when though, and tell you to save the game.
Cool. Can I prematurely head down to Touissant if I want that Skellige Gwent deck?
You'll probably not make it past the first mission to even get there, I'm pretty sure the bandits you have to fight are like level 35 or something, and then you immediately fight the Golyat right after, though you can instant kill him if you shoot him in the eye with the crossbow.
The main quests will throw decent weapons at your feet soon. If you're underleveled the main quests will just pour xp into you. You will not be underleveled or undergeared for the DLCs by the time you beat the main game, the main quests will provide.
> Bombs for damage
Get Oil upgrades, quen upgrades and sword upgrades.
Every utility is useless. W3 was so fucking fun for the first 20 levels or so, then it became too damn easy I had to start new game + on the hardest difficulty and nerf myself by not upgrading my gear past that, and there were still like 2 tiers of better Witcher gear than mine with the B&W expansion. I would have downloaded the nerf mod but the creator was a total faggot which threw me off.
Yeah but it takes a LOONG fucking time.
>ending is terrible
The ending was awesome
Did you turn on level scaling?
That said I certainly didn't play the game for the combat, IMO I don't think any of the Witcher games have ever had good combat.
One of several reasons to let him go. I'm so glad that he comes back in 3.
Yes, and the hardest mobs in the game are humans because they're the only ones who can actually damage you which you can just cheat and use igni on.
>Killing other Witchers unless they absolutely force your hand
Not once not never.
He didn't do it for malevolent reasons, he's a fellow Witcher, he saves Triss and looked after Yennefer, and simply because killing him at that point wouldn't change a thing. The damage had been done.
I’m about 8 hours in, having fun, but is there any reason to use weapons I find over the crafted Witcher swords? Or the gear for the matter? I’ve just been vendoring everything because none of it is better than what I have.
>but is there any reason to use weapons I find over the crafted Witcher swords
If they have better stats there is
Are there any way to resepec?
>level up quen
>level up quick attack damage
What other games let me feel like a hunter on contracts? I wanna track my prey, prep my body and equipment, kill my prey and then go collect the bounty. I want townsfolk scared as they see me roll into town but they still need me to kill shit for em.
How do you do it?
Not until way later in the game unless you find a really good relic weapon.
Witcher gear outclasses everything until you hit the DLC. Aerondight is easily the best Silver Sword in the game but you don't get it until BaW.
It's a potion you'll find from time to time. Pretty rare though.
There is a merchant in Novigrad who sells them, near St. Gregory's Bridge.
>keep seeing "witcher has alchemy it's great"
>play 1 and 2
>exclusively use magic with the exception of health potions
>rape everything on normal
wew lad
You guess? Why not exude a little more confidence
>play on normal
>brag about beating them game easily
Hard is at absolute minimum the lowest difficulty you should play, and you should not talk shit unless you're playing on at least Death March.
Get the one about food to break the game into submission
then it's the game's fault for misnaming the difficulties. If normal is "easy as fuck ur a casul" tier and it makes a major feature of the game useless then it's not my problem.
>major feature of the game useless
No, it made a major feature of the game "not necessary" there is a big difference, and alchemy builds are absolutely god-like.
is it worth to even try alchemy and shit like that?
Do it if you want, ignore it if you don't.