Should I play this?

Should I play this?

Yes. Make sure you do the side quests, some of them are way better than the main quest.

yeah, but don't expect a great "ending"

Why is it so ignored by the gaming community?

It feels to me like the genre itself has been largely ignored in recent years, Dishonored 2 and Prey didn't do so well either.

The story wasn't nearly as good.

because mankind divided is half a game which is why no one talks about it

It's free if you have ps+ this month

Because Square Enix forced Eidos Montreal to split the game in half and extend it artificially to make the series a trilogy. So it feels like half a game and it really suffers for it, which is a shame because it could have been great.

I dont know how any anyone had any hope for Deus Ex after Squenix announced that universe bullshit. Then they had the gall to do that augment your preorder campaign. I'm glad MD tanked because the future they had planned was grim as hell.

As long as you didn't pay for it then yes it is worth a play.

Yes, amazing game.

Easily best Deus Ex after the first one

Shit the bed with the story and got really bad press in the midst of all the microtransaction bullshit

>tfw you'll never live in Cyberpunk Prague


Anyone got both ending choices?

Do they still work on finishing the game ?

it's been officially dead for half a year now user. it's over

Nope, it got shitcanned.

Shit sucks
What now? Will there be another Deus Ex game or something?

Chapter 2 doesn't finish it?

I really liked it, so yes. Definitely play Human Revolution though.

no? it's dead because eidos montreal is working on a Marvels Avenger game now (with still no info). If square wants to give the deus ex IP to another dev I guess it could still happen but it would suck

Fuck. What about next Thief game? Maybe they don't fuck it up.

It's a shame but each of the games in this genre released recently have been plagued by some issue or another that really hindered their reception. DXMD and Dishonored 2, above all else, had shit performance for quite some time at launch so most people don't even bother playing the games. To add to that, MD had the terrible pacing issue for its main quest and Dishonored 2 is mostly a retread of what happened in Dishonored 1 + DLC, it never really goes anywhere. MD also had questionable business practices in them that caused more grumbles among the fans. Not to mention being splintered even further by the use of Denuvo (not trying to make this a piratefag vs. buyfag debate, just stating that the use of Denuvo always causes the userbase to splinter because of fags pirating or annoying potential buyers with their misplaced superiority of being a buyfag). Prey seemed like it would do much better; it looked pretty good and had good performance but the fact they used the name Prey instead of Typhon already splintered the fanbase. It doesn't matter what you personally think of the older Prey, the fact that they used that name for a game that had nothing to do with the original already caused grumbles and slowed down its reception too. To make matters worse, they delayed the PC demo and marketed the game as an action shooter in their own trailers which came with its own share of problems since fans of the genre would write it off as just another shooter while dudebros wanting another shooter are mostly interested in multiplayer which the game didn't have.
It's a damned shame but all of these games, while good, were self-sabotaged by their own creators/publishers.